Finish episode

>finish episode
>credits roll
>"in memory of .."

Attached: 1508924535367.png (495x433, 19K)

This never happened in the history of dota.

>finish episode
>credits roll
>see my reflection on the screen

Attached: 1528845522685.png (232x218, 21K)

>finnish episode
>credits roll
>special thanks: lutefisk

>frog nigger makes a thread
Like clockwork

>notice there isn't a depressed bloated fat guy looking back because gym and diet has paid off
>feel sharp

>finish episode
>credits roll
see you space cowboy

>finish episode
>taken directly to the next episode because im not a poorfaggot torrentcel

Best feel desu

>finish episode
>credits roll
>"in memory of .."
>it's the name of your mother
>you call your mother
>the director of the movie answers

Attached: y545h.png (348x354, 7K)

>credits roll
>'...and a special thanks to You!'

Attached: 1544389771881.jpg (334x506, 42K)

>"this episode has been sponsored by a bucket load of carrots"

Attached: 1511953183100.png (422x530, 53K)

>too stupid to use your video player of choice to queue up as many episodes as you want
I'd rather be poor than retarded.

>finish episode
>credits roll
>"in memory of..."

Attached: 1551993042832.jpg (800x450, 104K)

>credits roll
>people have wacky nicknames probably gained during the production, like Mike "Beefcake" Williams and Nancy "Six Shooter" Palma

>credits roll
>its time to play spot the jews

To you, user.

Attached: 1529279783805.png (332x332, 148K)


I love this, makes me feel like they enjoyed making the movie.


>credits roll
>I'm a believer starts playing

Attached: 1546552155879.png (1144x772, 267K)