Is her career over?

Is her career over?

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nah shes still pretty hot, give it like 10-15 years.

Her career is in my asshole if you know what I mean

>she turns to porn to make ends meet

I'd make our ends meat if you know what I mean

Fuck no, only literal castrated no sex drives incel would give a shit if such a fucking gorgeous woman mutilated some faggot.

She could literaly come and rip half of my face off and i wouldn't mind. She's so fucking hot.

>He doesn't know
You're missing out user...

the picture of the finger was gross

Literal goddess.


I'd sacrifice Johnny Debt's finger with a night with her

>She could literaly come and rip half of my face off and i wouldn't mind.

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In ancient times literal wars where hundreds of thousands of lives would be lost in battle just for such a beauty as her.

Someone losing their fortune or limbs is actualy disrespectful and ilustrates how far we've fallen as a society.

She's still walking sex, so no.

She has a literal pussy armpit. Let her do as she wants.

Interdimensional succubi don't have careers

I want her to abuse me before her career ends

>Not wanting it just when her carreer ends so she takes out all her frustrations as cruely and calculated as possible.

Imagine user, imagine.

Breh have you seen her sex scenes in The Informers? That shit was straight up fap kino.

>tfw even she poops every day

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>every day
there are people who do this?


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fug, now thats a good idea user

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absolute semen demon

>Tfw you will never be the water in her bidet


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Why do you people celebrate Heards abuse but hate Roberts for doing theverything same thing?

>amber heard will never cut off your finger during sex and then yell at you for 3 hours straight about what a cuck you are

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>tfw no mandy lane gf
It hurts bros

I don't know about that but I want them both to abuse me if you know what I mean

Heard is universally hot as fuck, Emma Roberts is only liked by some Yea Forums autists.

yes yes yes hello. I have arrived in this thread to answer your question. The question you asked was this:
>Is her career over?
I am formulating my answer now. I am preparing to type out my answer. The answer to your question is this:


I trust the matter is now closed and this thread can be pruned/deleted.

Kind regards,

Amber Heard looks like a literal goddes, Emma Roberts just looks like an annoying bratty 13 year old or some shit.

She'll get on Oprah or some equivalent and talk about how she's repented, and the real reason for her rage is being a woman in a man's world. Then she'll pivot her career to being a voice for feminism.


Did she poop on the bed?

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What is it like to be objectively, mathematically the most attractive women in existence?

After the Captain Manvel debauchery I would sell her to indentured servitude after she bootlicked my condo into spotless condition, while on a bitches will not divide us webcam stream

I would allow her to have sex with me, not gonna lie bros.

it undoubtedly leads to some kind of goddess complex

>that razor stubble

Member when she was a lesbian?

is this her future now

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dubs and she /blacked/ this year

She literaly chewed and dumped who will (undeservedly) go down in history as the 2000's Einstein.

She can do whatever the fuck she wants and knows it, this woman is a walking doomsday.

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singles and you are blacked this week

>as the 2000's Einstein.
Elon is reddit personified though.

Spidey assumes that femfem maneater at least has 3 or 4 senses connected to something imitating brain function and disregards spidey sense.
Spidey gets a taste for DV and now circumnavigates the city looking for any reason to punish sub-woman femmies. I.e. not drying the cookie sheets and they get RUSTY U... "wam" continues to repeated use can opener as teaching hardware

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How ugly are you that you wouldn't care if some chick ripped half your face off? The pain alone is usually enough to puss people off to the point of no forgiveness.

dubs reverses this unto ye

When did this come out? I didn't hear anything about it

>2000's Einstein.
fucking hell

Reported yes but I can't find direct image

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Now I know why he kept quiet.

>2000's Einstein.

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>google amber heard no makeup
>looks like a gorgeous twink
ok I'm convinced

How can she be so perfect.

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He said undeservedly you fucking faggots


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Could Haley Reed replace her?

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Quartering is in full tilt psycho ha load this up....

Meeeeeeh Blake Lively and Amber Heard will murder Brie Larson I'm incapable of dealing....

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>All these faggots pretending white women can even be attractive

lmao, step aside cucks.

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I've seen a lot of porn and that pic is 1 in a million. Thanks friend.

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Fuck this bitch. Her peak role was in machete

There was a period of time where I only pooped once a week even when I tried eating more than usual

>attractive in anyway

4/10, wouldn't bang

not as long as she looks like that and there are still incels


We'd have to ask Aly first.

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In my head I want to say I hate this bitch for what she's done to men and then I see this picture and I want her to fucking dominate me and I love her and she's literally fucking perfect

elon actually dumped her. can you believe that? maybe he is a genius after all

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Nice false flag

Fucking based. Her sister too.

Why do you think the man started making flamethrowers?

True dat. AJs only flaw is that she's had to stand next to Aly all her life. At lest she's used to it though - most women they get photographed next to at events look like they'd rather not be compared to Aly.

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>any way
ftfy you fucking fool

and I'm masturbating to her fappening pics tonight

What is their ethnicity? What phenotype?

1000% pure Pajeet. The clue is in their surname, Michalka - an ancient name from the Ganges river region.

Here they are making Taytay look like a frump.

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>Actually being this pathetic

God Aly is so perfect

Goose the cat is the same monster the GOTG2 fought during opening scene to recover annulax batteries

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No matter what kind of man you are
Women are literally always trouble

Be real mate I wanna breed with girls like this

What is the real phenotype

Harbulary batteries

Why are they like this bros? They always break my heart

That pic where she's holding her big tit hnnnnngggg

>Man may escape from rope and gun;
> Nay, some have outliv'd the doctor's pill:
>Who takes a woman must be undone,
> That basilisk is sure to kill.
> -- John Gay (1685-1732); _The Beggar's Opera_ [1728]

>most attractive
has no tits, waist, hips, ass or great legs
she's hot but a hot fridge

Einstein married his cousin, was an unashamed Zionist and died alone with only a nurse who couldn't understand him by his side.

Elon will go down as Elon because he has nothing in common with Einstein.

>not a face guy

Nah. When you look like that, you can get away with anything.

Lol what a gay


JD's is and that's why he's suing because he's a pathetic pos.


I see at least two kinds of makeup, maybe three. The eyelashes are obvious, the cheeks slightly less so, and the lips are the maybe. Have sex, user.

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no all she need is some kids pumped out of her and a visit from Pierce

That's the kind of injury you get if someone slams you in the hand with broken glass or you fall and try to grab a sharp metal edge. Brutal.

Aly's known for wearing semi-permanent fake lashes. The even-toned lips might be an overnight lip-balm thing. The only thing on her cheeks (both sets) are freckles.

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>please Elon, just shut up and take my money.

Agree. I don’t see what da heck over her getting sued so that she can’t take further acting gigs. Whatever comes out of whole throngs, this gurl gotta work Y’know ???