Does anyone else save old ticket stubs?
Does anyone else save old ticket stubs?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not using etickets and qr codes
>collecting pieces of rubbish
what's going through your head?
I did until they started to print them out on receipt paper. When they were on the cardstock it was easier to keep together neat, now they're just receipts.
I have only a few, just found them digging around in my old drawers. Just curious if anyone does
I understand keeping concert tickets, or big sporting events, because they are one offs, an event of possibly historic significance.
But saving movie tickets makes you a instant retard. I can watch that movie any time I want to, but I'm never going to get to see the Rolling Stones at Madison Square Gardens in 1969 again.
No only are they common and worthless, they have zero cultural significance and likely not very much personal significance.
Yes, but I apparently don’t store them properly, because nowadays they’re often printed with shitty ink that ends up fading. So I have a bunch of little blank squares.
>he spent $1000 watching movies
I used to save mine when I was a kid I had a little po box safe that I put them all in I found it a few years ago when visiting my parents it was still stuffed full last one is from around 1998
was just about to post this, unless i take a photo of them, they just fade away
In Korea, at CGV, you can make "photo tickets" where you can upload a picture and they'll print it out on a nice little card with your ticket on the backside. I have a few. What I do is I take a photo in front of a poster or display of the movie. It makes a neat little souvenir. Better than buying popcorn and cola in my opinion.
same. Never last longer than one year.
My shitty theater doesn’t have these
I do. But they aren't organized. I often come across stubs for movies I don't even remember existing. Sometimes I'll google it, and it still doesn't sound like something i've seen
You post on 4chin, son. YOU of all people do not get to decide who is a retard.
I have the movie ads sections from my local newspaper from mid '80s to 2010s.
>he's never had $1000
Enjoy your high levels of BPA cuck
Ge doesn't eat them, faggit.
I have one from Jurassic World hung up on a magnetboard next to my computer. Not even sure why, it wasn't a very good movie.
Now that I check, I also have a few in my wallet that I stuck in there and never removed because my wallet has a bunch of empty for cards and I don't really have anything else to put in there, but the ink on most of them has faded so much that I have no idea what they're from. Ironically the one for Inception is still completely intact. I guess different theaters use different types of ink. That one is from a Century theater, if anyone cares to use that knowledge.
There's another one here, all I can make out is that it says "SWORD" and seems to be from 2009? I can't for the life of me remember what movie that would be.
I don't go out of my way to preserve them but they're such tiny pieces of paper and take up so little space, I don't really see a reason not to.
I often put them in my wallet and forget about them, then find them months later.
You named your cat Ender?
2004 was a great year.
I’m poor. I can’t afford to go to concerts and I only go to the movie theater at most a couple of times a year. Just let me keep my ticket stubs, man. Going to the movie IS a special occasion when you’ve got no money and you live someplace small.
Have you seen the fucking prices of these tickets? When you're paying this much you get all the mileage you can get out of them.
>Have you seen the fucking prices of these tickets?
No. The last time I paid to watch a movie was 13 years ago.
And it was too expensive then.
Dam I wish I was as cool as you, brah.
Well that's why you keep your ticket.
>I'm never going to get to see the Rolling Stones at Madison Square Gardens in 1969 again
They didn’t tape it?
The movie was Superman Returns (2006), would you have kept it?
Actually, yeah.
Did the same thing once plus i had a bunch in box at home. I had first started keeping them unintentionally in my wallet like you said, then just started keeping them.
>1 Adult
I remember the times before the no-singles policy.
엿먹어 걸레년 새끼
I was planning on keeping the Interstellar ticket myself, thinking that in a 2-3 decades it'd be like having an Apocalypse Now or Alien ticket souvenir.
3 hours later I threw it in the closest trash can
t. never seen 2001 in 70mm in a theater
Big mistake considering it's highly regarded today. People booed Taxi Driver at Cannes. Citizen Kane didn't even win an Oscar. Movies are things you gain an appreciation for over time.
Interstellar was highly regarded upon release too, both audience and critic wise.
I did see it in the theatre, in 2001 when they did the re-release marking the titular year.
Why keep the ticket though?
I have a bunch at home
I have every ticket since 1999
Not just in a whatever theater, in 70mm.
Yeah keeping the ticket for is dumb, but saying you can just have the same experience at any time is even dumber.
I only keep the most recent one
Prove it, fag.
I thought I seriously was the only one doing this
Based and also isnotasavageandkeepstheirnailsproperlytrimmedpilled.
There's an entire market for vintage movie tickets
My mistake, they start in 2002. The first one is "Simone." It was the first movie I saw with a bunch of friends and girls and I had a fun night so I wanted to keep it. I just tried to keep every one since then.
Do you realise I have been saying that keeping tickets is dumb this entire time?
Do you keep your receipt every time you go to burger king as well?
It's the exact same thing.
Going to see a movie at the cinema is not a unique experience, no matter the movie or the fucking format it's projected in. Christ almighty.
Why does it bother you so much what other people do with pieces of paper that you are spending hours arguing about it.
So much paper is going to waste and you're faulting people for keeping it.
>Every movie experience is the same.
>Every time I watch a movie it's with the same people.
>Nothing ever changes, so keeping items that'll remind me of certain times in my life, what I did at the time, what went on and how I felt about it is pointless.
>I don't require physical relics from any day I've experienced in the past.
Yes...up my ass!
>saving your ticket stubs
do amerimutts really do this?
>Going to see a movie at the cinema is not a unique experience
Yes it is. Have you seen a film like I Am Cuba in 35mm? If you're not on private trackers you can only get DVDrips of it aswell
It doesn't hold up. I watched it and thought "yeah this was probably amazing in the day". It's just not that great now. Like FF7.
>videogame manchild starts talking about kiddie bullshit out of nowhere
What are you, 70 years old?
Great, that's the one you keep (you don't), but I bet you didn't.
Most of these faggots are talking about interstellar, star wars and other shit that was produced in the past couple of decades.
You know, the ones that are played in thousands of theatres all around the world and for which millions of tickets would have been printed off.
These guys are real collectors.
Films like the The Fly and Big Trouble in Little China have been played in thousands of theaters areound the world aswell, now specific tickets go off for up to 30$
Aren't you the manchild for knowing what FF7 stands for?
I know how to use a search engine you dumb kid.
Calm down. Getting this hot and bothered about movies is childish.
I keep all of them. Have a fat stack dating back to 1999.
Why did everyone start in 1999?
I turned gay in 1999
I also started collecting tickets in 1999