There is literally no way for the show to redeem itself with him dead. Why couldn't they just pay the little bastard
There is literally no way for the show to redeem itself with him dead. Why couldn't they just pay the little bastard
this show is soap opera trash, and you should feel bad for supporting it
I've wasted 9 years of my life with this show. I cant turn back now. I haven't enjoyed myself with it in 4 seasons but I must keep watching until its cancelled no matter how much I hate it.
Sunken cost fallacy
haha same. its so bad now. i didnt even hate the negan war like others did. I just held on cause i thought it was going somewhere.
then they kill carl and get rid of rick kek. fuuuuuucccck
What happened to the baby?
As soon as negan was gone that's it, bo point of watching it after that.
I heard they have killed off rick niw right?
The whole TWD is about rick ffs
it is rick and ricks family at best and both are gone so kek.
Just stop anons. I did.
I first heard about the show during the break between the two halves of Season 2 and caught up so that way I could start watching live with "Nebraska". I continued to watch live every day, every season. But Season 8 was just so bad, it made me lose interest. I was only watching for Carl, but I even skipped a few episodes live(watched them before the midseason). Carl's death was the last straw. I haven't watched a single episode since he died other than Rick's last episode, which I didn't even watch live.
Just let it go. From now on I only plan on watching Seasons 1-5 and then Season 6 Episodes 1-9.
She's an OC Donutsteel Carl/Rick/Michonne now. Pic related.
It's not even about Rick leaving. They could have even killed Rick off and let Carl live and that would make more sense and I'd actually be happy with that. But killing his son and letting Rick still live in the walking dead universe (regardless if we see him or not) doesnt even make sense. It goes against all the rules of competent writing. It isn't "tragic" that he lost his son. Its meaningless because the show for years heavily implied that Carl was the primary reason why Rick never gave up. And Carl's character was heavily implied to be the "passing of the torch" character after Rick passes away. It's not a "curveball." Its a waste of 9 seasons, that's what it is.
This show deserves a slow and painful death for what they did to Frank. If there were any justice in the world it would have tanked after they fired him. But nooo. Retards just lapped it up. Even after AMC slashed everything.
My only regret is that I watched season 2 and 3.
Season 3 was the peak of walking dead tho
nah, that was Season 5, ignoring basically every scene involving Beth
I stopped watching after they caught Negan. I should've stopped way sooner than that. The show became garbage a while back. It got to the point I'd I'd fast forward through almost entire episodes pretty much only watching scenes with Rick or Negan.
Best episodes were
>CDC rape
>Carehome cholos
>The one where Tyrese died
NormanReedusChads unite. The walking dead will be renewed for 83 more seasons and everyone will be dead including your precious Helicopter Rick and Shane's daughter EXCEPT for this beautiful man right here.
>ywn kiss him and run your hands through his long hair
Just stab me in the chest
Good goy.
i've watched this shit since season 1 aired and right now i can only name like 5 of the characters
ayy dad lemaskusummin
darabount was going to make the show an anthology with new cast every season
I recognized the show would be shit basically right after the 2nd or 3rd season maybe.
>killed Rick's wife offscreen
>killing based characters
>making bad decisions (which is lazy writing) in order to make something else dramatic happen later.
>introduction of characters that do nothing and nothing becomes of them.
I posted on Yea Forums at the time too. Stop watching that shit. But none of you listened
> people still watch this shit
Seriously? How does it maintain these ratings? My friends and I loved this show back in the day. Now, all of us have dropped it. Everyone I know who isn't a woman or a Muslim has dropped it. How the FUCK are ratings still this high? Why do you guys do it? Have you forgotten the deer? What do I need to do to get through to you, hit you with AH HATCHET?!
>killed Rick's wife offscreen
are you retarded that happened on-screen
>How does it maintain these ratings?
it doesn't. within the next season or two it'll have ratings so low it'll be unsustainable
the show died after him
The writers had to turn Shane into a rapist to make the audience dislike him because he kept being right about everything.
The writers of that show are shit.
>Daryl vs Beta
>most insane scene in the entire TWD
>more insane than Rick killing Dave and Tony
>more insane than Rick vs Shane
>more insane than Rick killing Shane
>more insane than Morgan in Clear
>more insane than The Governor vs Merle
>more insane than Rick vs The Governor
>more insane than Rick biting out Joe's neck
>more insane than the entirety of S5E1 "No Sanctuary"
>more insane than Season 5 Rick in general
>more insane than S6E9 "No Way Out"
>more insane than S6E12 "Not Tomorrow Yet"
how do people like this exist? like, most of reddit hates TWD now so you can't even go "well it's just them pesky redditors"
no it didn't. link kid
Stopped watching when the Negan saga ended, no point after that, Carl was shaping up to be a cool guy, big mistake letting him go. I also stopped reading it when the whisperers appeared, guess the whole thing should have ended with Negan being caught.
not that guy, but Carl shot his mom on-screen
Reddit is filled with corporate & political shills. They're just larping the new & exciting season of AMC's The Walking Dead!
We quite literally see Maggie cut into her stomach to get the baby and watch as she becomes motionless.
yeah zombie ate her offscreen. She didn't die from the OP.
Are you retarded? She died from that knife wound user. You see her body go limp. And then moments later Carl shot her in the head to prevent her corpse from reanimating.
AMC has been making stupid decisions like this since season 1. Everyone involved with The Walking Dead just wanted to make a good show, but the network wouldn't let them. Have you seen the Frank Darabont emails? I think this is some Rat Race kinda shit where a bunch of bored rich people who work at AMC are having a bet on how long they can keep this shitshow going, no matter how many wrenches they throw into the works.
>Please let’s stop invoking the “writers room.” There IS no writers room, which you know as well as I do. I am the writers room. The lazy f—ing a–holes who were supposedly going to be my showrunners threw that responsibility on me after wasting five months of my time.
>If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes. I haven’t even spoken to those worthless talentless hack sons-of-bitches since their 3rd draft was phoned in after five months of all their big talk and promises that they’d dig deep and have my back covered.
>They didn’t have my back, they rammed knives into it.
>Professional courtesy is something one earns, and those douchebags have not earned mine. I don’t want to see them cc-ed on ANYTHING any more. They renounced that privilege by not even trying to live up to their job descriptions, by instead leaving me dangling in the wind like a hanged man. Calling their 103 “phoned-in” would be vastly overstating, because they were too busy wasting my time and your money to bother picking the damn phone up. Those f—ing overpaid con artists.
>Email to Gwyneth Horder-Payton and others
>Monday, June 13, 2011, 7:18 p.m.
i liked him better when he was a nazi
It might have been season 6 when this happened but they should have ended this show with the esisode where rick is a cop again in alexandria and the "spicks and specks" song plays at the end.
If they did movies after that nobody would complain im sure
That was Season 5 Episode 13.
Not necessarily that bad of a stopping point. But then you miss out on the great stuff in eps 14-16, and you miss out on Morgan's flashback and No Way Out
But all up it was a pretty kino moment
probably would've been the only way to keep it fresh honestly
the show is reptitive shit that can't go anywhere they did the same
>find safe place
>goes to shit
>have to wander the forests for a bit scavenging
>find a safe place
>goes to shit
like four times
he and merl as nazis were actually what made the show popular. I dont mean people were supporting them, i mean people loved to watch them and the show was brutal and edgy in a way that was so real and cutting edge. When a baby died early season 2 is another case of this.
Daryl had a cool sort of redemption but what was exposed in the season where Merl returned was everything that made Daryl popular in the first place had been sanatized and cleaned out by that point. If they had let Merl live he would have been the new favourite and eventually ended up similarly sanitized and family friendly.
this cutting edge brutal honest realness the show had is the exact opposite of what we see in current seasons where overweight women survive and stay overweight and muslims and Progressive characters emerge from the woods after being nowhere to be seen the other 6 seasons.
This is your brain on correct.
The episode Andrew Lincoln left is the finale for me (barring the upcoming movie). Robert Kirkman always said (or at least used to say) that the comic ends when Rick dies/leaves so I apply that same logic to the show.
thats pretty fair it just means all those "new world being built" episodes before that one are useless and lead nowhere which sucks. They should have just had it be the opening or something.
That makes you an idiot
It's just a TV show
And the category is: Nazi.
Because you still watch TWD.
>all those "new world being built" episodes before that one are useless and lead nowhere
Pretty much. They were mostly a waste of time for me since I just wanted to see the end of the road for Rick. A small part of me wants to keep watching the show afterwards but I know it will never be the same. Once the main character is gone I just don't see the point.
are you unaware of what i'm speaking of in the show? If so say that don't just use buzzwords like a retard.
If they'd kept carl in I'd still be watching. There's just no point if all ricks family are dead and no the girl doesnt count, she wasnt a character or actor on the show till this new season and has no connection to anyone and is like 6 years old.
What are you talking about? Everyone hated him every season until the actor got "unfairly" fired then everyone had to virtue signal for Reddit gold.
>tfw stopped watching shortly after Negan lost
>anons are still watching it
Although I should’ve stopped watching with Shane’s death.
nah he was only bad before glen died then he was becoming better. He needed to cut the hair though, so does Daryl. What is with this show and keeping long hair on specific characters despite character growth?
his current replacement is 10 times worse though
thanks for the fucking spoiler asshole
Carl died 5 seasons ago
Rick lighting Lucille on fire last season was unexpected and made Rick look like a psycho. There was nothing insane about the Beta fight. It was a cool fight though. lmao at this faggot with dreads.
Lolita: Cowboy Samurai
>check the wiki to catch up on what the fuck happened
>carl's storyline went to a literal who
>lydia was just abused by her mom instead of alpha ignoring her men raping lydia
whats the point then? Negan won't kill this bitch now
this show stopped being good 3 years ago
Same. But I watch. But it's only day when I'm drunk.
i dunno, they might reveal the horrible things alpha did later.
>From now on I only plan on watching Seasons 1-5 and then Season 6 Episodes 1-9
Are you saying you will watch all this shit again?
I just hope I somehow misinterpreted that.
She's really evil in the show. She acts a lot more mean spirited than in the manga. If Lydia doesn't get raped it's not really relevant she'll spill the beans about almost letting her daughter choke to death or some other autistic shit. Negan would kill her anyways since he wants to live in a society.
That stuff with the baby is worse than rape if it's not interracial rape.
What is Negan without Rick?
i stopped caring enough to watch it weekly but ill binge it once its all over
negan has been building his heel turn in the show wth establishing connections to kids, and how he used to be a soccer coach and it really bothers him that their scared
their totally going to make it that he is upset that she abuses her daughter
rather then built it about him being a morally grey character and still an asshole that they trust because they have too, they wll have it be that he truly has a change o heart and use his love o kids to try to hide his past actions and make it supposedly believable that hes in the core group now
Fucking stupid. Perfect time to stop watching after negan got rekt.
How did they kill off rick?
Who is still in it from the original lot?
yes Daryl will be the only one remaining cause michone is leaving and carol barely has a part anymore. everyone else is gone.
you should just watch ricks last episode alone i guess. he gets impaled after falling off a horse then some other shit happens. the leaks on Yea Forums were correct.
I had the same mindset but I gave up when it got to the season 5. It just got way too god-awful.
My Dad still watches it so I’m still forced to have it on as background noise when we hang out as I’m too polite to tell him I can’t stand it. I have no idea what’s going on anymore as I just zone out.
I actually like the fact that Rick and Carl are both dead. Daryl and Negan are primed to be the new leads so no objections here.
They got rid of rick and karl the core of the show , the story , the raison d'etre,
Im not even botherd with it. The last episode of the negan drama was and is the last I will watch.
Bit shitty they just killed rick by getting horse cucked. Doesn't he even get zombied?
Does he an hero?
this is the answer
Rick falls off a horse and gets impaled by a fence post. He then manages to wake himself up as a hoard of zombies come and he gets back on the horse then rides away from the herd while dying and having flashbacks of his past. He talks to dead characters during this time but nobody good, just hershell and andrea or something, nobody important like glen. He also blows himself up even more trying to kill the hoard by shooting dynamite, which the others see so they assume hes dead. He floats down river and then as he's about to die a helicopter picks him up and takes him far away for medical treatment at a probably more advanced settlement. thats what the helicopter they kept seeing was. He never appears in the show again and everyone thinks he's dead but AMC will make some tv movies that are just him alone apparently sometime in future even though he won't return to the show. the end.
also the show jumps like 5 years into the future after rick is gone and yeah.
where have i seen her before? she looks irl sexually abused
her mother the "Alpha" literally is the most hatable character ever
fucking fat bitch with a bald head
and the ending of yesterdays episode was also fucking bullshit
>kill final boss by kicking him in an elevator shaft
>don't make sure he's dead
fucking daryl literally has a crossbow, at least fire one in the head to make sure but nooooo just wait for Beta to recover and get revenge
to be fair Daryl is an ex white supremecist so he knows shit all about elevator shafts, which are firmly communist terroritory.
Whats up with a the cuck MCs in shows lately
that was Meryl
Yeah I dropped it after Carl died. No point in watching it after
Meryl was the opposite of a cuck, so was Daryl at first. see
>I'm tired, Hershel
Why the fuck didn't they kill Rick? This was the perfect send off episode. I've actually been enjoying this season as a whole, but having Rick live in such a cheap way was bullshit and really cheapened his last episode.
rick is the whole show. think of this as killing off everybody BUT Rick for the movies. the show still existing is unfortunate. also nice spoilering you douche
Rick has many corals now
His people is his family
I miss my daddy
Negan is good substitute, tho
to be honest there is something to be said about death in this episode. when rick is dying it made me feel we dont live forever, we all have our time and if rick is going to die then i am fine with ending my story too.
Then he survived (but still out of the show) lame.
>also nice spoilering you douche
It's been like 4 months. Anybody who cares about the recent episodes would've caught up by now, and Rick leaving the show wasn't exactly a secret.
Whis why i still watch this show - Negan. Hes the only reason
Would love to watch him off that crazy bitch
Who joins these threads being upset by spoilers for episodes that have aired months ago? Anons like you, that's who.
I mean he is not dead. Just went to some military base. He will return later?
stopped watching after season 4 because it became a nonstop show of unnecessary drama an unrealistic mishaps. it follows the same cycle over and over again and I just couldn't stand it. I tried to get back into it but it's just so boring
no he will not return except in movies. the actor wanted time with his family and the show has gone to shit now. its almost as if carl being made to die was a trigger for ricks actor leaving
This show has always sucked, saw the first episode rerun on cable but I couldn’t make it through — not to be that guy, but read the comic
if you mean rick from rick and morty then yes!!! and he'll be having another pickle rick episode!! zippidy zam!
the first episode is one of the best zombie films ever made. you have no taste.
I love pickle rick
He was such a great character. Morissey is seriously overlooked as an actor.
I honestly wish the Governor hadn't died and got a redemption arc like Negan is getting.
Shane was right about a lot of things, but his execution was shit. He was this hot-headed ape that ranted instead of calmly explaining his point across.
Rick is better than Shane because he can be just as ruthless, but also has people skills.
I admit that it was a great fight. It reminded me a lot of those 80's action thrillers. Daryl hiding in that floor cache was operator as fuck.
The only thing that pissed me off was that Beta is somehow alive despite getting stabbed in the chest with a switchblade and falling down an elevator shaft.
You are an idiot OP. I stopped during season 3 because I couldn't stand the retarded writing anymore.
It's realistic that some of the survivors are going to be asshole white supremacists like Daryl and Merle. And despite being a shithead, I really liked Merle in his final episodes.
It's 90% people of color and gays now who've been in it for 5 minutes who I'm supposed to care about for some reason.
I really can't stand Alpha. I get that she's the leader of these edgy people who succumbed to believing that the dead are the future, but there's no indication that she can be a deadly adversary like the Governor or Negan was. Even Carol is more Terminator than Alpha.
>fucking daryl literally has a crossbow, at least fire one in the head to make sure but nooooo just wait for Beta to recover and get revenge
To be fair, how the fuck did anyone expect Beta to survive that?
now that's a stretch
This is what surprises me the most. Wouldn't non-whites and gays be slaughtered by white survivors who don't look kindly to them?
In fact, how the fuck are there still fat people? Everyone should've lost 50 pounds by now due to being forced to eating fresh vegetables, produce, and meat since canned and preserved goods are expired by now. It's been more than 10 years since the apocalypse broke out.
Think about who’s writing the show.
No a lot of people way back in 2011 have praised how kino the 1st episode of the series. It really sets up the atmosphere of how the world went to shit in a month since Rick got shot.
Hell it even had Rick ride on a bicycle; something the series doesn't bother to do more often. Riding a bicycle makes more sense in certain situations than a car, motorcycle, or even a horse.
Why are you including gays, retard?
You cant tell who is gay and who is not. It can literally be your mom or dad even
Does anyone actually find her acting convincing? I watched a few clips just to see whether the show was picking up and she's unconvincing as fuck, they have to actually play up the music to make her important and her accent makes her a dumb redneck
Opened the link and I gotta say, I'm interested
Alpha was never a deadly adversary, its Beta and the zombie herd.
She doesn't act like a threat. Carol at least acts weak so that people underestimate her, but Alpha overcompensates too hard.
I have no idea how these skin-wearers are going to be much of a threat. All the communities have to do is go out in fully-armed patrols to sweep them out and kill them. It's gonna be hard to determine whose a genuine Walker and whose in disguise, but that's why you utilize ranged weapons that don't make too noise and you can expend as much ammo like slingshots. Seriously, the deaf girl has a great homemade weapon that's easy to make and find ammo for. You shoot someone in the head with that, it's gonna kill or stun them seriously whether it's a Walker or skin-wearer.
Beta is only dangerous because he's big and strong. The cast lost its big guys like Tyreese seasons ago.
As for zombie herds, it's not like they haven't experienced dealing with those things before.