The lack of success of well-endowed actresses

Why, Yea Forums? Why do hot women are not as successful compared to lanky average girls?

You could compare the old Wonder Woman to Gal Gadot and ask yourself what’s going on.

I mean, the so-called “sexiest woman in the world” is shit compared to other people from the media.

They have a big fanbase (even if it’s just because of their looks) yet you don’t see them on films

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe if she showed her big smelly nipples off now and again she'd be more successful

t. Eva Green

It's a shame really

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Flat chests are superior to cowtits.

hollywood paedos only want to fuck flat chested actresses in exchange for roles


pretty sad

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Hollywood is run by homosexuals, such as

I remember Leanne's Crow's website had an about me page and on it she said she wants to be a Hollywood actress. That isn't on there anymore. I guess she must have realized that Hollywood doesn't hire people without boulders on their chests.

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Fucking this, those dark and blurry photos just aren't going to cut it anymore

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I know she's Jewish but her career is as good as it's gonna be
She legit an awful actress and a midget

Because they have to cater to white males who have low testosterone and are all basically soi bitches.

Big tits are usually employed for comedic effect. Having humongous udders detracts from your being casted for serious parts where they will distract from the story and character.

she is lead on a network show

Kat Dennings had her own sitcom for SIX YEARS. She did a Youtube series last year, has a movie and her own Hulu series coming out later this year. She's doing fine.

Stop white knighting just because your favorite big titty actress had a show get cancelled two years ago.

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Why didn't they cast her as Wonder Woman

Niggers distract from serious roles but get lobbed them all the time.

Well Hollywood has a different agenda there...

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Hollywood is full of gays and old bitches who will destroy your career if you actually start to pick big titted goddesses on every role


tits too big

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she looks like a literal mongoloid

Hey bros I like big boobies who here also likes big boobies?

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She looks like big titty Christian Slater, wtf?

Is this really worth a thread? Jesus Christ, Yea Forums

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They hate her

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Ur a fag!!!

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Right on queue.

Have sex

It's related to hollywood

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Titlets should be genocided like manlets but since women can get away with anything men will continue to fuck titlets and srpead the genes. It's just like women with fetal alcooholic syndrome actually spread they no-jaw genes and create bugmen by the droves since some dudes like "young looking girls". We're fucked.

They succumb to the laws of gravity and age, just like their careers.

Is it true Best Emma and her are gay for each other?

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literally the gay mafia stops them from getting roles

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Probably lack of ambition. Life is generally easier for attractive and/or well-endowed women than it is for unattractive or smaller-chested women. A woman with a sweet rack is in higher demand from a young age, and thus likelier to find a comfortable position in life (i.e., married to a desirable male and thus out of the work force) before a flat-chested woman, who has to strive for whatever she achieves on merit alone. Painting with a broad brush here, but I think the logic holds up.

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They didn't want to get called on "jiggle vision"


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how come no one makes threads about that show with christina hendricks? I saw a few minutes and she seemed like a slut who fugs criminals or something. any pics from it?

>The lack of success of well-endowed actresses
the western culture (also known as african culture)

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I think Kat is really pretty in the face :)

They’re faggots.

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Nothing. Fuckmeat gets trained to act like fuckmeat, not to be doctors.

Good Girls?

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Everyone in this thread desires to have sex with their mother. All tit obsessed people do.

>got thicc
oh shit



yes with a girl with milkies unlike you who is gay

thanks Freud

Oh noes! The redditor says I have an incest fetish! That would make me a weirdo and I certainly wouldn't want to be perceived as that on the anonymous site Yea Forums! Idiot.


more like america is just a nigger-spic shithole

>this is what actual nigs and basedboys who fetishize ass think

Shame she's ugly.

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>I will never lick a titty

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People who fetishize ass want to fuck their father.


What are some kinos about girls getting thiccer?

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I like big titties but the only girl I ever loved was (and probably is) as flat is it could be

>mfw this thread

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Dubs and I get a girlfriend.

read this as jennifer milky. i have to get off this site

jesus christ

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>t. chestlet roastie

She deserves more roles

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Because fucking women with big tits is worse than fucking women with perfect b-c tits. I don't know why, but I found this to be true 90% of the time.

Only in Gayville

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>North Korea is an ass country
Always knew my man Kim was based

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DFC > titcows

Have sex you mommyfags.

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I like Kat for her big, fat, meaty lips

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>we just don't think that a doctor would look like that
Do these faggots go outside?

Try disguise your post a little next time flattie.

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god damnit stop making this thread im trying to nofap to fix my deathgrip.

Im a doc and most of my colleagues are women and a significant amount are pretty curvy.


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She just got implants and then fat transfers, great results but still.

who cares about the sex, she's got a big milky titty right there for sucky
you can sucky her nippy and she can give you headpats, feel so good feel like mommy and you're her baby so nice so warm
and if you can talk your girlfriend into inducing lactation (it can be done!) you can have the full experience
hormonally this is good for the woman as well, it will deepen your relationship

what's some chestlet going to do? "get on top"?

post some

Roastie you have to hide your posts better!

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did tina fry get a glasgow smile? wtf up with her face?

> go round taking photos of asses in my workplace
Sounds like a great plan.

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Moviestar is just a boomer and Gen X meme.

Beautiful women dont want to hang around nasty jews all day just for a bit of fame.

yeah you'd be so based and redpilled
at least facebook pics??

still would, the huge stretch marks just make them all the more appetizing

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>whatever you do, don't look at her tits

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Yeah, I remember thinking it might have been interesting if she and Hershlag had swapped roles in Thor because Dennings seemed to have more chemistry with Hemsworth, but that probably wouldn't have overcome that fact that she's just generally not a very good actress.

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Had sex with mom and sucked tits. Ask me something

english is hard for you huh?

LMAO haven't seen this word used in so long

true hot women now are social media influencers on instagram

> doctor in year of our lord 2019
> having facebook
I'd have been struck off for wrongthink years ago if that were the case.

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in a parallel universe she is your GF and gives you all the milkies you want.

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You'd like to think so but no


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mommy i can see your bra

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Me on the back making a milkers thread on Yea Forums

post gif of Hayley and Gemma


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what a forward young lad you are

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You know damn well that the names would be in the opposite order to the actresses. They *always* do that

her nipples have already hardened in anticipation of milking

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This image drives me wild.

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what happened to her career?

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That's sweet

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first post best post

ass is better because usually they get it from working out rather than being overweight.


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Joke's on you my mom is flat as a board

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>those nips
God she filled out nicely.

That's great

"during the spring semester of kindergarten, I wasslashedin the face by a stranger in the alley behind my house."

I think the scar looks cute desu

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but my mother has a big ass too

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Christina Hendricks career.

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>tfw she will never give you paizuri and a bj at the same time

I suppose it's for the best, no mortal man could endure such pleasures

thank you

>ywn own those cows and live a happy and peaceful life on a farm somewhere

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Most BBWs do.

what the fuck is a paizuri you fucking faggot incel

>mmmmmm *POP*

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It's weeb for titwank

jews trying to warp beauty

why would they invent a new word for something as old as time?
fucking weebs

makes these two look small

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>minus goy shiksa Christina Hendricks

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they are saggy as hell and the model stopped doing nudes. it's not worth the fap

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>minus goy shiksa Hayley Atwell

>he doesn't want to become a goy toy

What does mexican milk taste like?

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I unironically would Cassie0pia even tho she's BBW

>a picture of Lillith where she doesn't look like a 4/10 trailer park reject
make up, lighting and angles are truly the devil's work

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I don't think she looks bad. Are there any photos of her without make up?

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"I like your handcuffs necklace"

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>Mother comes home
>She looks like this
How do you respond?

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>two-headead, bi-racial monster
I call the cops

please tell me this is intro for POV porn


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see this:

They’re famous for their talents, not their talent. Also we have a nigger culture that prefers ass.

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quiero leche

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stop posting the ugly redhead and post more perfect Kat

Perky proportional Cs are the true kino tit size. Better than flatcucks and big floppy cowtits

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based titty centrist

Tfw I am a mulatto from Maine and have successfully infiltrated white ranks

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shame its from nigger kids

a name plz I'm in love

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based. booty chasers unite!

ass > tiddies

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she should have been black widow

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>not liking both

This bitch is more artificial than a fucking android from Blade Runner

remember her?

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What the assmen want.

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hardly ever happens that a lady has both

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>confused milk cow asking little boy why he's wearing a dress

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you will NEVER see her nipples uncovered

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Biel is the whole package

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I'm literally laughing at you right now. You're the type of person who gets a mediocre job, a 6/10 wife (b cup), and a shitty house in the suburbs and calls himself successful. You tell yourself C's are ok because in your heart you know you couldn't handle mommy Hendricks massive milkers. You cant even attempt to reach for greatness, because you've spent your whole life telling yourself you dont even want it. Those gargantuan knockers will forever hover, bouncing and swaying, above your head as you keep your eyes facing the dirt, not daring to even look upa nd ogle them.

>average actresses in the 50s

best decade. the 60s really ruined everything, thanks Twiggy and Hepburn.

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She def wanted the faggot to look at her massive chest. She is disappoint

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She's like a child in comparison

i can't wait til the culture goes back to fetishizing women who weigh no more than 110 lbs

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I had sex with her in highschool so I actually have.

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>What was the name of that boy you liked? Chad was it? He's the funniest guy! He sent me a text that he wanted to suck on my toes! What a goofball! He's pretty cute though, so I think I'll let him.

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don't be fooled, brothers. it's all in the fit of the clothes. the milkers, the hourglass, all supported by spanx and a tailored fit. take it all off and this broad is a blob underneath. you know it to be true.

Seething femcel.

she is wearing nipple covers
that webm is exactly why I said uncovered. You're so predictable.

i definitely believe that to be the case with hendricks.

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Too late.
You're training is complete

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titmoms vs assmoms which is better?

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oh my fug

>Far right

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But they both had both, especially BDH

Post any titcow outside of Dennings and Hendricks please

>60s ruined everything
that is when the production code was breached

Sauce fast


The trick is to get the whole areola in your mouth when you're sucking tits, really get a good suction going on.

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buckle up, buckaroo

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>Females who's the sexiest (according to MSM)
>It's always the nastiest

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She seems nice, I bet she's the type of busty chick who enjoys getting her tits sucked and fucked if only because any man she's with wants them so badly. Don't challenge my head canon.

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argentina confirmed white

i heard she retired
what a shame

She's a shit actress with an annoying as fuck whiny American accent which sounds like someone strangling a cat, and is ugly to boot. Tits is all she has and it's not enough.

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Huge baby bottles of christina hendricks

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>brown nipples
and dropped

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burn the coal pay the toll

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It's not real, dummy


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How much milk do you think this great actress can produce daily???

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imagine getting to sniff the back end of that pen

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more than any mortal man can drink

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BDH has shit tits

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Wha? She went from never dated a black guy to two kids with one? Was it that fool who had her on his site?