Hello. William H Macy here

Hello. William H Macy here.
I like to pay colleges to fix my braindead childs sat scores and get accepted into colleges


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Me too!

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He really is shameless

he's not indicted

Imagine how embarrassed his qt daughter is? (right)
How would you comfort her?

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i bet he didn't know shit. clearly the work of his vapid slut wife.

>Huffman's husband, actor William H. Macy, was not indicted, but according to the court document he and Huffman were caught on a recorded conversation with a corroborating witness in the case, allegedly discussing a $15,000 payment to ensure their younger daughter scored high on a college entrance exam.

Huffman was indicted on charges stemming from the $15,000 she allegedly disguised as a charitable donation so her older daughter could take part in the college entrance cheating scam, the indictment reads. But Huffman and Macy apparently decided not to go through with scheme for their younger daughter.

At a hearing Tuesday afternoon in Los Angeles, a judge set Huffman's bond at $250,000 with no deeding of property required. She answered "yes" to questions from the judge and acknowledged she understood the charges against her. Macy watched silently from the front row of the courtroom.

i would lick her armpits

But he didn’t pay for the younger one. Was it because she was smart enough to make it on her own, or does he just not love her as much?

he was recorded by the FBI


The whole point of getting rich is so you can pay for nicer stuff and spoil your kids if you want to.
Otherwise, what's the point of all the hard work?

>all these millions of dollars in bribe money
>still "need" to constantly raise all costs associated with higher education
what a scam

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thats called good parenting

He figured she could blow her way through college

Recorded what?

you serious friendo?
its right in the article and also here

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>Things that pacify you get cheaper
>Things that improve your life get more expensive

Really says something about our society

i'd like to huff her muff, man


They all do it, no one on TV is as smart as they say.

How is this even illegal? How is it illegal to trick your way into a school

>We're not a bank, Jerry.

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I really see this as a non-issue.
>Rich parents buy their dumb kid into college
>dumb kid fails out after the first semester because he's drinking all day or just simply too stupid to survive in college classes
>the guy that took the bribe keeps the money
>hopefully puts some of it back into the college coffers(most of the time these are formal donations anyways, not under the table briefcases full of money)
>parents now think twice about trying to bribe their kids way through life

I'm cooperating here.

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it's a fucking government scam, they're the reason it's so expensive

Read the article, dumbass

I once saw him on a flight. He was yelling at someone on the phone as I walked past first class. Heard him say something like "IT'S JUST NOT LOGICAL".


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College is the biggest scam in this day and age. If you aren't getting straight A's, if you aren't super sociable and into networking, you literally shouldn't go and do something else like a trade school. You can't possibly imagine the number of people who shouldn't actually go to college even if they can afford it, and taking on college loans is one of the worst most life destroying things unless you are literally going to be rich just a handful of years outside of graduation.

>No degree, no money!

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>tfw apps roast you

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Former academic ghostwriter here, that's bullshit. If they're rich enough to buy their way in, then they tend to be rich enough to pay people like me to write them or their children's assignments.

>"B-but only chinks and niggers do that!"
Nope, most of the people paying for my services were fellow whities. Asians have their own ghostwriting networks and tend to be too cheap to pay someone like me.