I'd fuck Brie Larson tbqh
>women complain about a patriarchal rape culture that hates and oppresses women
>movie about how "strong and independent and based" women "are" makes hundreds of millions of dollars
So the latter disproves the former right? Guess women aren't oppressed.
Yes! Incels lose again
with socks on
I honestly don't kniw anybody who has seen this movie. This is a first
Nah, leave em off, I want to foot mog her
What a dumb stupid fucking Pepe design
Holy moly
>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever
Fuck I'd hate to see us win...
Isn't this movie like half of Captain America's gimmick?
Anecdotal evidence is generally complete bullshit. For all we know you could live in hick-ass Kentucky.
/pol/ was wrong again
I don't care for these quantifiable facts, I much prefer rumors and conspiracy theories to confirm my bias that CM is a flop.
Remember: /pol/ is always wrong.
Patriarchy theory is an unfalsifiable claim, no matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented feminazis will always claim they’re oppressed
The only threads that are even worse than capeshit threads are boxofshit threads.
I don't know if responding to it this way is some meme I missed but I just found out something interesting earlier, which is that this Pepe is literally a Twitch emote that's been around since like 2018. Apparently someone JUST found it last month and started spamming it everywhere. But this whole time it's been a lazy Twitch emote.
>Deadline Hollywood estimated the film had a total production and advertising cost of $300 million, and would need to gross $750 million worldwide in order to break-even.[2]
All this for low profit
>women complain about oppression
>take steps to reduce oppression by supporting anti-oppression messages
>retards on an anonymous image board claim that the oppression therefore never existed
so this is the power of conservatism, woah
It'll make that by next weekend incel
Guess buying their own tickets wasn't that great an idea after all
The more likely reason? Your "evidence" is a load of horseshit.
So? If it breaks 1 billion it will still only make about 100-150M in profit
Which are weirdly connected.
>it's oppression to be able to sit at home all day cleaning and gardening while men go out and work in factories for 12 hours a day until they're drafted and die in some ditch in France
Wow, women really are oppressed.
love seeing white men getting blown the fuck out first black panther now this
>see bad movie
Yoo fucking Drumpfftard! You are against good! You want kill gurlz and jibbo!
It's because it's all one big shit test. They are telling every single man to oppress them.
Observe: how to put a positive spin on that -75% sunday-to-monday drop.
W-w-wait, hold on... do you, actually, genuinely, LITERALLY, believe there is a patriarchy and women are oppressed? Really?
Disney audited by the SEC for fraud when?
>global ticket sales
you mean
>disney ticket buys
Is it bad I love Clown Pepe? I mean I love clowns in general.
Clowns are kino, I love them too
It's one of the more innocent memes to show up in a while. Shitposters hate it because there's no way to make it racist.
This. It's impossible to make this cute clown into a racist one
you have to go back
You do know it was a worldwide release right? Most movies have staggered releases, this helps give it legs (along with word of mouth). CM released everywhere at once so its gross is just going to keep making massive dives
You have to have sex.
>he spent all that time rigging RT scores and watching the quartering on youtube
>meanwhile captain marvel makes half a billion dollars in 4 days
Imagine being an incel right now, how could you ever recover?
Imagine believing most movies do worldwide releases instead of staggering
You know who else is staggering? Incels, after doing heavy drinking because Captain Marvel's success has massively depressed them.
Why is it 750m instead of 600m to break even? Do they get less from foreign?
That is weird. Me and my dad went to see it locally and when we chose our seats the screen showed a nearly full house, but when we went in the theater wasn't even a third full.
Yes, actually. It's why Warcraft wasn't a success despite making an absolute fuckton of money in China. Because most of that money doesn't go to Hollywood.
she's a double socker for sure
Ah okay, that's what I thought it would be and why they always report domestic a lot more often than ww
Can we trust this source? Genuinly curious.
Considering they spent 140m on spiderman homecoming marketing, 150m at least is cms marketing
The actual quote is this
>By the end of its first week (or less), film finance executives are saying that Captain Marvel will hit $750M global-plus (even if it’s front-loaded) and pass break-even in its theatrical cycle based off combined net production and global marketing costs of $300M
By 750m it will have gone past it's break even point, not that it needs 750 to break even.
>it won't even hit $1.3 billion
Can this really be considered a success though?
Nobody I know has seen this film. Except two. They said it sucked, and their standards are even lower than mine.
Boy. Paying shills and bribing RT and YT and stuff sure was expensive
given the chance I honestly wouldn't
I don't find her attractive but besides the physicality I think she's repulsive as a person
>They said it sucked, and their standards are even lower than mine.
Can incels really afford to have standards?
So it's at antman numbers, great.
No one cares fatass. You can't "ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM" it into a good movie, retards.
>I think she's repulsive as a person
Glass houses, incel.
Have sex