wtf are those socks?
loafer socks you neet
based and tsupilled
women usually wear them with heels
I forgot to add - how can one man be so GOAT?
No-shows for wearing loafers if you're a huge bitch who can't just go sockless
literally /ourguy/
The king of Yea Forums
he raped millions
Who the fuck wears socks indoors anyway?
looks comfy except for the socks, I would always feel like they’re about to slip off
they would make you staticky on the carpet. just get some slippers.
If you wear closed shoes like sneakers or boat shoes without socks it's guaranteed that your feet will reek of sweat and everyone near you will be able to smell it.
Is Ronaldo the GOAT?
He’s on the terrace dummy
is this is gently coming out of the closet image?
Who the fuck puts a couch outdoors then?
>best player is a faggot
yep. it checks out
gay porn?
when people label mere luck as skill, you get ronaldo
Movies about the Chad destroying the virgin?
Yes, imagine lucking into success on yearly basis
why do football players all dress like faggots ?
Maybe you shouldn't have sweaty pig feet you sweaty pig
t.gay clothing expert
well luck and he is a leader of the GSM
People who take pictures like these only read like 15 minutes at a time. Its only for show to seem like a cultured person.
t. smells like shit