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What’s it like to hold the hand of someone you love? INTERLINKED.

>user K-Y-S-4-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?
Yes, sir.
>Recite your baseline.
And reddit newfaggotry began to spin... A board of posts crosslinked within posts crosslinked within posts crosslinked within one (you)... And meaningless memes against the blue, a short fat neckbeard cried.
>Have you ever been out of the house? Posts.
>Do they make you post? Posts.
>When you're not shitposting, do they keep you in a little room? Posts.
>What's it like to hold the pillow of your waifu? Crosslinked.
>Did they teach you how to feel nothing and nothing? Crosslinked.
>Do you long for having your quints crosslinked? Crosslinked.
>Do you dream about being crosslinked?
>What's it like to hold your fapfu in your hands? Crosslinked.
>Do you feel that there's a cancer inside you that's trying? Crosslinked.
>Within posts crosslinked.
Within posts crosslinked.
>Why don't you say that three times: Within posts crosslinked.
Within posts crosslinked. Within posts crosslinked. Within posts crosslinked.
>We're done. Constant user, you can pick up your tendies.
Thank you, sir.

Was he okay?

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It would be better if you used INTERLINKED instead of CELLS to be in corellation with the image of yourself longing to get intimate (interlinked) with a girl, even if it's just holding her hands, just like in the film before having to recite 'cells', they'd ask "when you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box" in direct relation to the word 'cells', or before having to recite 'interlinked', they'd ask "what's it like to hold the hand of someone you love" in direct relation to the word 'interlinked' etc

Be creative with your shitposting, it's not just random mindless spamming

no, but in the end, yes

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I have held hands with a girl. INTERLINKED

>what’s it like to hold the hand of someone you love?
Why was it a different voice the second time?

It's not a recording


But that line is the only one that sounds like a different person. All the others sound like the same guy

How did K manage to drown luv with only one hand? Was she really that weak that she couldn’t free herself? I thought they were both supposed to be very strong

he was also pushing up against the roof of the car to create more force to push her down with

>How did K manage to drown luv with only one hand?
He pushed himself from the ground, he didn't just choke her, he literally pushed her head (neck) into the ceiling of the car with everything he can.
>Was she really that weak that she couldn’t free herself?
No matter how strong you are, when someone starts strangling you for real you can hardly do anything against the grip on your neck, and most of K was literally under water. So she could hit him thousand times if she wanted to

I’ll call Ryan, he’s gonna hold your head underwater until the bubbles stop and we’ll see how easily you get out.

Edit: he’s not answering, must be some electrical infeterance


He was holding her with only one hand, she had two free hands. Instead of flailing her arms she could have just pried his hand off of her neck with both arms, or twisted his arm. Isn’t she supposed to be trained in martial arts? It was a stupid ending to the fight

Have sex.

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>test blocker
Why not become a tranny then?


She tried to drown him while he was choking her because he was literally under water, then once Goose slams her down and she's completely under water she can't do absolutely anything about it, not even top tier martial arts count anymore