Us (2019)

Looks like kino's back on the menu boys.

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>black man make movie

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sjws shit fuck zoomers

marrying a jew is +40 to tomatometer


5 stars

So I get that the state of affairs now culturally shifts toward being biased towards blacks, but that dosn’t mean everything is just fucking propoganda for them. Is it that hard to believe a black faimly is getting haunted in a horror movie? Also one of the points made in get out was that people are trying to become black now because it’s “in style” and “there’s advantages to being black now”. That dosn’t really sound like “whit peepol baaad” to me.
Honestly I do believe in differences between the races, but I don’t get so caught up in it that I think everything is just propoganda for blacks.
Black panter is an example of a movie that was designed purely for propoganda, I don’t believe this is.

The more commercials I see for it the worse it actually looks.

Fuck off nigger

>dude I just frickin love black people and women they’re so based and redpilled!

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Only white families are allowed to be stalked and murdered brutally in horror movies!

Its probably a good movie. But now there is no outcry for a diverse cast. Why are all actors black? Why are there no latinos, asian or whites?

I for one will not see this movie unless they are being haunted by racist ghosts

You don't know anything about negroes. They thought Get Out was basically a documentary about rich white liberals, at least that's what a black 'friend' of mine said. Of course I told him it was true

I'm gonna watch it and nobody here can stop me.

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I'm glad there are other people with sensible opinions in this place.

Holy shit this nigger is legit not even a decent film director
The absolute state of critics
I bet you this is nominated for Best Picture

2 minutes of the Shining has more artistry than the entire of this movie

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>make a darkie movie that isn't typical tyler perry shit
>instant 90%+ rating with most critics being afraid of giving a negative review

I didn't understand Get Out, and I don't think I'll understand Us.

I have something to say to you Jordan "Peel"

Just because you can write something ununderstandable, doesn't automatically make it good. Now go think how to become a better writer.

Spic here. Is this gonna end up white people are to blame in the movie, for what ever happens?

Oh did you see it faggot?

Trailer makes this look decent but Get Out was legit medicore
So who knows if this actually good or """"good""""

I saw the trailer and it looked as fucking amateur as his first movie

It's a movie about black people, why would anyone else need to be in it?

Premedicate before you dilate

>Is it that hard to believe a black faimly is getting haunted in a horror movie?

that isn't what anyone is complaining about

but you knew that

Wait until Armond shits up the perfect score

Precisely. Critics suck up and pander now more than ever to avoid even the APPEARANCE of "wrongthink".

I will NEVER view a critic's opinion of a black, gay or female film as UNBIASED. They bend over backward to pat themselves on the back for heaping praise on them.

To me, personally, it looks like a shitty mediocre film, that would have to KILL in the writing department to gain my interest. Standard shitty filters and crap cgi color filtering every shot bores the fuck out of me, I couldn't even watch the full trailer for the upcoming Pet Sematary because I hate this shit so much.

You have to understand that this place is infested with retards looking for an excuse to feel outraged. They're exactly like twitter woke retards, only the "root for the rival team".

Black mediocrity

Wait til you see it's the ghost of racist white people.

Get Out was a competently made horror/thriller and I definitely enjoyed watching it. But that's all. Really wasn't much beyond that.


I finally saw Get Out today. The best part of the movie was Bradley Whitford.

How much more are am*ricans going to suck nigger dick?

Jordan Peele is a good director. I think he definitely gets some easier ratings from white liberal critics (ironic given what Get Out was), but I don't really give a shit what critics and Hollywood thinks. They're unequivocally faggots
That said his movies never felt like propaganda to me; and he's more or less a genius at writing humor.

The ending of Get Out was absolutely hilarious, I laughed my ass off.

Way to type like a 48 year-old woman, you fuckin loser.

not him but what the hell do you even mean by this?

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My mind was blown when I found out about his wife. Spike Lee would have 4 Oscars by now if he shacked up wtih a Yid in the 90s.

Moron his (((white))) mom is part of tribe too

which movies does peele rip off this time around?

>Nigrum has to act according to stereotypes created by pigskins or he is not a real nigrum.
>Nigrum has to fulill the pigskin's desires and fetishes
>Pigskins have good brain while nigrum has good body, according to stereotypes

one flick after another