Is this definitive proof that Rey is best Jedi?

Is this definitive proof that Rey is best Jedi?

Attached: jedis.png (766x742, 287K)

Rey died?

someone who got btfo by darth maul shouldn't be talking about who the best jedi is.

she hasn't dealed with any of her problems yet tho

Luke sequestered himself because he realized the dark side isn't just randomly killing guys and throwing epic lasers, trying to solve every problem headfirst by defeating it inevitably leads to the dark side slowly but surely, and Yoda had the right idea
None of this is canon anymore but I don't give a fuck, Zahn's a genius

Are you asking him for sex? Weird

Did this board get raided by Yea Forums or something?

Please, just say "h4ve s3x" or "1nc3ls" so you can fall on my filters. I don't like when you faggots evade then.

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Nah it’s mostly newfags trying to troll after seeing the amount of replies the phrase “have sex” gets on Yea Forums at this time. Doesn’t help that the mods don’t properly ban these faggots and that other newfags keep replying to obvious bait posts.

just filter every post that mentions sex, it's impossible for you to not be triggered by them after all

Just these three words are good enough, as it filters not just the people who spill then, as the retards that give then (you)s. It is a sure way to delete roasties opinions.

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Sure smells like incel in here

Wanna help?

Mace Windu was a better Jedi. Fuck, Kitt Fisto was probably better

you have never been to a speed runner convention have you

>jedi are hunted down and exterminated
>lol yoda and obi-wan left everyone else to deal with their problems
Why are women so stupid?

neither yoda or obi-wan ran off and jake skywalker isn't canon and ofc sjws side with the nigger
tumblr is an STDs infested shithole, more news at 11

Mace Windu literally beat Palpatine, because he was the best fencer alive in all of Star Wars, even better than Yoda. He was betrayed by Anakin.

>Well well
I read this in Farmer 1's voice.

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It's actually proof that she's the worst, as running off to leave other people to deal with your problems is demonstratably the Jedi way.

>haha we wrote our character no flaws get rekt silly boys
Fuck you, learn to write