Hey DETECTIVE riddle me this

Who makes up only 13% of the population yet commits 52% of crimes?

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I'll give you one hint: their pants are always saggin backwards

Why did they never give an answer to this riddle?

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What spice causes a post to appear without bumping a thread?

Why did you retards include black women when you made this meme

It would have been better if it was 6% instead of 13%.

It's mostly black men so call it 7% of the population.

It's mostly black males age 15-35 so really it's more like 3% of the population

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This is a wrong way to look at the statistic though, because all races have women and children too. If you're going to mark them off for blacks then you have to do it for everyone.

okay satan

>This is a wrong way to look at the statistic though
Well duh, if we factored in all the other shit like socioeconomic factors and a longstanding culture of absentee fathers brought on by an induced reliance on welfare thanks to short-sighted government housing agencies in the 1960s-70s, it wouldn't be as dramatic of a meme

I'm just saying "6%, 50%" is funnier than "13%, 50%".

Black coffee.
Coffee is something you grind.
Grinding is something you do in... video games!
Gamers are behind this!

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>[Citation needed]

Black women commit crimes against humanity by becoming single mothers

>if we factored in all the other shit like socioeconomic factors and a longstanding culture of absentee fathers brought on by an induced reliance on welfare thanks to short-sighted government housing agencies
yeah your meme sounds hilarious

It's all wikipedia to begin with m8

Why are you getting mad at me for agreeing with you

the guy who said you can't control it for only males was right, it's an unfair manipulation and not as intuitive as just saying black people 13 52. now you're wanting to make this multifactorial rigmarole that is impossible to qualify and massively unintuitive not to mention unnecessary since the whole point is "black people commit crimes, not trying to diagnose why just sayin"

>now you're wanting
No, you read it wrong.

fair enough

>stealing the joke and doing it wrong
I cannot sanction your buffoonery, OP

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I hate them. I wish they were gone or dead. This is no joke or meme. I'm not being ironic. I absolutely despise them, I've managed to accept the rest of the minorities but THEY have never earned an iota of trust from me after almost 45 years of trying to find the good in them.

Who are they

The Jannies will ban you


I'm the guy who threw in the age and I'm telling you it's totally logical as long as you clearly define your terms.

It's factual that black males are 6-7% of the population.
It's factual that males commit over 90% of homicides
It's factual that most murders are age 18-35
It's factual that 50% of all black males are age 18-35
It's factual that blacks as a whole commit nearly half of all murders.
Therefore, through the magic of inductive reasoning, we can reasonably say that it's highly probable that 3-4% of the population of the USA commits 45-50% of all murders in the USA, among all groups of people.

>dude why are people so suspicious of young black men
gee whiz I don't know, maybe it's because they're the most likely to commit a murder of anyone in any group in the world.

This would make a great billboard, or bulletin poster

Just a very tame piece of paper saying something like

>when does 13% equal 50%???

And let people do their own research and reeeee about it later

How are Muslims not 2000% worse than blacks? Niggers rape and kill because they're poor and can't afford food. Once you give them that, they'll chill the fuck out. Muslims are systemically murderous. They pass on a culture of domestic abuse to their children. They systemically mutilate their wives' genitalia. How are they not worse?

even if it turned into some massive controversy, it would be a good thing because people would talk about it

wait, how many of the black males between 18-35 don't commit crime?