ITT: Movies where you had a hard time relating to the protagonist
ITT: Movies where you had a hard time relating to the protagonist
there is NOTHING WRONG with being a virgin. Only roasties insult you for this because if being a virgin was good, it'd would invalidate their life decisions. So they believe they can't possibly be wrong, instead they condemn purity
>has sex in the end
I didn't get that part either.
If he was truly a 40yo virgin he must have been really fucked in the head at that point.
I'm just 29yo and virgin and I feel like I already reached endgame here.
probably gonna an hero in the next couple years.
Now you remember that the young pajeet coworker from this movie murdered a woman
Wtf dude just fuck some whores now and then
>Dude if you just get rid of everything in your life that makes you happy you can fuck some old used up whore
I can't and I have no idea how any of this shit works.
for that money I rather buy a new harddrive and download more porn on it.
After you have sex the first time you kinda realize its not all that its cracked up to be
I never even kissed
haha can you imagine, 40 years without sex? lol must be tough right haha
oof, yikes, cringe, and grimpilled
>tfw you remember he wasn't an incel
>just fucked up and stopped trying
>you're going down the same path
kissing is actually great
Yeah I heard sex is also good
is it?
I have no idea how it works and I watched countless movies and porn and still not any smarter about it.
will probably never find out tho.
yeah sex is cool but kissing really passionately makes you feel loved and special
i used to carry my ex-girlfriend to bed and we'd kiss as i carried her, felt really hot to have her in my arms and she's grabbing on while i kiss her. also when a girl moves towards you and closes her eyes, that's a great feeling
Sounds great, good for you.
cant even imagine shit like that
I think it’s better than sex, much hotter, especially if you control the head movement by pulling the hair or pushing the head.
t. 28 year old kissed for the first time 2 months ago
Reading this makes me want to kill myself.
its one of these experiences that you cant buy.
Exactly, and I'll never have it because I'm too much of an autistic faggot.
same here bro
same here
Yea Forums is a chad board now.
You all have to vamos.
>I'm just 29yo and virgin and I feel like I already reached endgame here.
But what about your wizard powers?
the only power you gain is to pull of suicide.
Oh no
"I have a very fulfilling life!"
>montage of scenes meant to mock the main character but he actually has a plethora of hobbies and is enjoying his time to himself instead of being forced to do things he doesn't want to or compromise for another mate
>somehow we're told as the audience that this is bad and wrong
I have no excuse for not having a girlfriend, I'm just too much of a pussy to ask her out.
I think when you get to 30 you get you can start to cast spells, might breathe fresh air into your life
this is tv not /r9k/
who /invisible/ here?
It doesn't work like that. He probably would overthink, get nervous and not get erect at all.
source: my life
I "lost my virginity" when I was 21 to an escort. I didn't cum though, I was kinda nervous. Then I tried with other escort. And another. And another. And another. That goes on for years, and the only times I cummed was because she sucked me off or gave me a handjob. Sometimes I'm hard, and then when they put my dick inside their pussy, it gets soft. I even tried with a tranny ("well maybe it's just that I'm a fag?" I thought, but nope. Same thing. Trannies are disgusting btw).
This has been going on for years, and now I'm 28.
I've never cummed during actual sex (vaginal/anal/whatever).
At certain point you go for a hooker expecting that you won't get erect, but you try anyway at least for the physical contact and to touch some boobs.
I think that... not everyone is supposed to be happy in this world, and if you simply accept that, it's a lot easier to get by.
kissing is great when it's with someone you love, and when you still aren't a cynical asshole. That's why teenagers love thinking, while older people aren't THAT into it. Teenagers mostly still didn't became bitter and sick of life and can still enjoy the tenderness of kissing someone you love, and who loves you back.
everybody must report posts like this
You can find some autistic girls too. They're problably not gonna be attractive, just as you aren't (I assume). When you figure out that personality>looks isn't just a meme, you'll get there.
Yeah, It was pretty great desu.
>That's why teenagers love thinking
I obviously meant love KISSING
I might get shit but I'm 26 lost my virginity at 22, dated one girl and that was it. I haven't even kissed a girl in years. From where I stand, the movie is insulting because it implies that everybody is "handsome" as Steve Carel and the problem is that THEY don't believe in themself.
In reality, the WORLD doesn't give a shit about 40 year old virgins, and they never get better
>Hey let's make everyone feel like shit because I want to talk
Normals are like fucking animals, I swear
But he's ugly as sin. He's as normal as they come, and to be honest, the girl he ended up with isn't all that either. Not a great person OR attractive. She's just there for him.
Blowjobs are better desu and there are other way of "happiness" than climaxing with a girl.
If you weren't a loser, you wouldn't be seething so hard. Think about it.
When you cum a chick's face, you realize it was everything it was cracked up to be
Realistically Steve Carel is above average looking to most people, based on his bone structure in the face.
pussy is 100% overrated bro
they want you to clean and wash your balls and buy them useless shit constantly
a fleshlight feels exactly the same without the threat of getting it pregnant
plus they talk non stop and won't shut up it gets annoying after a week
>I've never cummed during actual sex (vaginal/anal/whatever).
key word: had
what kind of meds does your Dr. have on bro?
I don't take any meds. I don't feel depressed, and I'm relatively healthy.
Then why even bother?
If I can‘t get a 10/10 why should I bother?
or getting some old wrinkly 30yo single mom
nigga for what?
I rather watch porn til I die than set myself up for this cringe.
based, same