Why did you lie to me Yea Forums? This movie was actually pretty fun. The women were great and not in your face

Why did you lie to me Yea Forums? This movie was actually pretty fun. The women were great and not in your face.

To anyone thinking about going to see this movie, don't believe their lies

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I never do, I just dont care about that pig anyway you fuck it.

It was OK. There were a couple embarrassingly bad scenes/lines (SMILE) about muh women's empowerment, but overall it was passable. If Nick Fury hadn't been in it, it would've been far less enjoyable.

I thought the friendship between Carol and her black friend was organic and extremely well done. I felt the bond.

I told my brother I believe with 100% sincerity she's written to be gay and he thought it was bullshit
am I the only one or am I just blinded by sexism due to my privileged upbringing as a white cishet male?

>praising capeshit
>using "fun" to describe it

Carol is in a relationship with warmachine

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>blinded by sexism due to my privileged upbringing as a white cishet male?
You fuckin brainwashed cuck.

I thought Thanos killed him... That's why the Punisher was running around in his armor for a while.

it wasn't a bad movie
but it wasn't a good one either

have sex

I logged onto my Internet Movie Database account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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Why would someone lie on the internet

t. Disney employee

Would've okay if they didn't force fed us with cringe fuckfest of 90's reference. It's like they're saying "HEY PEOPLE IT'S THE 90's LOOK WE DOIN A GREAT JOB"

>gnr t shirt
>Nirvana song poppin out of nowhere
>Pop song is playing during a fight scene
>Pinball reference omg so 90's

I had better nightmare . Fuck the movie.



Entertainment industry is filled with to many (((white men))).

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Here kitty kitty you little duck duck ... fag meh. Call me me cuckold I want to see LA, and kek it wit you, I'm really confused...oooooh the psycho devil kid movie is normalizing psycho products of poor Captaint Muffelous. Kid is scary. Like Deadpool and lady death had a baby Brightburn

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>Being so desperate you have to shill your movie in Yea Forums

In a vacuum I give this movie a 5/10 and I'm being generous, as part of the MCU it's a 3 at best.

Brie Larson is a shit actreess and her character is just unlikeable. The "funny" dialogue marvel usually slips into their movies feels cringe here because Brie can't deliver a one-liner or banter to save her life.

Also there were so many plot-holes I lost count. I won't even mention /pol/, there's nothing I can say about it that hasn't been already said.

If there is one good thing I can say about this movie is that Black Panther was worse.

They have literally 10-30 billion dollars hanging on this universe. They spent 1.63 billion dollars today so they can add DP AND XMANZ as well. They had to do this stupid feed in and make it work to scale captaint muffvell into the final phase 3 variant. She had to be integral because more than half of current Avengers drop off completely minus cameos. They realized right before shooting IW and EG b2b they had to push it in before not after and suck levels multiplied astronomically. Then a leading lady that'll choke down mouse cuck but then also strap one on and stuff to outsiders. The didn't trust the eldest Olsen Trifecta to fill the slot (dirty) and were unaware how saggy Scarlett's tits would be 3 years down the road needing potentially 12 more choke uhh 12 yrs of this gemfem. I hope she gets attacked by ancient one FEMINATA and gets force raped a new ancient anti male beauty spirit and becomes palatable.

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It's called a COCKpit for a reason

You will never pass as a woman tranny