Prequels vs Sequels

Does Yea Forums reallyprefer barely competent movies with terrible writing and outdated CG to well done entertaining and innovative movies that happen to star women and poc?

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i might be one of the few peop;le that liked the prequal trilogy

that last point tho. crazy how if you make fun of lines from the sequel trilogy their fans flip out

>We are the spark that'll light the fire that'll burn the First Order down.

None of the Star Wars movies are good. The originals are dull, the prequels are stupid and the sequels are just plain abominable.

I have always liked the prequels, though not as much as the original trilogy. So when the sequels we're coming out, I was fully prepared for me to like them better than the prequels, and even open to liking them better than the originals.

However that did not happen, in fact I appreciate the prequels much more. There are definitely valid criticisms with them, sure. But George stuck with a vision and did something new and expanded on the universe, unlike the sequels which didn't want to try new things other than the stuff that would shit on the expanded universe and originals. I seriously feel sorry for George with the way he was treated following the prequels. I now don't think he deserved as much hate as he got, but hindsigh,t as they say, is 20/20

Ow the edge.

empire is l i t e r a l l y flawless

No film that doesn't stand on its own is flawless.

>no pointless side characters
There is one. And he got so much backlash the actor almost killed himself

But yeah, now that the disney trainwreck is out (well 66.7% out), the prequel trilogy looks good in comparison.

it does stand on its own, only total fags watch the other five lol, haven't seen them since i was 9

Based manchild
pew pew laser
Dark Vader I am your father
DAE fruit loops and soimilk while watching Star Wars??

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

Did anybody even give a fuck about the actor? They just hated the character.

seething non sex-haver

Rewatched the PT for the time in about 2 decades the other night.
Phantom Menace is unironically good.
Attack of the Clones is shit
and Revenge of the Sith is good.

The Clone Wars TV show made the prequels much better tbqh

I like the sequels. The only thing I really like about the prequels is the music.

That's a big spark.

Yeah apparently he took that hate personally because he put so much into that role. Dont know why he thought being silly and goofy all the time would make for an interesting character. 5-year olds are only a very small part of the viewer base, and they are probably the only ones who could have liked him.

Still must have been crushing to become an actor for such beloved franchise (and that was even before prequels came out and soured things a bit), then have your hopes and dreams get completely crushed.

To this day I still crank up duel of the fates in my headphones when I mow the lawn.

Even then a bad role can stick with an actor whether they deserve it or not. They look into previous roles for casting calls

>who's this guy? What else has he done?
>He was the mocap for jar-jar in the new Star was movies. Should I give him a call?
>God no. I can't have people researching and seeing that when looking into the actors. I don't want that shit tied to my movie. Who's next on the list?

except the sequels aren't entertaining or innovative

I actually like ROTS and will watch it any day over TFA or TLJ, both are garbage and less likable then even aotc to me.

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Prequels at least feel like Star Wars and not capeshit where everything is a joke and no scene is allowed to be fully dramatic.

>Prequels at least feel like Star Wars

>the order 66 scene
I still cry everytiem

Once you see it after watching the 2D cartoon and playing the PS1 era games starring all these characters, seeing them all die is fucking heart wrenching

George Lucas should start a new franchise to BTFO Disney. He certainly has the budget.

Attached: george.jpg (1333x2000, 1.63M)

no such thing