Why Friends had 0 (zero) black characters? Were they racists?

Why Friends had 0 (zero) black characters? Were they racists?

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Yeah no hispanics either, and the only asian was that julie chick

there was also no one from Liechtenstein in this terribly racist show.

that's real life.

check out any high school or college cafeteria. everyone self-segregates.

Chandler and Joe fought over a black chick once.

They had tons of Jews though so it's ok

Ross and Joey ya slapdick. Gabrielle Union. And then both were into the same black chick later on in the second last season.

And there was also a black guy who was at Monicas and Chandlers door 3am, wanting candy.

"Mmmh, night 'Gar!"

But there should be more dutch people. There are only three.

It was a different time. A better time.

Here. I fixed it

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Did Ross date someone played by Aisha Tyler?

This. You might have one light-skinned black friend in your group, but not a full nog.

And you will NEVER see a single white friend among a group of black people ever. It's a complete fabrication created by Hollywood.

oh yeah, i remember that bearded guy on friends who weighed 250 lbs

Is that Tessa Thompson?

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They all look like they'd be easily offended by everything.

friends had a lot of black characters

pivvvvot piiiiivot PIVOT pivot PIIVVOOTTT



Anyone ever thought this on Big Bang Theory? You have the token non white Raj who is extremely white presenting. I can't really recall any black characters.

The only time they bring up race or politics it is Sheldon being insensitive like giving the black head of the science division the Roots film. I haven't heard any anti Republican or pro Democrat thing on it.

Um, it’s Rachel sweety

Forgot to add pic

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what's powering the lamp?

Which one is meant to be which? Nogs all look the same to me.

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they're all supposed to be your mom's boyfriend

Came in here hoping to see this. Still top 5 YouTubes OAT for me.

You're hooked on crack and smack,
And your welfare's late today!
The car you stole is stuck in second gear...
And your babby's daddy won't get out for another 5 yeeeeaaaars

So the Jude gave you life, it was going to be this way
(gunshot) (gunshot) (gunshot)
No job but woke, you're broke, you're life's ruined by the DEA.
It looks like you'll never be a scientist or an engineer
Well, you're in a cell for your next day, your week, your month, year after year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the taxes come to the door.
I'll be there for you, like welfare was there before.
I'll be there for you, cause I'm stuck here too.

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It was called Friends, not Homies

My fucking sides

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White guilt

This is bullshit. I went to middle school and high school in Georgia and California. There are absolutely mixed groups of friends, especially if they play the same sport.

She’s so quirky!

Joey was Italian

Italians are white

>Why Friends had 0 (zero) black characters? Were they racists?

how you doin?

>Why Friends had 0 (zero) black characters?

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It’s not like that in the northeast. Northern cities are still super segregated.

I always see idiots going on about this. blacks had their own shows at the time, just because they were for the most part totally forgettable is not my problem.

Hey that’s racist!

Friends is literally the biggest and most popular show ever. That’s the point dumbass

Ross had a black girlfriend for a few chapters.

Why were Jews overrepresented by 5000%?

>created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman
Gee I wonder


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How they got away with this?

New York City

Nobody wants to watch niggers

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I can't believe somebody saved the text itself.

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>The one with all the bicycles
>The one with the court order
>The one where there is no father
>The one with all the crackas

>forgetting about the best girl

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They had Greg Kinnear on the show? Damn He’s such an underrated actor

>Why Friends had 0 (zero) black characters?
Allow docfuture1 to take your ass to school:
