Is it kino?

Is it kino?

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I have never seen a television or film.

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If you can get past the 70% of the movie that is just boring family stuff designed to make dumbshit 90's audiences care about astronauts, yeah the space stuff is pretty kino

My dad beat me during this movie once and I finally snapped and kicked his ass. Pretty big moment in my life

Anything Tom Hanks is kino

Yes, this is absolutely, positively, 100% pure unfiltered unadulterated pristine crystalline kino. It's actually shocking that people feel prompted to even ask this question.

Attached: kinopollo13.jpg (900x507, 66K)

What did the other people in the theater say

Yes. Kino. First Man is way better though.

I'm going as far as saying that even the 70% family stuff is kino.


It was at home

the opening scene of First Man was some of the best cinema I've seen in my life

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>the scene where Lovell’s mom asks Neil Armstrong if he’s in the space program too
Hanks films always bring the campkino

I haven't seen a bait so shit since 2007

The best scene with the family is when Tom Hank's wife is in shower with her glistening skin and she drops her ring... Serious cougar right there

It was very dramatic and juicy but if you know half a dick about suborbital flight it looks like a cartoon with shakycam

It follows only The Right Stuff in terms of space kino.

I've heard that From the Earth to the Moon is good, too.

What was inaccurate about it? I don't know shit beyond A-level physics and even that is sketchy

torrenting it now lads

It wasn't bad at all, just some parts were fastforwarded and/or over-dramatized to such an extent that I really considered if it was a dream of his. It's about details, real flight would have been boring because you wouldn't know when things got wrong because test pilots do not 'react' to things very much. If he won't react and won't jerk the stick like it's his benis you won't know that things got wrong and there won't be a drama.

Disregard anything First Manlets say, they're mentally deficient; Apollo 13 is apex-kino.

>first manlets