wow who gives a fuck
they need to ruin the schools that did this
Full House will be canceled for sure
Not sure I understand the sudden freak out about this. Isn't this how every trust fund baby gets into the Ivy's?
All Democrats do is scam for money, it’s literally just a group of kleptocrats
you're in big trouble, mister
>cops show up with guns drawn
>theme song plays
>Cheating college entry exam admission
>ARMED FBI agents arrest with guns drawn
>cheating roastie
I don't think they have any say on what proctors get authed.
This but unironically. I'm glad we have people who actually enforce laws.
Are you retarded? Read the second sentence
I can't wait for even more zoomer shits to get their degrees taken away when more of this comes out.
errr i thought that's how everyone gets into ivy universities
>Implying William H. Macy wasn't the whistleblower is free to do more titkino and became the new Russ Meyer of this century
More like dicks drawn amirite
Were the guns drawn necessary?
Yes, William Macy is one strange fucking bird.
*womp womp*
(audience laughter)
wait what?
someone give me a quick rundown
>can’t even draw guns without libshits being triggered.
>claim they love the arts
fuck off libtard
The thing i dont understand? Why?
Your kids will already be super rich. Yet they cheated and took a spot another kid could have taken for a brighter future.
Two celebrity women bribed the admissions board with 500k so their daughters could get into college
Just a reminder these are the people that preach College as the must have education to land a job. People so out of touch with colleges because they're ok giving them millions of dollars to get their retard kids in. Meanwhile every other person in the US is going into years of debt just to come out with a piece of paper that's useless for a majority of the jobs out there. Not all jobs, just a majority of them.
How do you get this many democrat donors and not a single jew?
fuck poors lol
>I just want to party
So their dumb roastie daughters can get the "college experience"
Q predicted this
The rich deserve to be purged.
when will you partisan retards realise that both democrats and republicans are screwing you? these are predominantly issues of a corrupt ruling class, not of a political divide.
And hollywood pedos are just given a slap on the hand.
Jews don't need to pay for it. They're the ones controlling admissions in the first place.
based forever rigged system
>yuropoors think fucking over thousands of college students is okay
not surprised
I voted for Trump though
Trump curse strikes again.
Many such cases.
it's fun watching all you retards take it in the ass, pretending the other guy is getting it harder.
Huffman is one
Why wasn't CNN on the scene for this one in advance like they were with Roger Stone?
what a time to be alive!
ofc not but ACAB
Because they're all democratic donors.
Imagine being this desperate.
Maybe he's Chinese.
the investigation has implicated 33 people. wonder who spilled the beans originally. how do you even catch this stuff without someone talking first?
Probably because when you and all your friends are rich, the competition becomes who has the most successful kid.
>how do you even catch this stuff without someone talking first?
You catch some low-level guy on an unrelated charge, and he gives you this to skate.
If she was black the cops would have killed her on the spot
im 30 bro
fbi always shows up first thing in the morning. good thing to remember, kiddos.
because if she was black she would have waved a loaded gun at the cops probably, they don’t like that shit
>College admission tampering
>Obstruction, lying, witness tampering
>Republican retards think these are the same thing.
Pre dawn felony raids you always go in fast and hot. A lot of criminals keep guns by their bedside.
why is this cringe still forced? discord?
Thank you Batman, very cool!
That would have been awesome if they went in casual and Felicity Huffman wasted 3 of them.
right, but this was rich people. everyone involved shouldn't be committing random ass crimes that require you give up shit. do they actually have boards/admissions auditors going around making sure people aren't making things up? seems likely they caught a discrepancy in people being on teams or being part of stuff that wasn't legit and the investigation started from there.
No, but it's protocol. No reason not to just for a rich celebrity.
hmmm i wonder
>one is associated with the president in what could be the biggest scandal ever in american politics and it was fairly obvious stone would be arrested eventually, so they just had to stake it out and wait
>one is some actor who got caught in some undercover fbi investigation that cnn would not be able to know ahead of time
Gee, i dunno, why could that be?
maybe they had information she was a gun owner
If they don't release it can we FOIA it somehow?
>everyone involved shouldn't be committing random ass crimes that require you give up shit.
They paid SAT proctors to give the girls more time and fix their answers. Those dudes aren't rich.
This instagram model has a mother that said she wanted to pay for them to cheat for her daughter, after getting them to pay for her son. 1.2 mil followers lilia buckingham
remember all the reconstruction contract in irak after the war, going to a dicky cheney biz? they both suck but yang gang 2020
>the law is upheld
>this is somehow bad
I think violence is the only solution at this point
They're both process crimes involving famous people tranny
Shouldve executed the cunts in the street
>biggest scandal ever
Both of the political parties are the same corrupt fucks you orange cock-sucking retard
Imagine being this much of a cuck! HAHAHAHA!
No, scot, irish, english, german.
This level of criminal totally necessitated multiple agents with guns drawn.
>tfw black people get arrested all the time and only 0.00000032% of them end up being killed
Woahhhh, sure is a crazy epidemic. This statistic definitely deserves a ton of protest! What a crazy rate!
what if they had to pull felicity off the toilet takin her morning shit can you imagine
This is against us... but so freaking true and you're welcome alex
women don't shit like guys do
imagine if they dropped the handcuffs behind her and had to smell her dirty, stinky, poopy butt while picking them up lol. wouldn't that be so gross.
that's right they only fart haha :^) big stinky loud farts lol :))) brapping cheek flapper thunder butts is what they are hahahaa
god you're sick
Why do black "people" love these type of snobbish white liberals so much? Is it really just cause they're democrats?
>"college experience"
literally "fuck frat boys and maybe go to class two or three times a week"
t. undergrad at top college
Fuck this bitch, I'm glad her and the others got caught.
Now if they would just do something about the rampant cheating the Chinese do to gain admission, and once they're on campus.
So are the Chinese students getting burned too or is it just film fuckers that are making the news?
I can see all the nonliterate grad students getting where they are because Secret Uncle Zhong funneled 100k to the alumni department.
sort of, the difference here is bribes paid directly to officials to forge credentials vs wink wink nudge nudge donations for explicit legacy admissions, which different schools handle differently
get ready to deprogram people around you.
avalanche of this sort of shit incoming.
>can afford best tutors in the world
>children still too retarded and entitled
>break the law
>get dealt with by law enforcement officials
The FBI is a criminal organization
right. most of the people caught in this probably didn't have connections necessary at the schools their kids wanted to go for the second kind. they could donate sure, but it wouldn't be a sure thing. so they had to resort to the more dangerous direct kind.
>the people who enforce the law are actually the criminals
I know you are still upset Bernie lost, but let it go.
ITT: angry lower-class tradies and all their shattered adolescent dreams
What kind of lackadaisical FBI agent wouldn't bring a gun?
Ancap actually
Studying is for poors.
it's usually rightwingers coming to the defense of Trump who make that claim about the feds
Based discord postix
nice try glow in dark nigger
based cops
>we're going to arrest aunt Becky? Well I guess I'll take my gun for THIS one.
black girls don't get shot by cops, white girls on the other hand....
What? Why wouldn't you bring your weapon when you're arresting someone?
t. shitty state school trying to larp as hot shit
I'm still at a top 50 college but I got rejected from USC while these roasties get to automatically go wherever they want because limousine liberal Hollywood bux
what voice am i supposed to be hearing when i read these?
discord tranny
yeah, the 50th, the worst state school, lel at you you nothing, you drone
yes libtard
>be female
>get accepted into whatever school or job you want simply because female
>even if you make mistakes thats ok because female
Very, she stated she knew the arrest was coming, obviously the FBI thought so too. People will often act in a cazy manner when they are about to be arrested, given she had time to prepare, it would be prudent to take all precautions.
you don't even know the half of it you honourary vice-mayor of Friendzone, wait until you actually get a job where the boss is a woman and your colleague is a girl. Still, you are wrong about everything. Start judging with your head instead of your dick, loser.
thats basically every job these days, women in charge just because.
How about the Jews killing Kennedy?
t. incel
more like it loser
Why? I mean, if the person was a kingpin, sure. But this woman? Scary.
what does my dick have to do with anything? this is simply the effect of winning the victim olympics. I can't deny that there are women who are far more successful than ill ever be, that doesn't bother me in the slightest. but when you get propped up based on victimhood, that means you didn't actually earn your place yea? can't expect people to respect you when you didn't earn your place, even if they acknowledge that you do have it.
Pretty simple. The person that informed was a confidant of one of the perps that "mentioned" what they were doing, etc.
>yang gang 2020
who else voting for yang just to see the country collapse into hyperinflation
Can you imagine what must've been going through her head?
The rich entitled Stacy at the top of the social pyramid suddenly realizing that she somehow fucked up. The intense wave of shame washing over her knowing that all her Stacy friends will gossip about this and never look at her the same way.
I bet she considered this bribe the equivalent of doing an illegal u-turn or placing regular trash into recycling. Something not to even think twice about.
I bet she had a complete mental breakdown as her mind just snapped from the sheer shock of if all.
Imagine having sex with her immediately afterwards.
There isn't a prison big enough for all the Chinese they would have to arrest.
The schools didnt do it, individuals in athletic departments did on their own.
They paid millions to get into college and yet you defend them for free.
This .gif is delusional.
AOC is the biggest fucking gift to conservatives, we're just sitting back and laughing at her as she destroys the democratic party.
It would be funny if she got elected though, I'm euro and want to see americans living in poverty.
>Imagine having sex with her immediately afterwards.
extremely based post, fellow male.
That's just 7 out if 50 people. This isn't a red or blue thing it's a rich or poor thing.
I love it how lefties who claim that there's two standards of law enforcment, one for rich white people and one for poor black people suddenly realise that they know fuck all about police procedure and are literally advoacting for the police to take it easy on her.
yea, i read a few articles that made the picture pretty clear. very few steps were taken to minimize exposure to law enforcement, this was just people loosely taking advantage of the positions they had without thinking about the consequences.
All capitalists do is scam for money.
Shhh, let them think they are right.
After all Clinton was going to win in 2016, right?
>top 50
if youre using that kinda criteria, why not top 1000
It's a dog eat dog world. We step on others to get ahead in America.
>tfw masters in stem with 4.0 from top 3 college but cant find job
she cute
>vote for the militarization of police and an MRAP on every street corner
>get upset that every single police encounter is now a no-knock SWAT raid like they voted for it to be
Rich lefties just have to start greeting police like other people do these days
Literally. That's what the charges are. These coaches took bribes, which of course is not uncommon. Happens with star athletes all the time.
>top 3
Part of that Yale thing eh?
Why not sociology while you're at it kek.
AOC is a masterpiece of conservative manchurian design. They still have no idea. Keep you friends close but your enemies closer...I love being able to see the matrix.
Post a student ID card with timestamp proving you actually go to a good school.
are you white and male by chance?
Meanwhile I have a BA and make six figures lmao
>It would be funny if she got elected though
She did get elected, ditz. Did the bread lines get backed up again and you're operating on reduced rations?
>just the coaches
>not that uncommon
>but only with the coaches
Yeah I'm sure the rest of the administration is completely innocent and it's the lone coach calling the shots about who gets in and who doesn't.
Nigga please.
i flunked out of college due to laziness but make 60k now. things could be worse.
alright there's no way anyone is either surprised or interested in this, what are they trying to slide?
wut? in every ranking by major (Aerospace) my school was either #1, #2 or #3
yes, im from western europe originaly. been in USA 15 years, legal resident but not citizen
good for you
>in stem
lol your job's gonna get automatized and you spent 4-8 years wasting away on practicing equations a computer can do in 0.00000001 seconds
Should've gone business
>>It would be funny if she got elected though
I meant to the presidency in a few years.
why don't you look for finance quant positions - unless you're a social misfit
t. 22 year old chem major with 72k finance job
savage, but so fucking true
are you non white and female by chance?
Can somebody tell me what the fuck is going on? Clearly I'm out of the loop because nothing in this thread means anything to me
>the biggest scandal ever in american politics
I fucking hate zoomers.
None of these will see any jail time whatsoever, they get scot free with a slap on the wrist, judges are too goddamned lenient on celebrities and their relatives. That retard 6ix9ine for instance had to go full Tony Montana to get locked up.
i have a stem phd and my first job was a postdoc, then unemployed, then industry postdoc, now national lab (basically postdoc 3)
i've flunked 10+ onsite/phone interviews but the poos and girl in my group got jobs first time, go figure
Comedian Loni Love pointed out, somewhat accurately: "Ya spend $500,000 to cheat on SATs to get ya kids in USC? A tutor would have been cheaper and jail free...#auntbecky"
LMFAO damn its hysterical when libtards turn on each other
>cheating to get into USC
Wait, why are they being arrested? They've bribed schools so their children could get in to them? That will bring FBI agents with guns to your doorsteps in muttland? Jeez, you really are nuts, murrica.
i am. collapse is coming anyway. i'd rather it happen while im still relatively young and fit
>10+ interviews
i went through 40 interviews; got rejected by 37, and got 3 offers -- actually flew across country for two 2nd interviews and lost out to stanford grads
t. 22 year old chem major with 72k finance job
I agree with you, but it's funny that we only hear it when roasting the party of Clinton. Fuck you.
If you were super rich and loved your children you would do the same.
They wont say shit about the retarded niggers from the Nigerian noble class that get shipped into the ivy league every year.
he said fuck it i'll just make a movie about tits
It's fascinating how you incels can out yourselves in a single sentence without talking about the subject matter
100% this. Rich people using their wealth to give their kids a better chance at life isn't a crime or unfair, anyone would do that if they could. but propping people up because of their skin colour and gender is fucking absurd.
> There's no reason and there's no cause, but, well, we do it other times, so let's do it now.
It's really that easy to get people to lick your boots, is it?
>Senior Cardinal gets six years for sexually abusing young children instead of fucking swinging in St. Peter's Square
World's full of injustice.
>cheating to get into USC
My Dad pointed that out tonight. How the fuck do you need to goose your test scores to get into USC? I thought the ACT cutoff was like ... 23.
I agree, the Catholic Church should bring back the Holy Fires and burn pedophiles and their enablers alive in St Peter's Square.
An incel wrote this.
You have no idea how much the world would enjoy seeing that.
The entire church needs a top down cleaning.
No wonder a good portion of these libtards come off as spoiled and entitled. Turns out a good number of their socialist parents paid their way into society. Hypocrisy and irony at its best.
>having compassion for other human beings
you're never gonna make it with that attitude
Why are roasties allowed to go to college in the first place?
in a few years
try 20
Stop being retarded you ghetto monkey. They committed crimes. What they did was illegal and if you have an issue with that, either change the rules or shut up. They should have done what the parents of Trump and Jared did, give donations or have connections.
edgelord supreme right here
I meant rich people in general, these rich people obviously broke the law and deserve to be punished.
>surrender Wednesday
>No bitch. You surrender NOW!
Anyway that's how I'd handle the situation. I been to jail before and didn't get to pick when I got arrested.
Right on, the Church needs to be purified by fire. The Church that exists today is nothing but the festering zombified corpse of the Roman Empire, the ways of Christ were lost, drowned in a sea of corruption, degeneracy and politics. Now the unHoly Church shames the legacy of St Peter by cohabiting with immorals such gays, pedophiles, promiscuous priests, communists, fascists, not that I have anything against gays, I just don't think the Church has any place for them as priests, whereas as faithful, then there's no problem, all are welcome to pray in the house of the Lord.
Implying they give a single gram of donkey shit about you. Lmao and you donate money to their campaigns. You're the real cuck.
God isn't real buddy
Cut it out
I'm calling the headline.
As in she gets house arrest for this. Please skincap this th
>wanting your dumb daughter(s) to go to USC so bad you spend half a mil to get arrested and have your name dragged in the mud
Ffs it’s USC what was she thinking
He doesn't believe in you either.
I thought it was a doggy dog world. You know, like puppies and shit.
No, not really. At least in my country it's all anonymous.
Over 50 families are supposedly involved in this. Wonder what the racial breakdown looks like.
Given that there are masses of money involved, I doubt we'll more than one black family.
>IMMIGRANTS and ETHNIC MINORITIES are stealing spots in tops colleges with AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!
How long will you people continue to vote against your own self-interests? Rich people wouldn't need to game the system if admission to college was free and actually based on academic merit. But as with healthcare you'll refuse to accept what you deserve because rich people prey on your hatred for brown people so they don't have to pay more taxes.
Wyte peepo
Because everybody else can get in with affirmative action.
Ivy league is full of niggers from Africans noble families that paid to get it.
Jews aren't stupid. They hire a lawyer before they scheme something like this out.
>Imagine having sex with her immediately afterwards.
>top 3 college
Why not just say which one at this point ye cunt
looks like we got another hobo living on ebt cards
Some of them are athletic coaches that took money to give a kid an athletic scholarship so there probably are some nigs.
Like a kid who sucks at football but u get him into the school by claiming hes a good athlete. Then the coach can cut the player from the team but the kid still gets to stay enrolled in the school.
But that's family matters.
The lyrics are ironically funny in this case.
Cry more. You saw the story. SC is now
Are they???
He's not pretending to be retarded, there are people who actually have these retarded thoughts in their tiny low iq minds.
What's the point of going to college when you're the kid to a famous person? Your life is already on cruise control with nepotism. Just get a job acting even if you're ugly, the kikes will make articles and put it into the goyims head that you're beautiful lmao.
> USC is elite because the rich and famous need to spend tens of thousands of dollars just to get their dipshit kids into--
Wait. This is exactly how Harvard works.
Lori Laughlin was just cute and nothing more. She married the first thing that looked good in a leather jacket and faded even more into nothingness.
>crew coach
>water polo coach
>tennis coach
yeah, no
he's absolutely right, you just don't want to face the truth or admit it in public
No they are not. They average about 7-8% black and 40-50% white.
Ivy league schools are filled with white people - it goes without saying. Whites make up the largest group, by far, attending ivy league schools.
Ive never seen a male actor/child of actor do it so I assume its a majorly female thing. Muh college lifestyle aka 4+ years of taking dick on the regular while barely passing your lib art degree.
I know there is one Asian guy involved. Most seem to be white folk.
Based and red pilled
bribery and corruption are only okay for america's true elite, not shitty d-list actors from full house. when will these idiots learn they aren't part of the club?
>cheating at indoctrination camp is something that alphabet agencies need to spend time and money on, and Lori Laughlin was obviously a threat to these brave cowards lives. Must have been so scary for them.
End yourself already, "America".
>tfw at the end of the day, tax dollars are tax dollars, and tax dollars are Chipotle in my belly, and it matters not to me which rats are winning the race
James Franco has masters degrees from Colukbia and NYU. He did that about 7 years ago.
you are a man to be mimicked
you aren't a big fan of the Garage Sale Mysteries, I take it.
imagine if james fucking franco shows up at a college party. must have been a nightmare to spit game when he was around.
It's relevant. Major story that highlights how corrupt the education system is
Well obviously.
another retard
Black people have low iqs
You should know. Fucking loser. I'm tired of flipping the bill for you parasites.
nut user, it's you who acts like a retard
Federal prosecutor explicitly told the press "these people tried to create a separate admissions system just for them, but there will not be a separate criminal justice system."
They are being made an example of. No velvet gloves for the rich people and celebrities, they are going to be brought in like low order thugs.
Women age like wi-
>Can somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?
Exclusive footage about the incident coming through!
Who is this bitch?
another retard
>Imagine having sex with her immediately afterwards.
mmm, i bet it'd make her pussy tense and tight as fuck.
Nah, it would probably get every dude at the party laid.
I went to UNC and at a bar once i was watching espn and one of the basketball players who was marginally famous at the time came up to me and asked if i knew who won some game. We just chatted for about 20 secobds at most.
Every girl in the bar followed him around and after he left they all came to me just because he talked to me. They were all lose and wet i think every dude in the bar got some that night.
How hard is to get accepted in a good American university like the USC?
I'm retarded and I was accepted in the best university of my state.
t.affirmative action
Whats that webm from?
its literally in the filename
>I can't argue so I will resort to annoying people
everybody here now knows I'm winning the argument
the assumption is misleading:
of course what happened to that woman's family is despicable, it doesn't make it a hate crime however.
A woman can treat you poorly or behave rude and stupidly in public towards you and be really disrespectful and demeaning towards a man, it doesn't make it sexist behaviour.
If we were to accept those situations as equally racist or sexist, it would detract the hierarchical factor from the meaning of those words. Racism and sexism is a power relation, not really a conflict between races and genders.
>roasties allowed to go to college in the first place?
>General Aladeen: I love it when women go to school. It's like seeing a monkey on rollerskates. It means nothing to them, but it's so adorable for us.
As for this whole issue, damn just send your C average thot of a daughter to a state school that will take her in, a JC and transfer or a small enough private school that admissions isn't a big deal. She's going to work in LA based off nepotism and insider connections anyways.
A degree from ASU or California State Wherever would be 100% fine. They are not looking to become doctors and if they were, well should of done better in highschool vs party party party........ C-.
>A woman can treat you poorly or behave rude and stupidly in public towards you and be really disrespectful and demeaning towards a man, it doesn't make it sexist behaviour.
by colloquial use of that word it does
well, by the correct definition, it doesn't
>it would detract the hierarchical factor from the meaning of those words.
lol faggot
USC is shit, California has 5+ better schools
By that logic, any parent who loved their kids would use minority status or gender to prop them up, and also corrupt the system when they get into positions of power. And any poor person who loved their children would steal from others to give their kids a chance.
The problem with rich kids who never actually had to learn anything, have any skills, or impulse control is you wind up with people with a bought life in positions of power who have no idea what the fuck they're doing. The people running everything have no fucking idea how anything works and think they're entitled to anything they want every minute, including committing crimes and screwing over their fellow rich people. This works just the same with a Communist government, by the way, with its "Party" members. Most of the time, it devolves into an incompetent and useless ruling class bumping each other off to grab power while everybody else starves.
T. Paco
>They are being made an example of. No velvet gloves for the rich people and celebrities, they are going to be brought in like low order thugs.
Pretty much. There's a lot of political instability right now. They want to show the system is "fair," but that might be just for show. But I think a lot of people in law enforcement and the military actually are getting pissed off at double standards for the top .01 percent. You can argue that (some) law enforcement and military get those double standards, but that's at least connected to jobs they had to get and do while just being born to the right family means you don't have to obey any laws.
or you could use your wealth to invest in their education and tutoring and having them take elite sat prep courses that only the wealthy can afford and still give you a major advantage over all the proles. or you can be a lazy piece of shit and just bribe everybody to get your mouth breathing kid in with no effort at all.
Her cunt daughter loses 15 subscribers then gains them all back within minutes. Who the fuck is subscribing? Is she cheating on YouTube as well?
So what happens to the daughters? They knew about it. Is this gonna be a case of rich privilege?
subtle red pill there my friend
She used to be hot af, must've fapped a ton to her back in the day.
I'm surprised it lasted so long, honestly. Maybe a dumb kid can cheat through college but wouldn't the legit athletes notice one of their teammates is bullshitting? How do you fake an athletic resume?
>be rich upper-class kid
>try really hard to live up to your family's legacy
>get into a good college after years of diligent studying
>a year later, parents get caught bribing the school
>get expelled because of the controversy
>you would've gotten in on your grades, but your parents didn't believe in you
>their reputation haunts you forever
>you end up working at McDonald's for the rest of your life
Please pick up my screenplay, Hollywood.
>rich privilege
This is the only privilege that exists (aside from pretty privilege) and all this other race/sex/trans shit is to distract the common man from the real privilege that is fucking their asses and stealing their future.
They had people in the system cover for them like coaches and recruiters.
Honestly, it happens even among those who are "legit". You'd be surprised how many people have absolutely no athletic talent but play a niche sport in rich high schools and end up on some college team just as fillers for sports nobody really cares about. I went to an Ivy League school so I've seen so many of these bullshit carefully planned resumes kids plan since they are in grade school to make up for being lackluster academically. High school sports, daddy donating to the school etc and suddenly you have absolute mongs attending good schools.
Heh what, what did those two old bags do. Never trust anyone on the Hallmark channel. Bailee Madison sucks Jew cocks since age 5.
No the guns were not necessary. Its shown because all anyone replied with was "duuuhhh libtard""
Its pretty easy to hide them on a football team too.
Nobody notices a 3rd string kicker who has never dressed out for a game.
It's much deeper than that, friend. Haven't you heard about the NCAA scandal? Adidas' Director of Global Sports Marketing of was among the first ones who got hit by the FBI. The TOP10 highest paid (basketball) coaches earn between $3.2M and 9M annually!
All that while they don't pay a dime to their (amateur) athletes, at least on paper. You can argue that their expanses (education, food, housing etc.) are covered, but that's part of the scholarships anyway. This is how Louisville finished with a $23M profit in 2018 alone.
The system bears resemblance to traditional organized crime structures, where everybody's stone-cold interest is to protect the corrupt and illegal practices to their death. Again, even the biggest sport brands are up to their necks in the system. These are just small fishes.
Probably yeah, but I doubt it happens a lot in football or basketball because the level is typically semi-professional so it would be extremely risky and easy to check. These meme sports like rowing and stuff has a lot of people that have no athletic ability at all legitimately competing and nobody cares because it's just a meme sport anyway so you can definitely sneak in a bunch of retards like this.
Honestly, there are so many problems with sport programs being tied to academic institutions in this country, it's corrupt to the core and this is just a small part of it.
What's your position and how long have you been at it? How did you get it? Thinking about getting an M7 MBA in a few years and going into finance.
Lol you stupid idiot. So you think police should have a double standard? One for rich white people and one for poor black people? Kill yourself fascist incel.
Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo proved these actresses are just prostitutes. Why would you assume a prostitute's child is getting a good SAT score? I would bet their kids are also thots with no chance except corruption.
Zoomer spotted
I'm gonna need /pol/tards to sit this one the fuck out. No way in hell Trump didn't get his way paid through school.
>unarmed black guy gets shot and killed by officer
"Well, he was probably doing something he shouldn't have. The officer wasn't going to risk him having a weapon!"
>Rich, Celebrity, Cheating, Douchewad, Asshole, that makes money off you and couldn't give one fuck about you, she literally gives so little about you that she pays her way through what would take you years of hard work to even have a tiny chance at; gets arrested for committing a confirmed crime
"Woah, what the fuck is wrong with law enforcement! Were the GUNS really necessary for this!?!?!"
>tfw doing PhD at Stanford in Aeronautics & Astronautics
>literally came from nothing. Dad has been unemployed his entire life and my mom serves coffee at a casino
feels good to see dumb roasties get BTFO. FBI = (based && redpilled)
>unarmed black guy gets shot and killed by officer
Yeah sure, you have to be "unarmed" to grapple with a cop/grab his weapon
>tfw doing PhD at Stanford in Aeronautics & Astronautics
>literally came from nothing. Raised by single mom who made
Explain you thought process in choosing that picture for that post. Go ahead mr brainiac
>Meanwhile every other person in the US is going into years of debt just to come out with a piece of paper that's useless
This only happens if you're a retard who doesn't understand what you're getting yourself into. Like 75% of college debt is scam for-profit schools anyway.
Everyone here already knew that, redditor.
It's the only picture left on my pc after deleting all of my trap porn
backpack kids voice, since it's nu-zoomers who keep trying to force these shitty new memes
She made more than 20k a year? So she could’ve been rich? You’re an aero major? You sound like an affirmative action beaner
Okay I guess I see why you wrote it that way kek
> She made more than 20k a year?
Well, we officially know you didn't get into Stanford.
>trap porn
>deleting it
Gordon Kaplan, Huffman, I didn't even look up the others lol
More bullshit PR contrived controversy. By the time any of this shit gets to the courts no one gives a fuck.
College degrees are mostly about signalling anwyay.
>I unironically left because of people like this guy working in the same building. My first internships as an underclassman were right before #metoo broke and seeing it play out like a controlled burn instead of the kind of righteous "revolution" it was billed as was eye-opening. That list of people defending Polanski got published right around when I was interning there as well. Never thought I'd do anything other than production / agent work. Whole place is on fire right now.
Guy in pic related, right? Dude, tell us the stories! Wasn't it a reverse tranny, born female and larping as male by shooting up testosterone? Imagine sending your kids to college, going into debt for it, and this thing is what they get as a teacher for literally interpretive dance. I love it when degenerates' chickens come home to roost.
Democrats like the Clintons who start out poor are more suspect than Trumps who start out rich. We hate our neighbors more than our masters.