What kind of shit advice is that?
What kind of shit advice is that?
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star wars is shit but basically it's something like 'you are free once you lose everything' or something
Losing shit you don't mind losing doesn't hurt. Without that fear, you can live without limits.
yoda is always blazed as balls
Where does saving the things I love come into this though?
chat shit, you do
Well, it IS part of the reason why Anakin decides to screw over everybody.
Yoda was giving advice on the pretense that Anakin was referring to a war buddy or fellow Jedi. He had no idea Anakin was a rule-breaking fag and was referring to the pregnant wife he wasn't supposed to have. If Anakin had led with "so Yoda, this girl I've been married to for years and whom is now pregnant with my child is about to die, what do I do?" the advice would probably been a bit different.
Yeah Yoda thought he was talkong about Obi-Wan
The advice is sound and reasonable.
It's the feelings of fear that lead to the dark side.
You don't have to fear the loss of loved ones to be willing to protect them. Are you too much of a brainlet to understand this?
Being a Jedi was all about being an incel. Makes sense
He's referencing the works of Kierkegaard and Camus, with Buddhist flavouring. Lucas does it again. Read a book you plebiscite
I think the Hindus also have some ideas about separating yourself from worldly things in order to approach a more godly existence.
Isn’t this stoicism?
no the hindus just want to worship random animals
This is why I don't care about my parents.
>movies protestants will never understand
How is that bad advice? Especially for Anakin?
Just a regular cel. Nothing involuntary about it.
Why is Anakin so upset over death when he has access to spiritual/paranormal powers that prove Yoda's claims of everyone being "luminous beings?" Even if Padme dies she'd still exist and if he really wanted to see her again he could just kill himself. There should be no fear of death for any life form that has absolute proof of another existence beyond the "crude matter" state they exist in.
Nobody knew about force ghosts at this point. Only at the end of the movie does Yoda discover that Qui Gon has found a way to commune from beyond death.
have sex
Because Anakin is a shitty jedi. He has Force power but he doesn't have the attitude.
Even Yoda said that he shouldn't be upset since his anonymous loved one would live on in the Force, just like everybody else. But that still means they'll be gone while he remains and he won't have a wife or family. Anakin is emotional and passionate, that spiritual stuff doesn't satisfy him.
It's basically cliff notes Buddhism
>window has blinds
>yoda has a full beam of light on his face
What kind of shit cinematography is that?
Ebert's saying that Qui-Gon is a John The Baptist figure, but Anakin is not really a Christ figure.
>He fails to make the Council
Ezekiel 28
>brought down to sheol by the third episode
Isaiah 14
>Sidious references an "ironic" saviour
Matthew 28
rejoice, for transformers
mourn them do not, miss them do not
Jedi morality is retarded
>you will never fly around in a giant toaster
the wrong attitude, you have
What part of this you didnt understand?
>Fear is the path to the dark side
You're thinking of Buddhism.
This is EXACTLY what Luke does in The Last Jedi! Rian is a fucking genius!! TLK haters BTFO!!!
Drop that bitch nigga