How embarassing.
How embarassing
Other urls found in this thread:
It's true, before internet nobody was using words and phrases like this to describe a movie.
It's like "patriarchy" and "gender", who the hell was talking about it before this decade?
That is right though
Just like I'll disregard the opinion of some asshole with a twitter account
Cinemasins disease
He said nothing wrong
Maybe you have reddit poisoning
no one cares what leftist tranny somethingawful goons think
well it is actually true
people who make these complains are simply parotting popular outrage youtubers
it contributes virtually nothing to a healthy discussion
I would challenge that faggot to name his favorite movie so I could re-edit it and add a bunch of those "non-criticisms" but he wouldn't back down anyway.
It's like people praising Citizen Kane, have you really heard of this shit before some elitists talk about it on internet when we actually know nobody watched it?
So whether or not a movie works is dependent entirely on the eye of the beholder?
This, too. What a garbage channel.
He might be right, some of these people are just using buzzwords, but that doesn't mean they were completely without merit.
for you
I watched it and it was boring af
>twitter thread
Those are all lazy descriptions that clueless shits use instead of actually learing how to criticize a movie properly. Another one is the movie not having any "relatable characters".
Except this shit remained on californian universities and was not infesting everything.
So nobody was talking about it knowing it was almost underground and shared by a bunch of liberal faggots.
>literally "don't ask questions, just consume the product and then consume the next one"
Anyone who complains about "forced diversity" is a pleb tier failure of a human. If you ask them to defend their position with "why is it forced" they will never come up with a comprehensive intelligent answer.
Most universities, I'd say. This is show was shot and produced in Canada.
Plot holes are bad though, might not ruin the fun for some, but it's still not good.
It's about asking the right questions and not the ones you learned to ask through shitty youtube critics
Most of the time it's bad because it makes no sense. Like medieval fantasy or historical were population of cast (often extras) is shown to be diverse like modern day London even though it makes no sense and historical documents or orginal novels (for fantasy book adaptions) don't support it.
The problem with "forced diversity" is that's a sign of dishonest filmmaking. Many films have been diverse in a very organic way. When you get a film like the all-female Ghostbusters, you see that the agenda clouds the film entirely and can't stand its own.
>this critique is wrong because a lot of people use it
Oh god this one is probably the worse, they believe they should self-identify with characters like fucking manchilds, they can't enjoy just watching something.
And again before internet nobody cared about that.