Did this edgelord actually think he looked tough and cool?
Did this edgelord actually think he looked tough and cool?
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hickory dickory dock
He's a comedian, I think his priority was trying to be funny, which is neither tough or cool.
But male fragility is totally not a thing.
Cooler than you'll ever be
No, the whole bit was that the character was comical. Which is why it was a bit... performed by a comedian...
He's playing a character. Problem is that after a while he started believing he was actually the Diceman and his comedy suffered as a consequence.
Are autists able to detect autism, sarcasm or irony? Because that would explain a lot about this board.
I grew up in an area without very many Italian Americans so seeing this was fucking crazy o me, I never knew there were people actually like this
that lamp don't go with that clock!
So I was like "Hey baby, lemme get a sniff of that perfume"
bitch turned around and farted in my fuckin' face
Dudes that act like this already have names, tryhard, posers, etc. Why try to force your newspeak nonsense?
Was it kino? I thought he was a good actor
>tryhard, posers
Those aren't gender specific. Feminists try to take concepts of negativity and make them specifically male.
Condescension = mansplaining
Belligerence = toxic masculinity
This is why they fucking hate how men criticize each other. Men use cunt, pussy, boob, and tit to describe men behaving in a negative manner. "Hit like a girl" and "drive like a woman" are other ways femininity is described in a negative manner. These new words are an attempt at turning this around on men.
Andrew Dice Clay (born Andrew Clay Silverstein)
Dice is a jew. The only kind of persona jewish males have is the nebbish, neurotic Woody Allen type. So if they want to be something other than that, they have to steal their personas; Michael Rapaport's whigger act, for example. In Dice's case he's doing a caricature of the Italian kids that probably stuffed him into a locker when he was back in high school. American jews generally seem salty over Italians because they constantly portray them as stupid, musclebound bullies. With WASPs, they portray them as dumb jocks that treat everyone like shit. In reality, most of the wasp jocks I've met have been nice, decent guys. They get pussy, everyone admires them, they typically don't need to treat people like shit in order to follow the herd to 'fit in', they're usually far more principled than that.
what a patrician
Hit like a girl though makes sense, women are physically weaker so it's a natural thing to say.
>I said "quite pungent, ya cunt" OHHHH
You can be funny and cool simultaneously.
>Jews portray everyone in a negative light except their shitskin gollums
Hold the presses
> Men use cunt, pussy, boob,
They also use words like dick and ass. I don't think it has anything to do with the gender.
Negan looks very different without his beard.
>people who go into total suicidal meltdowns over the wrong gender-pronouns being used
>taking about """"fragility""""
I've seen people, primarily inner-city leftists, both IRL and on Yea Forums, being legitimately angry at Larry the Cable Guy, calling him a "stupid redneck" that "doesn't deserve to be a comedian".
So I would say "yes". Autists here don't understand character-personas.
it's funny how no one got that it was a character
a lot of comedians shit on him because of his fame
i still like gilbert's imitation though.
*honk* *honk*
That's not what male fragility even means, retard.
Just say insecurity, why the fuck do you need a new word?
Dice finds Jesus and this are RADIO GOLD.
Because 'insecurity' isn't male specific
Women who are insecure can still be strong and slay
The only problem is that Dice genuinely likes his fake Italian persona more than his true Jewish one. It's obvious it isn't just about making fun of Italians. It's cosplay that became a little too real for him.
>These new words are an attempt at turning this around on men.
I don't see it being used by women towards other woman as general insults though so that sounds like bullshit.
>why the fuck do you need a new word?
Because they need to control language. Participating/Influencing it isn't enough. They have to OWN it.
>kike larping as a 50s Italian hood
Hes a jew who made fun of the italian tough guy stereotype while getting his little penis sucked by women who are too stupid to recognize mockery.
Jack and Jill
Went up a Hill
Each with a buck and a quarter
Jill came down with two fiddy!
"The Diceman Cometh" (Entire Show) - Andrew Dice Clay (1989)
You ever notice how all the most racist comedians are Jewish?
free pass
>Did this edgelord actually think he looked tough and cool?
he's literally a jew LARPing as an Italian street tough, dummy
Yes, It's a cult movie?
>andrew dice clay and lisa lampenelli both have publicly identified as 'italian'
seems to be a usual ploy, fellow white people and all that
To those folk who seem to be so easily offended, you do know that nobody is forcing you to listen to or watch him?
It's like you're the types who would complain about Howard Stern back in the day so they listen so much and can quote him but they seem incapable of changing the fucking channel or turning off the radio in the first place. Your general standard morons.
>scroll pass Shazam thread
>look up Zach Levi and see he shares my birthday
>couple of hours later I scroll past this one
>look up Dice and he too shares our birthday
spoopy, pretty much never found any celebs with my birthday before, today I learned about 2
Ever notice that the biggest morons are the ones that would notice something like that? Enjoy your minimum wage job, isn't it time to punch in with your scooby doo lunch box?
its cool lisa fucked black guys so she can talk about them non-stop and call them niggers
t. shlomo
>o-oy vey, stop noticing things goy!
Oh sweetie...
the sóy needs its virtue signaling.
Male fragility stems from the new phenomenon of women demanding parity in society and the specific insecurity coming from delicate snowflakes who are literally terrified of sharing the institutional power they've hoarded for so long.
Did you learn that in socialogy class? Take that to a real company and see how it works out for you in real life.
don't breed please
>w-why won't those babydick incels in the flyover states just do what we New York jews want, we're totally still so relateable!
Ewww did witttle boy get touched in the nay-nay so has to blame the ewil jews for all it's problems? Yes I'm from NY and no I'm not a jew. Did I get the lunch box wrong, maybe you need a George Jetson lunch box.
Did you learn that in a spelling class?
>take that to a real company
>Yes I'm from NY and no I'm not a jew.
You are just their puppet.
>this cunt actually thinks she's witty
Did you get turned down by some Staten Island slags, what's the source of your anger?
>said the frogposter
Why? Because in a real company the best you'll do is be consigned to HR. Which is pretty funny since that's where they stuff the quota based people which apparently you qualify for.
As for spelling, I admit my spelling sucks at 5:00 am, but I'm not doing official writing here. It shows that you're drawing at straws so to speak if the best you can come up with is a small spelling error. I bet you're always the life at a party.
>NO U are the snowflakes
why lefties try flipping things that only applies to them?
Saying no to mandatory wokeness is not the same as getting PTSD when someone disagrees with you online.
>"See my Jacket? My bedazzled leather? I got it on the back in Rhine stones: BIG FAGGOT"
Yeah, right.
Don't put your problems on me, I bet you've never met a jew yet you blame them for all of your problems, have you considered why that is? You should seek therapy before you become an axe murderer and some jew will a movie about you.
he's parodying and imitating the eye-talians animals he grew up around. only a jew is capable of this without crass snobbish racial epitaphs or allegations of their alleged negroid admixture.
>Did this edgelord actually think he looked tough and cool?
he does look tough and cool
so much dick envy. disgusting.
It was a gimmick he went with early on his career when the dullards ate that shit up, then he gradually got more obnoxious over his career. He killed it m9.
yeah, right
Jelly of him much? What precisely have you done to make others happy or do anything other than manage a minimum wage job?
>implying /pol/ fags aren't just as dogmatic with their own insider terms
Give an example from your high horse of what you consider to be humor?
... I suspect that I'll hear ***crickets*** coming from that poster.
They always shut up when called out.
Just reminding the Jews why they lost 2016 and will lose 2020. Nobody cares what they think.
If you notice, lefties haven't invented a good meme in decades. All they know how to do is steal and mimic. Problem is, it's just massive cope and it shows.
Maybe true, but at least from what I've seen, /pol/acks don't insert their in-group jargon in situations where a word/phrase more suited to general audiences would suffice.
But what am I saying, the post was bait.
learn to code
Yeah, remember when /pol/ got "cis" and "trans" added to the dictionary? Totally manipulating language on a high-authority scale.
So what and as I wrote earlier, I'm not Jewish so why tell me that. Perhaps send your well thought out comment to directly to the Isreali government or at least to their embassy or consulate in NYC or DC. Little shits like you never have the balls to do that.
You're speaking to the wrong target.
Learn to follow a thread.
>why lefties try flipping things that only applies to them?
Because it's all they have. Their attempts at actual organic insults never take off because they are always SJW nonsense.
So instead they do it with literally every insult that gets directed at them.
They do this despite it never making logical or contextual sense.
"Snowflake" and "Triggered"
Photoshopping MAGA-hats onto literally every meme-image that mocks them.
>the institutional power they've earned for so long
Fixed that for you.
>Ewww did witttle boy get touched in the nay-nay so has to blame the ewil jews
Gotta admit that was pretty funny and right on point to some of these hypocritical posters.
>insults and shitposting are some sort of high are requiring the greatest intellect
lel fag
Most jewish humor is just 'make fun of goys and or goy things'
>I don't fundamentally understand how institutional power works but I know it requires a physical fitness test
>jew pretending to be italian greaser
oh, yeah. that's cool all righty.
Shoo, back to the trannie discord, you mentally ill faggot.
>has institutional power
>is granted the privelege of having to adhere to strenuous merit-based assessments
Very nice.
we're hitting bill mitchel power stance levels here.