Does anyone else cringe when The Simpsons attempts to be sentimental or heartwarming...

Does anyone else cringe when The Simpsons attempts to be sentimental or heartwarming? I just can't take a cartoon about brightly coloured cheese people with dino heads seriously.

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anyone who posts sneed is gay

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I formerly did

This is a board full of people who watch chinese cartoons, so no. Also sneed. Also fucking kys, OP.

Who peed in your Reeses Puffs



>that episode where chuck reconciles with sneed
If that didn't touch you, you have no heart

This Sneed guy sounds like a real jerk.

Fuck, how am I going to tell my dad?

My parents won’t let me eat sugar cereal.

Your parents are fucking cringe.

Your chuck are fucking suck.

Simpsons sentiments were nice.
Original run Futurama
>season 1-4 before cancellation
were of the highest degree in heartwarming, excluding the Seymour ep, I find the best episode was the last
>the devils hands are idle playthings
Fry could finally express himself to Leela, he becomes outrageously successful, but by the end, when he loses the devils hands, Fry's simple song of himself and Leela sharing a kiss and walking off together was all he needed.
No grandiose, no spectacle, just a simple message from one soul to another.
fuck futurama past season 4, its so fucking horrible.

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It was really heartwarming when the farmer, (I can't remember his name, maybe Steve or something?) gave the city slicking cheese man advice on soil ph levels and growing gummy bears

HAHHAHA remember the scene from some episode where country yokels are impressed by Homer, but he drags himself under the bus?
>nice fancy german car mr city man
>this car was made in guatemala
>i got these shoes off a homeless man

classic simpsons were legit heartwarming. Zombie simpsons are pure cringe.
Also sneed I guess...

sneed indeed.
the more we get use to it, then faggots will spam it on facebook and we can move on to the next big meme leddit will steal

Was Homer a good father?

I dunno is strangling your child every day good father behavior?

He was a better farmer.

futurama is even worse.


only jews dislike wholesome humor. a jew can only survive through irony and hatred.

I thought golden age Simpsons did it tastefully. Those episodes were few and far between, same with futurama. When they pulled that shit they were on long enough to care about the characters.

Rick and morty tried to do it in like the 4th episode with the horrid improv TV shit. It was the first time I truly tasted the pure essence of cringe.

why would you admit to watching reddit and memey?

do it for gorg

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Do it for sneed

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It was new at the time and i gave it a fair try. It was fucking awful. Horrid to the point it became an easy barometer for judging kikebook friends personality and taste.

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Formerly heterosexual

>anyone who posts sneed is gay
> posts sneed

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I take it you’re one of those incels who just watched it for the satire, much of which is hard to read anymore after 30 years.

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Pretty sure they don't do that anymore.

homer jump gorg and sneed rode the monorail to sneakers o'toole to tell him he had nice gucci loafers

Why is Azula hanging out with a bunch of thots?

sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed





Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.
That is possibly one of the best jokes I've never gotten from the Simpsons until just now.

I wish a trio of attractive women would try and make me laugh :^(

>try and make
Try to make. There’s no “and” in an infinitive.

No, because if you were a fan from the jump on Tracy Ullman, you’d think the excessive punchlines and formulaic scene structure were cringe. The show began as a pretty dry satire of sitcoms and other contemporary television on too of a critical examination of the modest, midwestern American life. It wasn’t ha-ha funny, but funny in the way that seeing someone in the grocery aisle pull something off the shelf and inadvertently cause a cascade of items falling off the shelf is funny. It’s relatable schadenfreude, and it was heart-warming because American families across the country could relate to Homer’s cluelessness, Marge’s irritability, Bart’s insecure rebelliousness, and Lisa’s hopeless optimism, and the way these personalities constantly stood at odds with each other just like real families do.

The Simpsons lost its touch when it left these archetypes behind and made every character a one-dimensional megaphone for cliché jokes ad naseum without taking the time to depict what makes life so frustratingly humiliating in a way we can all relate to and laugh about. But perhaps the new format gets better ratings than episodes like Bart the General. So it goes.

well excuse me mr. gucci loafers

No one in my family can relate to the simpsons.

Well obviously not anymore. The writers of the Simpsons are hilariously out of touch with American families. On top of that the show, like most long-running cartoons, stopped being primarily a satire and has enough of its own meta to make self-referential jokes from here to eternity. But Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire was a television phenomenon in the era of appointment TV, and it absolutely reflected the zeitgeist of the average midwestern American family in 89.

Nah it works in the earlier seasons when they actually had good writers. They stopped attempting it long ago though.


sn ee d's fe ed & s ee d f orm erl yc huc k's

>DHS “writer” literally copy-pastes his blogposts
>on Yea Forums of all places

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wut, I normally avoid Simpson's threads like the plague because Sneed memes are worse than zombie Simpson’s episodes. What the heck is
>DHS writer

All jokes aside, if Homer was a real person, his kids would have really bad ptsd. He's atrociously abusive, neglectful, terrible with money and consistently puts his kids in very dangerous situations.

like growing tomacco

hommer jump gorg over the monorail

I know you're meming, but yes. As a father, challenging people to duels to the death puts an awful burden on your family if you die or go to prison. After he consistently does this, when he's called out on it, what does he do?

Runs away and puts his entire family in financial ruin. When it turns out he can't farm, he turns to using nuclear material, which is really not good for people to be around. He then talks his way out of a big sale of his product, which of course is not what you do when you have a family to feed. The entire thing is an emotional rollercoaster for marge and the kids, and he does this kind of stuff frequently.

He's not a good dad, husband, employee (when he does turn up) or person.

did anyone else feel feelingemotions in their soulheart when homer jump grg

So now even golden age Simpsons is bad? Fuck's sake Yea Forums, how contrarian can you get? Is The Sopranos also bad now?

It's not bad, it's just formerly good.


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The dog episode was sad as fuck though. I have a thing for loyalty so I can't help to feel weak to shit like that.



To be honest, I do find Citizen Kane supremely overrated and the story it tries to tell doesn't require even half of the times it lasts; literally the Moby Dick of movies.

>Fuck's sake Yea Forums, how contrarian can you get?
As much as I want. My opinion doesn’t matter anyway.

>he doesn't like Moby dick

that ep where Leela gets stung by the giant bee and thinks it was fry who died but he keeps popping up asking her if she can hear him and to say something and not leave him before disappearing was sweet.
turns she almost died and the whole thing was a dream/nightmare cause she almost died and was in a coma and she kept seeing him because he never left her side for a week and kept telling her to wake up and comeback to him and if she can hear him.

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This episode still fucks me up.

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You know what was heartwarming?
Sneed feed and seed