Movies about father-daughter relationships?
Movies about father-daughter relationships?
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a VHS that contains your father fucking your 15 year old sister lmao
Merry was unironically right about everything, daughters exist in the LOTR universe merely to suck orc cock. Think about it logically
Butterfly Effect
old boy
Paper moon?
Imagine growing the most perfect fruit tree, you take care of it for years until it blooms and fruits, it looks like the sweetest and juicest fruit you have ever seen in your life and its all because of your hard work. But you are not allowed to eat it.
based and redpilled
Captain Ron
>tfw found a shitty flip phone recording of my dad fucking my 16 year old sister
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically
you had me until:
>The lucky man or woman
>or woman
based cuck living in a dream world.
give him a high 5 from me
Think about it logically
>impregnating a titcow
That is my fantasy
I'm living in reality, pal. See you there:)
Move out the way, edgefags. Wholesome and genuine is the new cynical and ironic.
to be honest it was thanks to Merry that Saruman was defeated, pimpin did nothing
Mary also got his hand broken or whatever stabbing the witch king in the back
in the movie anyway, i haven't the chance to read the book yet
Having a daughter are one of the low blows you can get as a father. Not only the pasta in OP is right, you also don't get to pass down your name to future generations. The surname you were carrying on through generations dies with your daughter.
Imagine the disappointment.
Not to mention your Y chromosome.
Accept no substitutes.
reverse the genders and this suddenly becomes cp's already cp
I have nipples Greg could you milk me?
*dick hardens*
You're a cuck if you don't raise your daughter to be a lesbian
>Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets
lamo in what dream world?
in todays world you will get an arrogant self absorbs roastie cunt that thinks she deserve everything just because she has a hole between her legs and at best would be a nuisance and hindrance to everyone in her job and at worst welfare leech single mom.
Having a daughter is just torture, it's isn't even cuckolding. You're just wasting resources into raising a slut, every single one of your advices or religious bullshit you try to push for her to pursue monogamy will implode when her female friend tells her that some chad wants to have sex with her. Everyone here knows this stop fooling yourselves
Think about it LOGICALLY
What do you do in a world without artificial wombs, tough guy? Who else will raise the breeding sows?
I think Merry took too many blackpills
Lolita 1964.
That's what women are then, breeding stock. I have no problem with other people treating them like this i just don't want any part in this bullshit.
with this and so many more things I believe attraction to little girls is in every man's inner soul
Friendly Reminder that the movies replaced Boggo the cat with Sam.
This is very true. Women are like rubber, the more they try to mold them one way, the more they're going to spring the other way.
There's literally nothing wrong with mass rape after an army has conquered a city/land and it's completely natural. The primal urge to defile the women of the other tribe and fill them with your seed is based and shouldn't be a war crime.
>the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them
More like fuck and suck them.
did he actually say this? WTF Token?!?!
Imagine having a 16 year old daughter who's an IG star with over 1+mil followers. And you know a rich Sheik is one of them
Aguirre, the Wrath of God.
Time to cash in!
This, the purpose of a hot daughter is to sell her off to some rich old cuckold to be a trophy wife
>daddy I had a really bad nightmare. Could I sleep in your bed tonight? It'll be just like when I was little.
Everytime I see a man and his daughter I see a mirage of Merry smoking a pipe in front of me.
>in fact, the filthiest, dumbest nigger takes it, gives it a bite, spits the seed, and toss it at you to find another one