What is ACTUALLY wrong with him
What is ACTUALLY wrong with him
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Eddies based, nothing wrong with him at all
Too much steroids and crack cocaine affecting his synapses.
I meant like mentally wrong
you gotta look into it that's all i'm saying
too autistic and based for his own good
He's craaaaayzeee
That moment s o y b o y jamie got booty blasted because eddie said nukes were fake
amerimutt genes
Jamie is the most boring cunt on the planet
his eyes are "open"
punches in the face
He minmaxed at character creation and put all his points into grappling
>use his genius level wrestling iq to invent new moves and use them on the creator of bjjs grandson
>hurr why he no believe nasa
He looked too much into it
This. Eddie is kino incarnate.
eddie is the personification of if you stare into the abyss too long
Edgy brah
Literally a low IQ individual.
Nothing he speaks the truth and it triggers glow in the darks.
He's dumb and feels intelligent when he spouts conspiracies.
a lot...
he's just asking questions dude, why you gotta be so defensive, all he's saying is look into it
I don't know user, why don't you look into it?
Eddie Bravo is literally a skeptic philosopher in the 21st century, probably one of the most based philosophies of all time.
Jamie is just a good goy blindly accepting education (even if he is technically "right" about certain scientific principles)
He's 75% troll and 25% serious. If you go in realizing this you'll appreciate him.
I'm still on the fence whether he actually believes in flat earth.
Eddie wrecked Royler.
Can't believe the hue didn't tap after Eddie put him in the Flat-Earth Lock and nearly snapped his foot off.
fucking source immediately.
he's a "male feminist" lmao
el chupacabras des las americas
Deep hook...
Spider web
He had him in the Chemtrail Kimura too. Sick fight
God help him if he applied the Tower 7 Triangle Choke
Yup. He’s better at one specific thing than 99.999% of people will ever be at anything in their life.
He’s so specialized I’d be surprised if he can even read.
>why does this incredibly stupid wetback not believe NASA
Why indeed?
Why is he so based bros?
You're about to get the Space-Denial Guillotine Choke
El hombre más estúpido del mundo.
Como te atrevez.
>wetbacks happy that their retard hero said something stupid to Jamie who simply responded with confusion
He's really stupid.
t. me 15 years ago
Eddie is not a sheeple shill that's why he dares to question
There is literally nothing wrong with not trusting the government.
>not trusting the government
>believing stupid shit
Choose one, Juan Manuel.
>we're mexicans because we like based bjj legend eddie and not joe rogan's beta bitch jamie instead
What is it with spics named Eddie. They are just prone to embarrassing themselves by biting off more than they can chew.
>Eddie Guerrero shoot fights Kurt Angle and gets BTFO
>Eddie Bravo debates Jamie and gets BTFO
Eddie is pretty anti snowflake crowd. Almost a Trumptard, I don't think he has many spic admirers.