*saves captain marvel*

*saves captain marvel*

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I would have unironically bought a ticket

>no tits ass hips

Id watch that 3D

okay this is ebin

I'd watch that kino

ewww. taylor swift while a cunning business woman and a smoke show is kind of a hoe. not kind of, i mean hard core.

p-p-pass on that

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All white women are.

You proved his point.

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They should have used Brie Larsons butt double for CM instead.

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I just want an excuse to post taytay

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No wonder whites are dying. Yuck.

Captain tay tay :D

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Larson was shit in the role ngl, but the role was terrible to begin with. The best way to save Captain Marvel would have been to write her as a completely different character, preferably with some kind of personality or emotional arc.

Would it be a musical ?

t. manlets that can't handle a woman taller than 5'4


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Nice non sequitur, idiot.

non sequitor?