What do you think of this television series?
What do you think of this television series?
I keep wondering if I'd want to be one of these vampires as long as I was in-control of myself. I'd lose my junk, and look fucking hideous, but immortality. hmmmmm
Its boring shit.
What is the point of immortality if you lose your dick?
But I won't care by that point?
t. fucking strigoi shit
Started off interesting enough but goddamn did I have a hard time staying interested
Once it became like a war against the vampires and the half breed assassin came in and they fucking nuked the city it was just too far gone from what originally interested me in it
no junk is a deal breaker for me
Is the main character supposed to be unlikable? Fett is the only one I really like.
I think half vamps like Quinlan still have genitalia
Also can into the sun
Isn't that meme where the woman says "I'm jewish" and then it cuts to her dead hanging from this series?
Hate it because now everyone thinks my online handle is from this show.
Thought this show got cancelled a long time ago
No. It was only ever supposed to be three seasons. The story is over.
Had potential but no way it could have ever been pulled off without a bigger budget.
I do like the idea of how they depicted the end of the world, as pretty much a peaceful transition into slavery.
It's schlock but I really enjoyed it. Does anyone know why season 4 hasn't come out on Blu Ray yet?
Yeah. Eichhorst did literally nothing wrong.
That's exactly the sort of vacuous criticism I'd expect from reddit.
Reddit criticism for a reddit show, how fitting.
>if(criticism) return criticism;
zach killed the show for me. couldn't watch it after a certain point.
nice NPC meme user, did you come up with that all by yourself! I am so proud of you, how original! HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT user CREATING NEW MEMES AND NEW OC FOR EVERYONE TO BE AMUSED AT HOW SMART HE IS ALL BY HIMSELF!!!
I mostly remember they spent a season looking for a book on vampires, and then just nuked the bastard anyway so a whole plot arc was pointless.
That was my impression as well, thought the MC was supposed to be a dick.
Big waste potential.
The book was useful, it gave them the information they needed to capture the master, Zach setting off the nuke fucked that plan up as the blast freed him
el Angel de Plata was kino
I thought the silver coffin was before the book, huh maybe I remembered wrong.
this was the one part of the show that actually got me fuckin hyped