
>An intimate relationship between a human and an android tests the boundaries of human nature.



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Other urls found in this thread:

Was thinking about the other whore who was in The Girlfriend Experience, she is very photogenic, idk about this one with that tarded hairstyle

nude scenes?

I grabbed this last weekend but haven't watched yet.

That girl is not as pretty face-wise.

Nigger she's a porn star, just go find her scenes, wtf, lmao

Belladonna was decent in Inherent Vice.

porn is dull i like artistic nude scenes

Just marathoned the trailer. Pure kino

Is it a Ex Machina rip off

Sasha? I like Holly Michaels, fantastic performer perfect feet and body

is this really a movie


>makes the transition from porn to legitimate acting
>has a nude sex scene in her first movie
Baby steps, I guess, lol

Came here to post this

No pornstar will ever transition to be anything more than a D-Lister in legitimate film and television.

that makes me happy, op. stoya always had hollywood potential.

>No pornstar will ever transition to be anything more than a D-Lister in legitimate film and television.
That's not a guarantee considering how degenerate our media is.

Sibel Kekilli has done pretty well for herself after Game of Thrones. She's closing to be a b-lister.


Attached: based.jpg (370x89, 19K)

the cover doesn't look like stoya at all

she's not in anything

Sounds like it.

Oooh this is the Serbian production she did right? I read good reviews about it.

>She's closing to be a b-lister.
You won't find one person able to recognise the name or who she is without saying, "the girl Tyrion fucked in Game of Thrones."
That's D-list at best.

Attached: 1551942311881.jpg (260x194, 5K)

She seems to be constantly working, which is already better than what most american b-listers do. Mostly European productions, but she does seem to have shaken the porn industry.


Nah she's not that kind of actress. She is pure

it won several awards in Europe

>Serbian production
with mostly Slovenian and Croatia actors. What did they mean by this?

Isn't Stoya serbian?


She's American

Imagine being an actor signing a contract for a movie you find interesting and then find out you have to kiss a face which has licked cum off used toilet bowl on multiple occasions.

What's with all the robosexual pandering nowadays?

No such thing as Americans. She's Serbian, genetically.

The main actors wife irl is hotter than Stoya


>She's Serbian, genetically.
which means nothing. She was born in American which makes her American not Serbian

>She was born in American which makes her American not Serbian
There is no such thing as being American. Her roots are in Serbia.

>Her roots are in Serbia.
which again means nothing. She has an american passport, she speaks english, she went through the american school system... She has no connection to Serbia other than one of her ancestors was from there.

Blood means more than those social constructs. Anybody can get a passport, go to school in America and speak English which is not exclusively American.

>Blood means more than those social constructs.
Except nobody cares about that anymore. We aren't in the middle ages anymore gramps

Why is no one mentioning how to watch the movie?

>Serbian genetics
>a mixture Slavs and Turks and the thousand other tribes that raped their way trough the land

Yep, you are truly the nation to talk about "social constructs"

fuck sake you moron, it's quite clear what the other guy is asking, quit being a retard for the sake of it

n e w f a g

>tfw no android gf

Attached: feel.gif (645x773, 8K)

Tracey Lords went up to B.

explain it

Serbian detected.

The on B she went on is plan B

she always reminded me of that sloot from5th Element and those dumb Resident Evils

I love seeing porn actors not do porn or those bland build-up scenes. Colby Keller was surprisingly good in that awful show Eastsiders

Dude looks like a street shitter anyway

Attached: poo in it.jpg (731x419, 34K)

she’s in like 2-3 movies since she quit porn 25+ years ago

Attached: A.I.Rising.2018.00:00:36.jpg (1888x720, 44K)

Attached: A.I.Rising.2018.00:00:44.jpg (1888x720, 49K)


they are both half serbian.

Vod films aren't mainstream.

>Vod films aren't mainstream.
Look at this snooty pleb

>ywn go full James Deen on prime Stoya

Attached: stoya.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

Mila is Ukranian

Why even live?

Just to suffer

Attached: stoya 2.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Mila is Ukranian

she was born in ukraine but is genetically half serbian and half russian. stoya is half scottish.

what did she mean by this

Attached: en-sevilen-stoya-gifleri_531088.gif (500x278, 1021K)

this is such an american post lmao

Attached: stoya a good book.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

thats funny because im not american.

Should have just kept doing porn. This movie looks like trash.



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8 minutes into it. Wish me luck motherfuckers.

>tfw no ewok gf

My arch-nemesis.

Attached: Vito.jpg (1500x1000, 142K)

Well look at mister iron bladder here, aren't you lucky you can make it through a whole trailer without needing a pee break.

An intermission would be nice.

this meme is outta control

Dumb Americuck

Unironically looks better bald.

Attached: take-a-seat.jpg (257x498, 19K)

Literally the director, writer, and producer are Serbian.
Kys Alboroach.

na. its slick empty. finna be slaw.

She lives in Serbia now doing modeling and acting, what is wrong with you?
Look at her twitter.

Attached: Stoya A.I.Rising.2018-[22.23.008-22.30.558].webm (1880x720, 2.61M)

Attached: Stoya A.I.Rising.2018-[51.01.058-51.29.003].webm (960x360, 3M)

The cinematography's good.

Its an odd cover. Like the cover to one if those really shitty scifi anime, like Roots Search.

Attached: roots-search-1986-ntsc.jpg (478x480, 83K)


Well the question is, is her STD cured now?

Must be a real paige turnah.

I've never watched game of shits but I know her. She's pretty famous in Turkey.

youtube posters on another level

So are the government issued robot gfs?

I think I already watched this movie.

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>IMDB ratings

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why build a robot waifu with broad shoulders

I like how this one shows her ass but the one with the porn star doesn't

fuck off

not the only thing rising

whats the appeal of a porn star with tiny A cup tits.

is the appeal just the face?

she has a nice body but yes, her face is the best part

Attached: stoya_godsgirls_desktop_1280x851_wallpaper-166874.jpg (1280x851, 219K)

love this guy

>Why? She is a whore. No way we should promote porn work or what I call prostitution to be a gateway into acting. And no porn isn’t acting so don’t bother

what part of actors being from other countries confused you?

Enjoy your communist propaganda, sóygóy.

Attached: marvel-soyboy.gif (800x800, 230K)

Just got what I wanted out of this movie. No need to watch it now.

you must have the gay or something, user

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>AI Rising

Terrible title. This sounds like the sort of direct-to-video shit you'd find in the Blockbuster bargain bin.

bad lighting and acting i love nudity in film

Do you think they added the strobe effect in post or had some guy standing there flicking the lights on and off really fast?

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i must have the gay or something
because i prefer pornstars with big tits and big ass and not like stoya with a thin petite flat body....

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>no child wife experience

Need to lick stoya pusy

Not in post, done on set. You can tell by the rolling shutter in the camera. Notice how it is only the bottom or top of the screen that goes black during the strobes? t. filmfag

Cool. Thanks fren

pedophiles man, they prefer her teen like body

that ass is metallic

>Movie is literally about socialist dystopia
>Bootlickers must immediately jump to the defense of their slave overlords

You "people" are actual cartoon characters at this point.

No problem user, please be good to yourself


Attached: A.I.Rising.2018-[19.17.156-19.20.158].webm (600x720, 1.27M)

wall is hitting her pretty hard

But she's clearly an adult woman.

>famous in Turkey
Yeah that's real b-list material.

He has southern Italian ancestry. he also looks like a carbon copy of his father

Attached: c8006e5f3f3a7a70dbce.jpg (786x442, 31K)

I would still hug and kiss her.

It's pretty clear the message is the dystopia was brought about by capitalism, dumdum

She looks the same

are you blind

look at her smile wrinkles

Attached: Stoya A.I.Rising.2018-[29.38.068-30.00.048].webm (1920x720, 2.94M)

get the fuck out of my board, liberal scum

Literally changed about a month ago by 'murican distributors from Ederlezi Rising. Just generic my shit up senpai

I have all her fleshlites

that's hot desu

Her mouth is cleaner than everyone's ITT.

The current poster is dogshit, I can't understand who could think that's a good one to have. The title as well is complete diarrhea. The original poster & title is much more enticing, why would they do this?

Attached: 13.jpg (1187x815, 356K)

if it's so degenerate how come it hasn't happened in 50 years?


Attached: Stoya A.I.Rising.2018-[15.11.077-15.49.490].webm (960x360, 3M)

she looks like she fucks black men



fucking podcast losers

Not sure why you're bringing that up all of a sudden.

no tits, dropped

knew it, they only cas porn stars for explicit sex scenes

Fuck this faggy shit.

meant to reply to

literally Yea Forums right now

Attached: Stoya A.I.Rising.2018.00:40:18.jpg (720x720, 225K)


How avant-garde. The blinking lights really makes this deep and thought provoking.

Attached: coming2.jpg (519x800, 149K)

Attached: Stoya Perfect Picture.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Have sex.

Could have been nice but it looks like a grim dark Ex_Machina that was already pretty grim, thanks to its poor ending.

I wish, one day, someone will great a positive movie about androids and their relationship with humanity. This world needs hope, not more depressing shit.
The whole sexual aspect is interesting and fascinating, but of course it has to be rape at some point...

who cares stoya hit the wall like 5 years ago

I had a Stoya mouth fleshlight.
Had to toss it after being left alone for 4 months.

Attached: nananama.jpg (488x521, 49K)

>But she's clearly an adult woman.

With the body of a 14 year old girl. Did you know, that Australia banned porn of any actresses with A cup breasts because pedophiles were buying too much of it?

Was it worth getting? Was it good?

>anglo country with orwellian laws cause they're ruled by roastie feminists
yeah, not surprising to anyone.

Fleshlights are great if you’re a masturbation addict


She would fit well in a Blade Runner film

I'm unironically thinking of getting one....

I always found Stoya way too cute for porn. Her facial expressions are great and she looks adorable sometimes.

He is right you know.

If you're ready to take care of it, buy one. It feels awesome but it's kinda expensive once you realise you have to buy the cleaning stuff and the powder to make it soft.
Cleaning it can be tricky too at the beginning

Attached: rambo-first-blood-part-ii-stallone[1].jpg (1200x628, 93K)

Is that simulated?


She used to be cute, but her last porns she got too muscular and she started to look like a dyke for some reason

Fleshlights can cost up to 100 dollars
If you dont want to pay so much, just get a stroker. They cost like 15 bucks on ebay

I'll take a seat when you pay your fucking rent.


Money isn't that much of an issue. I'm just horny and lonely.


Some have electronic motion to imitate a blowjob.
You put batteries and the thing sucks your dick.
You have to check the reviews of course. Read amazon reviews or other sites,
You can also buy an imitation vagina/ butt, they take a mold of a butt and vagina area and make a silicone copy. Feels like fucking a real vagina

Theres different options. Fleshlight is just the beginning.

In the trailer they call her a cyborg when she’s clearly an android. Dropped.

gf got me one when we went long distance. It's not worth it. Only slightly better than your hand and a huge pain to clean. Not to mention that it's made by the most fragile material in existence that will break if it touches anything it's not supposed to (which also happens to be everything, including your dick)

country locked for me


Which mode would you put her in, /tv?

Attached: settings.png (759x301, 221K)

Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: option 3 please.png (766x301, 213K)

submissive because intimate seems too intimate

Fuck... the android sends data of how you use it back to the manufacturer...

I'm out...

Attached: accept cookies.png (761x304, 162K)

t. no taste
It's much hotter when it's done artfully and it isn't made explicitly clear you're supposed to jack off to it like porn is
Music videos are fapkino for that reason

thanks to the based user for the webms. more plz and thanks. is it a softcore porn then?!!

Mine lasted two years. You are just subhuman


>this lack of customizability

fucking casual gamers make me sick

Genuine question... how are you supposed to clean it?

start makin me some money hoe

You're just bragging about how your cock's too big for a Stoya's vagina shapped Fleshlight.


what is C _ _?


>he future is present

What did they mean by this?

Oh, so you're just another /pol/tard.

>make shitty sci fi movie just to get the chance to fuck soya
kino, pure kinyo

2 minutes in it and the main character's forced Batman voice is already grating.

>Australians are stupid
Damn, didn't know that.

Honestly surprisingly decent movie.

fell asleep on it. is it any good? dont even know if i will give it a second shot... unless i watch it with a bunch of ppl and i can crack wise

>continental european english accents

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"Did you base her appearance off my pornography history?"

No it's all real.

Aussie here, I hate this country, and yes we are stupid. We are run by roasties. We need to be nuked. But this meme is getting out of hand. Some bible thumper from a backwater state suggested it in parliament, it was so absurd worldwide media picked it up as a joke. It never passed. We still have flat chested chicks in porn here.

Is this worth watching

>When the guy ejaculates so hard he misses her face so she crawls away and licks it up off the floor.
Absolutely kino.

>Sibel Kekilli has done pretty well for herself after Game of Thrones. She's closing to be a b-lister.
Sibel is not a B-lister, unless it’s in Germany or something.
I watched that movie, ‘Head-On’, that got her well known.
As I don’t speak German, I had to watch it with subtitles.
Sibel’s acting was awfull.
If you wat to determine how good an actor is, watch a movie without sound, it’s very hard to hide shit acting if you have to focus on a persons movements gestures and facial expressions.
The actor in the film was good, Sibel was just wooden.
Traci Lords has done better work in B movies.

She’s Serbian American, or I think half Serbian.
Ahe’s also from Philadelphia, or at least spent a bunch of time here.
Supposedly she used to work at one of the local clubs, not gentlemens clubs, as a hostess or something.
She then started doing nude or semi nude videos done by a friend or aquaintance, as well as nude pic shoots.
I’m not sure how she wound up in porn.

I think she’s only half Serbian.
I believe the other half is a mix including Scottish.

Traci Lords has 166 credits as an actor on IMDB, and 90+ of those are for non-porn films.
She was even in a film with Russel Crowe and Denzel Washington.

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no we didn't, stop posting shit

lol what is this dumb shit? fucking movies are so dumb now.

It was the first thing I thought about when I read about the movie: "I want an artistic Stoya nude"

Oh my fucking god.

Attached: 73e.jpg (1200x900, 235K)

is this the movies actual aspect ratio? what the fuck

>they misspell 'intellectual'

>no gentle femdom setting
Or is that just domestic?

Why do so many creeps like sci-fi?

>An intimate relationship between a human and an android tests the boundaries of human nature.

Does she do robo-anal?

Attached: 1393635807-stoya-onlinehile-257624.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

I agree. Ex Machina was well made from a technical standpoint but I'd have little desire to watch it again with the direction they went. That's a big part of why Alita is a success. People are tired of the evil machine robot trope.

I wouldn't mind stoya if she didn't go the woke feminist route after porn claiming James Deen raped her and shit.

>Alita is a success
>has yet to break even

Yeah women should stay silent about abusive men!

>be Croat
>liek Stoya and Mila Jovovich a lot
>feel a bit like I am a traitor
What do?

I never liked Stoya, she overacts too much

thanks now I have alzheimers

>The Rap Vault
The Rape Vault

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i won't watch this garbage but i'm really happy for her she's trying to make a breakthrough as a legitimate actress. most of her colleagues end up ODing in a shitty motel. i jacked off so many times looking at her goofy facial contortions, God bless this crazy bitch.

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looks like cringe fuel

no thanks

nice blog faggot

>abusive men

Nice evidence Stoya

All the other porn whores used by GOT aren't though. They all thought they finally made it and now they're back on thier knees :^)

absolutely based.

wasn't interested until these, holy shit. you have to be a brainlet not to realize that capitalism and democracy is fuse that will burn out very quickly and then there will be nothing left.

time to watch some kino then i guess.

Attached: 152358234751962.png (520x484, 59K)

tick tock roasties

imagine being an over hyped over paid over opinionated actress and realizing that literal whores are about to replace you because everyone else is fed up with your bullshit and you were never that good of an actress to begin with so replacing you with a pornstar isn't even that big of a deal.

Seems about right

Attached: usagereport.jpg (1401x666, 162K)

just imagine a world lads, where hollywood actresses are all ex pornstars and non of them give a fuck about telling the masses that they agreed to fucking harvey weinstein for roles, they even laugh and joke about it and act as though you are the fucking retarded idiot for not thinking thats what they did.

I don't get it. What makes this one so special? All women are whores.

Attached: stoya_report.jpg (1401x666, 375K)

lol that right there is all you need to know that this movie is complete cliche trash.

How is the acting?

>Yeah women should stay silent

looks more like an sfx-heavy 2001 ripoff to me

Quit speaking like a nigger child, faggot.

Question marks, they exists for a reason. Use them, retard.

this is the worst photo

I see at least 3 trannys


looks like Anne Hathaway's little sister

You realise they did it ironically to trigger niggers like you...and it worked

I'd rather imagine a world where all the hottest actresses only do one big movie and then go straight into porn. Old women in movies will be cgi or animatronics.

woah now, old women are pretty fucking based in movies lad. its the young ones who are insufferable cunts.

isnt she like 35 now?

>Blood means more than those social constructs.


"So, we want an addressable array of about fifty thousand LEDS in the wall."


"So we can do that strobing wall shit."

"... why?"

"just shut up and do it."

>she always reminded me of that sloot from5th Element and those dumb Resident Evils
Jeanne d'Arc?

>Question marks, they exists
Imagine being a nitpicky grammar fag and typing dumb shit this anyways

Attached: 1537752285518.jpg (758x768, 60K)

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You type like a fag

It was a different time...


hmm, the cover seems kind of derivative of Ex Machina.

Attached: STOYA GOES DEEP-Ji6aYOJJHhY.00_05_15.jpg (1280x720, 234K)

Yeah, you are muttnamiese

the same as in hollywood movies

>claiming James Deen raped her and shit.
Well at least she outed a Jew for rape.

>The state of neo commies
hard pass, they should all neck themselves

a cat is fine too

was about to make pun: sex machina.
But porno by the same name already exists. I hate people!
will give this a go though. most so called "chick flicks" still have mostly male casts. This one looks more appealing. and hopefully wont be bogged down by tons of dumb male bonding like Ex Machina.

CHILD mode

this desu

Rubbish movie. Half of it is soft-porn, of an actress that has done actual porn. The other half is barely anything at all. Guy fucks robot. Guy loves robot. Guy frees robot from restrictions. Robot say no more fucky. Guy get sad. Robot kills self. Man kills self to fix robot. All of it is retarted. Interspersed with some random trippy space visuals for no reason at all.

just more proof that people have shit taste in everything
it looks like shit

ok user it's just about her ass

Very nice

It's a good thing women have no self-respect and do porn or gamers like us would never see them fucking