I wanna be

I wanna be
Your sledgehammer

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based Gabrielposter

I wanna be
Your sneedhammer

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Steam is unironically better.

Based Pete. Philfags don't @ me.

I dunno, Genesis is only remembered nowadays, outside of the prog rock circles, because of Colins dragging them into the 80s.

For me, it's Peter Gabriel.

For me, it's your eyes.


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Best Genesis singer: Ray Wilson
Best Genesis album: Calling All Station
Best Genesis song: Congo
Not an opinion, but a fact.

You clearly have never been to a party with people who work in finance. Its cocaine and this kind of music. The amount of times I have heard I Can't Dance, Big Time, Simply Irresistible, and Steam, jesus fuck. Not to mention Africa, Hold The Line, and Lido Shuffle.
Thanks for the tip about Congo, friend. I like it.

Attached: big time.jpg (259x384, 34K)

For me, it's Peter Gabriel - 1 (Cars) album

>I Can't Dance
That's Colins. Written by Colins. All you mentioned are 80s standards, you don't know what you're talking about.

This is the "prog rock" era of Genesis: youtube.com/watch?v=SO_JTvPar4c

People remember THIS era of Genesis, at least the "mainstream" people do: youtube.com/watch?v=rlD0XQibpaY

Why is this being posted a lot all of a sudden? I love this song, but wondering if there's some meme floating around somewhere I'm not aware of.

Youre right, I have no idea what Im talking about. But I like the music. Link me to more good stuff please.

there's not. it's just a good song, and a good music video that evokes existential dread

There's a live performance on youtube floating around that's pretty good, but I like youtube.com/watch?v=iypUpv9xelg for more existential dread.

Hot take: Feelings is better than the entire Talking Heads discography. Fight me.

Cringe but redpilled

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Sledgehammer > Big Time
Big Time > Sledgehammer