Captain Foreign Money

Where did the 300 million come from? These numbers don't add up.

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The math will add up after you engage in sexual activity

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be. Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson.

Are you really this retarded ?

From the domestic, you retard.

I had sex and I can confirm the money is legit, go home everybody there's nothing to see here.

It's the foreign page, retard.

I suppose you have to add at least Japan and South Korea and the big Western European countries France, Italy, UK, she did 4M in Spain ...

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Please break it down for us goys.

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So having sex means you become a brainlet? Not the best way to advertise it.


Nice try mouse. Maybe you got Brie's, but you're not getting my butthole.

>the world has exactly 20 countries
amerifat education everyone

It says domestic total is 164 mil in the image. Idiot.

You already got your butt blasted when this movie became a success.

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Grow a brain cell and have sex, incel

>Yea Forumsirgins would reject this hand on their penis

Alita is better

Where are the other countries and which countries did it make the 300 million in?

China is already listed and is one of the biggest markets. But I guess smaller countries had bigger turn outs and they're just not saying which ones... Seems legit.

"I don't need the paperwork, I trust you"

Welcome to my cursed images folder

Yeah. Because this movie making money effects me to the point of being raped. Sick burn.

Disney's pocket.

>These guys fuck

i thought the same but i mean there are a lot of countries not listed that would have 5M or so. Like 20 European ones for example

K. Even that is 200 mil short...

Yes tiny markets like Germany, Canada and UK
We are you incels reaching so much? It's just reeks of desperation to prove it's a conspiracy.
The movie made bank. Get over it.

20*5 is 100M what does the listed ones add up to? looks like about 200 so - seems good

It's a little over 100 mil. Take a math course or two.

>uhh, no. I aint got no receipt.

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No Shit, Sherlock.

but you see, disney actually bought the tickets themselves for all those empty screenings and bouth the critics and bought anyone that says they liked the movie

Most of it is just estimations.

It's almost as if Hollywood is just a jewish money laundering scheme

>Domestic total: $164,420,196
>Foreign Total: $325,600,000
>Broken down by country underneath
>Numbers don't add up

95% chance it's just another case of Hollywood accounting. A subsidiary of Disney in some tax haven purchases tickets in bulk directly from another subsidiary that works on behalf of the production company in order to inflate sales numbers. They've been doing this shit for the past 15 years, although they've become a lot more brazen about it in the past 3 or so years.

They're technically just moving money between bank accounts and writing up invoices between the companies, and since the transactions almost always take place through shell companies, they don't pay any taxes on the perceived profits either.

You're missing countries you idiot. The movie was out in the UK, France, Spain, etc. There's more than 18 countries + US in the world. Jesus you guys keep not understanding shit or misreading something and then trying to say it's a conspiracy.

I know they bought out every theater and hired millions of disney emploees to pose as moviegoers. The movie itself doesn't even exist. They just shot the trailer and cooked up some box office numbers to push their political agenda.

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>countries which didn't make 1M are listed but these countries which aren't listed made 5M for sure, trust me bro

i didn't look at the pic i thought it was the other list i saw which had israel and indonesia and shit on it that spend a bit more.
I mean don't fucking believe any of this movie's numbers are real so they might as well make the fake numbers add up.
I don't think 10m people went to see it in the USA. i think it would have been like
4000 screens *1000 people =4 million

Yea Forums really is the incel board. Just can't shut up about this shitty movie.

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I think it's just viral marketing and retards arguing with themselves

>Hollywood accounting is a conspiracy theory

Let me guess. You're one of those faggots that believes despite a $6 million budget, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which grossed $350 million and still reported losses of $20 million is just another case of honest book-keeping.

All studios manipulate numbers every now and again. Either to boost the perceived success of a movie, or in order to not pay taxes.

>some other unrelated movie almost two decades ago reported unwaranted losses, that means this one is reporting inflated profits

Oh, and here's a two week old case of 21st Century Fox using Hollywood accounting on the 'Bones' series, and were found guilty in court.

So much for that conspiracy theory.

6 more movies, including overarching themes of lesbianism, transgenderism and the endgame 2.0 of pedohilia in 10-15 years. Buying up your own tickets is worth it when you can make sure the foundation of that campaign is not too tainted

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The point was that every studio does it, very often. So pretending that it being the case here is some lunatic conspiracy theory is pants on head retarded.

Here, I'll give you some other examples of bogus accounting.

>Return of the Jedi. Budget: $32 million. Gross: $475 million. Never turned a profit
>Batman Series. Total revenues of +$2 billion. Never turned a profit
>Spider-Man (2002). Budget: $139 million. Gross: 821 million. Never turned a profit
>Lord of the fucking Rings. Budget: $~350 million. Gross: 6 billion. Never turned a profit. Actually, reported horrendous losses

Turning a movie into a perceived success is 10 times easier than dodging taxes through bogus accounting. It's literally just writing up a few invoices and moving money from bank account A to bank account B operated by two subsidiaries owned by the same entity. It's even perfectly fucking legal.

>non existant ass
>tits of an ironing board
>granny hands
>fungal feet
Jesus Christ how can one woman be such a genetic failure?

when did we start using 'legitimately' this way? did the bam margera start saying it or something?

you can't 'viral market' to people who torrent all their media


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>not even counting huge markets like Germoney, UK, Canada and Brazil

Why don't you go outside and try to have sex?

boomers invented shitty slang words like 'legit', it's only zoomers who continually use them because they think they're being twitter

Germany isn't even that huge of a cinema market and the numbers are plunging year after year too. Highest grossing film of last year was avengers with 12mio and the runner ups are way down below. Can't be us germs