Why do people still go watch capeshit and disney movies?

Why do people still go watch capeshit and disney movies?

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because most people arent jaded ironic shitposters

Because they're the biggest movies, so I have to do my part.

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For the same reason people smoke and have sex despite knowing about all the risks involved. People are idiots. It's why I come to this board. I feel a little less superior. Some of you are ok.

Rome is burning and this is our bread and circus. People are desperately unhappy and they self insert into this magic nonsense.

CGI men in tights go boom pow smack

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Social bonding.

> so did you see the new ____ film?

This question has the highest chance of leading to a conversation because what you are discussing is popular among a wide audience and recent enough to be still in memory.

look at what's playing at the local cinema

>dumb 3DCG action movie (alita)
>capeshit (aquaman)
>3DCG (astérix) (complete disgrace, should have been 2D animation)
>boring small budget local movie
>shitty horror movie
>capeshit (captain marvel)
>3DCG (dragon)
>3DCG (lego movie 2)
>3DCG (Léo Da Vinci)
>3DCG (boonie bears)
>fighting with my family (boring comedy)
>isn't it romantic (shitty romantic """comedy""")
>cold pursuit (average action movie that sadly looks like the least worst choice in this list)

I'm tired of 3DCG animation and shitty marvel movies and capeshit. That's all there is in cinemas these days. The only movie I went to see in the cinema in 5 years is BR 2049.

>implying I have friends
>implying I would want to be friends with people who go see capeshit and disney movies

the worst part about these movies is no one who likes them can give a straight answer why

peer pressure

it's those based retards you've heard so much about.


Yikes, have sex



Its the same reason your parents bred even though you would end up a genetic dead end

>People are desperately unhappy and they self insert into this magic nonsense.
No you're just self inserting into other people's lives

>just turn your brain off haha!

based sexual shamer

To hurt your fee fees

because going to the movies is an ingrained cultural habit

I don't understand why anyone goes to see any movies. It's a fucking torturous experience at the best of times.

Why do you still come to this board despite how garbage it is?

Ah the classic why do people like things I don’t like post. A staple of this website and the most obvious sign of seething butt hurt.

Because apparently there are millions of grown ass people that still read comic books every week.

because it's ingrained in american culture now. saying you dont watch capeshit is like saying you never ate a McChicken, the best fastfood sandwich