Just watched Goodfellas, what did I think of it?

Just watched Goodfellas, what did I think of it?

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You thought Casino was better


forced meme

Casino fucking sucks

yea watching sharon stone be an annoying slut for 3 hours is so much fun


Don't mind me.

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You can say Goodfellas is better, but to say Casino is shit is just retarded, retard.

you didn't see what the big deal was

listen here user you jew motherfucker you

it was real greaseball shit

You thought it was a great movie.

kino, but its popular so people on here don't want to admit it

If you're a trumpsucker you hated it because De Niro.

you were distracted by all the minor characters you recognized from the Sopranos.

Goodfellas is the only movie I can think of that can be considered practically perfect.
Literally, find a flaw.

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>I couldn't STAND him. I thought he was REALLY obnoxious.

As close to perfection as any filmmaker could hope to get

not enough gabagool

He didn't insult nobody.

you enjoyed the mobster genre and will now watch more of it, mainly watching films by Scorsese, Coppola, dePalma, and Leone's masterpiece: Once Upon a Time in America
if you are a reasonable man, you'll reach the following conclusion:
Once Upon a Time in America > The Godfather Part II > Goodfellas > The Godfather > Casino > The Departed > The Godfather Part III > Mean Streets > Scarface

>that ranking
Holy shit what a pleb

he insulted him a little bit, he got out of line himself

he insulted him a little bit. I dare to say he got out if order himself a little bit.

>muh gangsters
only brainlet manchildren who are stuck in middle school like these movies and fantasize about being a piece of shit criminal

What a horrible death for such a petty thing tho

>can't dismiss it
3/10, made me reply

who is spike

>tfw wiki De Niro and find he is more aryan than pseudo white

You thought it was boring.

>find a flaw

It glorifies the mafia too much. In reality the mafia was full of half retarded white nigger arabs who ruined the lives of ordinary people and were only allowed to operate so long because of laws written for a white society, and the mafia helped spur changes to it which helped the modern police state encroach itself.

Also the violence is gutless and phony, like all movie violence. I want to see an actual realistic portrayal of how a crime syndicate operates. No film maker has the balls to put something like Funky Town in their "gritty" movies.

>what did I think of it?

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casin is just a poor mans goodfellas. Its like scorsese took all the leftovers from Goodfellas and tried to make a film from it. You ignorant cunt

>In reality the mafia was full of half retarded white nigger arabs who ruined the lives of ordinary people
Don't know about you but this is what I saw. Children in suits taking the piss out of eachother until one snaps, and if they don't snap they've got 10 men in their ear saying "woah woah you gonna let that slide?". Soon as the insulted reacts everyone jumps back and says "wow what the fuck did you do that for?". They're retarded chimps and they're shown that way in my opinion.

Batts' murder was pretty horrific tho