What would you do in his situation?

What would you do in his situation?

Attached: yesterday.png (631x1000, 741K)

Other urls found in this thread:

acclaimedmusic.net/artist/The Beatles.htm
acclaimedmusic.net/artist/The Beach Boys.htm

Beat my wife

acquire the necessities to film the missile that hit the pentagon and truthpill the masses about 9/11

shit in the street

be jealous of other people

that's a shitskin though

If you tried to cash in on their songs, given the influence they had on music people would think you are copying/being influenced by what *they* influenced ("dude you sound like Oasis or some shit"). You could then create a nice music career for yourself but since you aren't in the right time/place you'll never even approach how big/culturally relevant they were.

Live like Michael Jackson and eat little boys butts out all day and play the Super Bowl by night.

id forget how most of their songs go and be able to put out like 3 or 4 lmao

>implying the songs would be big hits if they were released today

The Beatles would never be popular today, just look at all the retro bands and artists that languor in obscurity. At best you could eke out an existence as a small time folk singer

Music would be a lot different if there was no Beatles. They influenced so many goddamn bands you can't even count them all. And even if it were the exact same their songs just wouldn't be hits today. At best the songs would make you as famous as some Yea Forumscore indie band, nowhere near as famous as the Beatles themselves were.

>make millions
>fuck bitches

zoomers don't even listen to the beatles this shit is going to bomb

fuck my waifu

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You couldn’t reach anything close to Beatles’ level fame, but you could sell their lyrics to a record label who could push someone or a couple of someones to a high level.

>the songs themselves will make me famous
>without the talent and the money for compose them, orchestrate them, arrage them, produce them and/or sell them

Beach Boys are better

>t. listened to pet sounds once

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No shit they wouldn't be as big you colossal retards. The beatles defined their genre in their time period , and music as a whole, without them everything would be very different. You can't pull them out of their time period, they were good artists at the right place and time.

given the beatles influence on popular music this might as well be a movie about inventing fire in 2019. either one of two things happens:

the music is mildly popular/novel if it gains any traction because its all already been done assuming nothing else about the current music landscape changes. the kinks and the beach boys etc are held in the kind of regard the beatles are in this reality.


the musical landscape is so utterly different that its not to anyone's taste these days and flops entirely.

shit idea for a film 2bh. a more interesting idea would be something to do with technology. like what if a guy goes back to 1200AD with the plans and means to make self loading firearms with the manufacturing technology of the day? that would be a baller movie. like GI Samurai but with a larger scope

She looks like she fucks

Sunflower and Holland are both better you fucking plebeian, holy shit

Pet Sounds is better than every Beatles album though

just lol
beach boys fags are the worst kind of delusional retards

play some vidya, probably fap too, no reason for me to not be a parasite in that universe too

>shit idea for a film 2bh. a more interesting idea would be something to do with technology. like what if a guy goes back to 1200AD with the plans and means to make self loading firearms with the manufacturing technology of the day? that would be a baller movie. like GI Samurai but with a larger scope
That was the plot of a comic book called Pax Romana by Jonathan Hickman. The Vatican sends back a warehouse full of advanced troops, weapons and tech to 340AD to take over the Roman Empire and ensure that Catholicism takes over the world and stays on top.

The poster says "He's about to become a very big deal" as in the film will have him become a superstar. Don't see how I'm retarded for simply pointing out that this is stupid

t. has never listened to either, probably doesn’t even know what I’m talking about
Go jerk off to Hey Jude or something

Kill myself to protect the world from the shittest white people music ever prodjuced.

the beatles had a way more consistently good set of albums and all the beach boys could do was release 1 great one and they were done
>b-but sunflower smiley smile
nowhere near as good as what the beatles put out

Those albums are shit and you're a pleb trying to pretend he's a patrician.

t. pleb

Oasis becomes most popular band of all time

t. even bigger pleb

>says albums are shit despite never having listened to them
>but I’m the pleb

how do you know i've never listened to them?
keep coping with the fact that the beatles dabbed on brian wilson

Prove you’ve listened to them.

you're the one who claimed i haven't
prove i haven't you fucking imbecile
what a pointless thing to say, just accept you're not le epic patrician you think you are

You’re the one who said they were shit, which is predicated on the implied claim that you have listened to them. Burden is on you, not my job to prove a negative.

an average beatles song is way better still than an average ed sheeran song

how do you prove you listened to an album? way to move the goalposts you retard

I don’t think you know what “moving the goalposts” means, asking someone to meet a basic burden of proof does not fall under that definition

and yet somehow what is popular and what is good are often not the same

acclaimedmusic.net/artist/The Beatles.htm
acclaimedmusic.net/artist/The Beach Boys.htm

I hate the beatles and I’m sick of hearing about them

how do i "prove" i listened to an album? what am i supposed to give you a rundown on every single fucking sound that is made or something? you're just grasping for an excuse to feel like you "won"

he wouldnt be that succesful
the fact that the beatles were a boyband with attractive white males was a huge factor in their success,

btw for some reason the beatles fans are the lamest people i have ever seen

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>how do i “prove”
Not my problem, you’re the one who made the claim. Thanks for playing.

i hope everybody watching realises what a complete moron this guy is

lol what a nerd, get a gf for fucks sake


The Beatles are grossly overrated. They are average at best. The only reason why they got as popular as they did was due to the amount of fucking drugs going around, which complimented their psychedelic sound.
Literally you needed drugs to find them good lmao
Bands today have more talent in a single band member than the entirety of the Beatles.

that's [an Indian] though

surfin bird > any beatles song ever recorded

The Beatles were popular for years before popular drug culture was a thing. You don't know shit, zoomie. All the people you like are either influenced by The Beatles or influenced by people who were influenced by The Beatles.


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>this was attractive in 1964

The Beatles are shit. Might as well jerk off over any modern pop shit since it's all equally shit

funny cause its still as attractive as it was then. what we consider attractive possibly isnt objectively more attractive at all, just culturally more relevant to us today.

yeah maybe not for you and me but 60´s girl were obsessed with them this was well documented,

This, rolling stones were far far better.
Beatles only have one good song: Helter Skelter

rolling stones are a greatest hits band and one of the shittest ones
id rather listen to queen than them

It's a boomer gratification flick like Almost Famous or Guardians of the Galaxy.There's an aidience, but I doubt they'll get the turnout.

proof Wilson was a 1 hit wonder mental midget and nothing more

Holy autism. Take a breath user. What was it in anons post that triggered that kind of response. All he did was state something obvious. Who hurt you sweetie?

I really hope this is bait and you dont talk like this irl.

>the movie is about a minority stealing some of the greatest work whites have ever produced

and they say conservatives are racist

Sounds fedora af

Well i like to play in water and I gotta go pee now
Well I like good food and I like to play rough
I like singin songs and dancing in the buff
So come on come down to surfin city with me

Have an upvote.

>the Beach Boys have released this much filler out of 3 good albums
>the Beatles have released 0 filler

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Fuck Lily James in the arse hole

>Beatles songs
>among the greatest works whites have ever produced
Poptimism is a disease.


>there are hundreds of beach boys albums and they're ALL about surfing
who the fuck even likes surfing

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Is this thread a reference to the cartoon??????NANNNNNNNI

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>Beatles for Sale
>Not filler

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

>yesterday is one of the greatest songs ever written
Audibly laughed, only good Beatle was Harrison.

>btw for some reason the beatles fans are the lamest people i have ever seen
the "purists" only listen in mono, it's the faggiest shit ever

To be fair, some of the early Beatles stuff has really bad stereo mixing. It is very much of the era where everything is either panned hard left or right, except for the drums which are always in the middle. It sounds especially bad on headphones.
Luckily a lot of their albums have been getting really good stereo remasters lately that fix those problems.

I never listened to any beatles songs

Why is a pasta about "popularity = bad" taken seriously in any way?

I'm pretty sure one of them couldn't swim too.

its an indian movie, they literally think success is ordained by caste/karma/birth.

Poo on Sidewalk

More like HACKman

Nothing.The Beatles are horrid trash that should be forgotten forever,they are the reason the mainstream scene has degenerated into the shit it is now,they shat a fat one all over the progress the musicians of the time were making into turning the mainstream great and stole everything they "invented" from kinks and byrds,so yeah in that situation I would do absolutely nothing,fuck beatles forever

>btw for some reason the beatles fans are the lamest people i have ever seen

I'll tell you why

>get the melody and lyrics of all the beatles songs
>lack the talent, creativity, voices and chops of Lennon, Harrison and McCartney to give life to them and turn them into hits
So he plays acoustic versions of all of them? What would happen is other bands would cover the songs and make them actual hits. Pajeet would become a corporate songwriter, he's too ugly to become a rockstar

They were white bois in a time in which blacks were hip,they were popular because whitebois were insecure ,thats it

Rap is the natural karmic consequence,thanks beatles

>greatest anything

Get a load of this neanderthal with no reading comprehension

If you're over 16 and still wear chucks you should be shot without trial and thrown into a mass grave

>dad sent me the trailer for this film
how do I explain to him that watching a shitskin lipsync covers of beatles songs for two hours is possibility the stupidest idea possible?

Yeah it's basically like when people say Seinfeld isn't good because it's like everything else when in reality everything else is like Seinfeld because Seinfeld did it first.

This seems to imply that beatles songs are good by themselves. Most of them aren't. Acoustic covers of Strawberry Fields Forever, or Lucy In The Sky or She Said, She Said, etc sound fucking awful

They're good deadlifting shoes for gyms that don't let you wear slips or go barefoot though.

Yeah, it's not like muh video game music so it's shit :(

The premise of the film is that some weird shit happens and it erases everyone's knowledge of the Beatles, except him, but they had existed until that point. So there is no impact on the music they influences.

He remembers their songs and passes them off as his own and gets famous . It's a retarded premise because as others said, their music would not sell well today.

What is their best song and why is it A Day in the Life

Make this and sell it as an original musical

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Haha what a faggot so if people dont listen to your boomer boy band they like vidya ost right?brainless trash average beatlefag

Happiness is a Warm Gun

take your (you) Lennon