*rubs eyes* woah I'm seeing double here... 8 powerful women!

*rubs eyes* woah I'm seeing double here... 8 powerful women!

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How the fuck is Brie’s stunt double more attractive than her? That’s like the exact opposite of the standard.

I could kick the shit out of all 4 of them at once, and I'm out of shape as fuck.
Women ain't shit lol.

The double doesn't have (((Oscars)))

idk she seems kinda big

>4 white women
Really makes you think, huh

That outfit is horrible I've seen more appealing looking trash bags

jesus christ, the stunt doubles are now better looking than the actual actresses.

For you.

(((They))) are actively making female movie stars less and less attractive. Soon every waifu incel on this board will be ignoring lead actresses and instead gushing over their doubles.

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But Noomi is cute too.

Yeah 2 captain marvels and two shapeshifting galactajews ... good luck kid

Anyone found the name yet?

Noomi is much more attractive than her stunt dounle


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Yeah but I've got a penis, so I can just make them all victims of the patriachy or some shit.
Lmao @ the state of these slags.

Brie Larson

Pic not related?

uh, not really, since she looks like will sasso

Well then, I guess I wanna fuck Will Sasso.

Why can't these useless whores do their stunt

>stunt double for a CGfest
What the fuck for? I legitimately can't remember a single """"stunt"""" in that movie.

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To be fair misogyny is one of the most powerful forces across the galaxy, holding women down everywhere

Why don't we get cute asian actresses to replace all these ugly white roasties? Or would America riot?

>mfw I'm so powerful I can opress 50% of the planet just by sitting with my legs open a bit on the train

I am fucking unstoppable.

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kys weeb

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If you fucking morons would stop throwing a shit fit every time they make one of these movies they'd stop making these movies

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Not a great plan I barely care about anything else.


China’s been trying, but America’s not ready.
>The Great Wall
>The Meg
>Pacific Rim Uprising

Me on the right lmao

shes a big girl

The Meg made me realize how much cuter chinks are. Never seen any western actress that made me tingle like that. I feel like bingbing kickstarted yellow fever for a lot of normalfags


I only saw the first Pacific Rim but didnt Uprising get rid of the asian girl? Also Boyega MC means it ain't a chinese film lol.

her stunt double makes a better captain marvel than her

Quads of troof

Kurt Cobain committed suicide because his anti-establishment message became part of the establishment marketing machine.
We will join him when we realize our frustration with the system is also being funneled into the hollywood mainstream marketing machine. We emotions are being siphoned by the archons and channeled to complete their nefarious objectives. We must embrace stoicism and passively watch as the morally bankrupt cesspit that is hollywood withers and dies.

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>tfw the chaos gods exist, not within the immaterium, but in hollywood

or you could just be an adult and not obsess over movies made for 14 year old girls from the suburbs

Why didn’t they give the stunt double the job.

>taking out yourself
>without taking down at least 10 zog

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