ITT: Actresses which did NOT hit the wall
ITT: Actresses which did NOT hit the wall
Id hit her wall meaning that I would fucking destroy her face with my fists
Have sex
Who cares?
Save Hex
go back
I went back. Had sex with my 10/10 and came back
Why would you ever want to hurt such a beautiful thing?
Ive never really been attracted to her, but she's objectively a beautiful woman.
Gib smol milkies
65 years old in this photo
Times your junk went into the fucking stratosphere
cheating, that. she's had a grandma face since birth
fuuuuuuuck these are literal perfect tits
I wasn't really into her until I saw Midnight in Paris, and her acting in that movie reminded me a lot of a girl I know, body language and things like that, and I started really enjoying her.
Winona will never hit the wall
>me on the right
She has nice calves
Is that a hairy mole
I have you bad news
Someone will eventually post Rachel Weisz, and I disagree. She still looks good, just not as good as during the Mummy movies. Same with Julia Louis Dreyfuss.
That's because shes dodged those ovens
She's so fucking hot.
He’s trying to meme us all girlfriends lads!
this shit always makes me laugh
it's BDH for me
Linda Cardellini may hit the wall before her 50s but she's prime MILF now
I actually like more MILF Winona better
One time, I saw Regina George on a beach. A nude beach!
did you see her at the oscars? she's aging like wine my man, I wouldn't say shes hit the wall at all
Dude, go jerk off and burn off that edginess.
is 37 too young to decide whether she has successfully passed the wall?
good lord
>tfw no prime Linda gf
It's kind of weird she acts like a thot at 54 years old. Imagine being her son.
wall hitter
absolute patrician
yes, the thing is many are hitting the wall before 30 (not Biel)
shes always been gorgeous.
the wall wont hit her, because she would beat the fuck out of it, and femdom it into complete and utter bliss.
ha ha, it would be so weird. yeah.......
>the illusionist
that movies over a decade old, so this pic is very outdated
how is she so damn perfect
Yeah I noticed that too
Not like she ever fucking looks different though
>that movies over a decade old, so this pic is very outdated
blah, blah, blah
The stew of course
>Sixty fucking eight
still looks great
she belongs to JUST category
When's she gonna stop putting on 10 pounds of makeup and grow out and stop dying her hair again?
Wall status: Hit
>those feet
is this the perfect human being
you are corrupting this thread
Are they good? I have no feelings about feet one way or the other
this might actually work
As an uggo it makes me sad to see good looking people making themselves ugly for no reason instead of fully utilizing their potential. Especially as a successful celebrity she could buy the nicest clothes and afford good stylists aaaaah
sadly not
I wanna hug cute stew!
does it count if she's not at an age in which there's a wall to hit yet?
She has huge feet. You have to be low-test to like this particular feature.
she was never hot. also shes an annoying lesbian whore
She hit the wall long ago but not very hard
>no one's posted pic related yet
for what reason?
>for what reason?
by my standards they are a solid 8, which I gotta say is good. curves could be more prominent though, which is why they're not a 9
my man
dubs confirm honest uggo
her feet size is right according to her height
Based and Chanel pilled.
ban test
fuck jannies
Same here. She isn't my type (not that it matters lol) but she is also so undeniably cute.
roastie btfo
That’s getting JUSTed not hitting the wall
you offering user ;)))
Beals is 55
while I agree with your point, I disagree that biel has overly large feet. Biel has a very fitting size. But yes, large feet do ruin a pair for me
>pic related
have sex
Was Isildur an incel?
I love her so much!
no. thats why Aragorn exists ya dingus
I love Kristen's comfy fits.
he had sex, how can he be an incel
Honestly I don't think a better MILF exists right now.
No, he was just a complete retard.
And so was Erlron for not grabbing the faggot and throwing him into the lava along with his precious cockring.
It's hilarious to me when women wear yoga pants and shit because "omg they're so comfortable" and don't even think of just wearing something slightly baggier
Gotta show everyone that ass all the time!
Rachel is wallproof
Not an actress, but Avril Lavigne is still pretty hot.
What about sexy fits?
I'm not have idea what are you talking about
God bless them.
>I'm not have idea
No. Yoga pants are trashy and not hot.
God tier.
She's gained some weight last year, but otherwise she's fine.
She should really keep her mouth closed for shoots like that. She is the worst I've ever seen at the sexy half smile thing
It's been her look since she was a kid. Its trademark now, not really an attempt at a smile.
I like her profile.
I prefer this version
Alternatively she could go the other way completely
*hits motherhood in your path*
Goose fucked up.
she's chubby now but in a good way
oh you mean thicc
Kino couple.
I just love her so much bros. She oozes sexuality, but also seems like a genuinely kind person.
She's just fat, BBW fetishist
Yeah man, who would want Eva Mendes instead?
You just know what she is hitting.
>Ryan Gosling married this troll over literally anyone else
>BBW fetishists
no just a man of taste, pleb
yeah yeah, they stop being obese when you call me a pleb while posting old cherry-picked images
she's fat now
Yeah this ugly broad.
Why do normal people look so boring compared to celebrities and models? How do you dial down your standards?
(inb4 have intercourse I am asexual)
>Rachel McAdams will never feed you in public
She'd kick your pathetic sorry ass and you know it.
Spics? Ryan could be on his 5th Aryan child by now.
No, this is fair, he deserves this.
Completely the opposite for me, 75% of the grills I see irl are qts who I'd prefer over any hollywood "beauty"
pic unrelated right OP?
She looks like the wall fell on her
That looked like a Big Mac
have sex
surgery + makeup is why
You post really well for a blind man.
she's always looked 40
I live in a college town, and the average woman here is 8/10. I'm too incel to fuck any of them, but it's nice to look.
>Imagine being her son.
I'm gonna need a minute
everyone looks hot when you aren't fucking
There are a lot of pretty women where I live don't get me wrong but they lack the certain je ne sais quoi.
Just look at the agony in his eyes.
imagine ordering a pizsa and she want s have sex witb you
Is this fucking shopped, Jesus
extremely homosexual post
>she didn't hit the wall
>the wall hit her
how does she do it lads
I'll never understand the fuss over her.
Eva Longoria (part Mexican) was and still could be hotter than her, even Jennifer Lopez and Sofia Vergara are more attractive than her.