“I almost threw my damn fried chicken at the screen”
Why do chimps hate this movie?
Have sex
>“I almost threw my damn fried chicken at the screen”
That can’t be a real fucking quote
i hope brie is caught saying some racist slurs, that would make my year
niggers dont put pussy on a pedestal
I dunno man. If I was black a pampered white woman talking about how oppressed she is would drive me up the fucking wall
Iv been watching his videos, but the one he made "Hurrr White People stole Captain Marvel from us" was pure cringe.
Ok everyone
1. What do you rate this movie out of 10
2. How many sexual partners have you had?
1. I don’t watch capeshit
2. Long term committed with high school sweetheart
You can count on Tyrone
Because it wasn’t good
He's pretending to hate the movie to pull in the autistic "go woke, go broke" crowd. Most youtube commenters are basement dwelling reactionary incels, so it really shouldn't be a surprise.
I don't believe that. Have you ever seen a nigger eat a piece of fried chicken? It's as though it was the last piece of food on the planet. They even break the bone open and suck the marrow out. Disgusting.
> getting fried chicken at the movies when you could have much better bird
Mind explaing this meme to me?
It's alsmost as retarded as the "learn to code" shit you incels were pushing on twitter. Most software delevopers are left-leaning af
FAS looking Disney slut
Have sex
i bet you dont even get hard anymore
1. As a femanon I’d give it like a 6
2. Idk
Go pop some estrogen pills.
That's pretty cringe. If I saw a man wearing Hulk hands saying it made him feel strong I would assume he had autism
I would pay good fucking money to get someone to deepfake her saying some shit about coon women
Making fun of incels like you, who self project your lack of female company, and obsession with your genitals, on a Mongolian, hand puppet forum.
>blacks and women love alita
Pls no bully
based negro.
i just sub, he looks comfy to watch.
God how much of this website is anime? Go to one of your thousands of containment boards you degenerate miserable weeb
No way did he really?
He did a much better breakdown here
Though I’m afraid he’s gonna make like ten more videos on this, I think it’s extremely based how much he loves the original Mar-Vell
>goes to Yea Forums
>complains bout anime
1. I haven't seen it yet so 10
2. 2