Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:



>Dark Angel, another creation from Cameron, was inspired by Alita: Battle Angel.
How can one man be this based?!

Attached: dark angel.jpg (780x650, 34K)

excuse me just cutest alita coming through

Attached: alitashy.webm (960x402, 2.76M)

>me right now


Attached: 1550995010573.png (523x248, 81K)

>hey user it's getting late let's get comfy before sleeping

Attached: 1551632923542.jpg (256x256, 47K)

but how do i comfy?

Good luck, brother. I got lucky and the theater gave me theirs when they put out a different one. How much do you think a frame is gonna cost? I want one but I imagine they're costly.

Attached: biggirl.png (970x731, 1.06M)

I can't believe someone actually did this

Attached: 1552176693776.png (522x504, 195K)

100% obligatory for every Alita thread.

Attached: DAT.webm (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>you lay down next to me and we eat chocolate

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its funny how she literally gets uglier every time i see her


Attached: Wish you were real.png (3440x1440, 3.06M)

i'm in the acceptance stage already: it's okay not having any sequels, we'll always have the original

very nice

Do people really do that
Hang a bunch of cheap movie posters on their walls?

Attached: when you drive by an Alita so FINE.gif (310x200, 2.46M)

Anyone have this in better quality?

Attached: asdsad.png (745x748, 882K)

nice, got one too

Attached: mine.jpg (519x692, 146K)

>There was a lot of discussion. We asked if they (Rodriguez & Cameron) wanted us to try something? And, Jim pretty much just said, (and excuse the swearing)... but Jim said, 'fuck the haters'. And he said, ‘we're going to go bigger with the eyes - that's what's going to fix it.’


I'm making the frames myself. Can't really tell how much it's going to cost but it wont be too expensive.

‘SUP, /floplita/

Attached: 1D80C4C3-9122-4C28-88A0-BEB297B1A7D5.jpg (1916x803, 264K)

sounds good to me

reminder: flipped, sequel whenever

Why are you even on Yea Forums?

we do not deserve such a Jim

Attached: I'm here to do the thing.jpg (571x560, 27K)

How else are we going to be together with her?

Attached: Up there.jpg (960x960, 125K)

autistic people and children do it.

It's not turning out as good as I was hoping. Should I start over or keep going? I'm sending it to Rosa so I wanted it to be as nice as possible.

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Attached: OO.png (451x460, 239K)

What about the glass?
Poster-anons are a vibrant part of the /ALITA/ community.

Attached: 1552372158230.png (1695x1689, 1.63M)

Hey man where's my cut?
>Gets cut in half

more like
the pan

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>look at this meatboy over here

Attached: get lost meatboy.jpg (825x710, 80K)


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Guys this movie is done for, fucking blown out by Captain Miscast... not to mention more people are currently seeing a god damn MADEA movie. We are fucked, we arent getting blessed sequels filmed back to back...

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Carry forth the good word.

A friend works at a local factory where they use tons of acrylic panels for cutting. He's basically giving me what I need for free.

>"ALITA BATTLE ANGEL "Helped me to Realize There's Life After STAR WARS""
>Based Jim

Attached: 1551123516595.png (774x538, 916K)

>Why are you even on Yea Forums?
Because I enjoy movies.
Movie posters since at least the 90s have been complete trash, the art of a good poster has been all but lost, I guarantee you that cheap renders helped this movie absolutely none.

At least China picked up the slack a little.

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Attached: yes this pleases me.jpg (266x189, 9K)

If we don't get those sequels I'm going to hop over to the Berenstein universes and find the one where Alita made billions and bring back the sequels and share them here.

Attached: IMB 5100.jpg (1200x879, 182K)

Best catch so far

Attached: 7833A209-A2A3-49B9-B06F-E7B8BF3CE39F.jpg (640x242, 68K)

Dude nice. I was considering something like plexiglass myself. Good luck.

i feel like the poster is a good concept just the execution is a little botched. that pose clearly not being compatible with the wings.

Mox-senpai noticed us:



You said this was the cutest Alita when in fact thats a lie. This Alita is best Alita

Holy fucking shit


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Attached: rosa chips..webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

The weirdest thing is that the poster doesn't seem to be the type to browse Yea Forums

No webm of Rosa's butt is ever outdated.

Attached: stare at your own risk.gif (500x218, 998K)

>the type to browse Yea Forums
ohohohoho if only you knew...

I really, really should not post this here. But since it's Alita related, fuck it. This general will die as a result of this post.

Attached: Screenshot_20190312-024135~2.png (1080x1305, 1.04M)

oh no no no no

>This general will die as a result of this post.
Why? This thread is called /alita/, not /rosa/.

Peaches, you were cool until just now.
Someone get the torches and pitchforks.

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The eyes are most important and they are great keep going

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I'd fuck us too, just look at them in those mocap suits.

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Attached: 8a4.jpg (316x202, 30K)

tumblr is more autistic than this place desu

>what are jokes: the post

Looks like I'm run out of town. Audeu and farewell.

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Attached: its not an execution but an extermination.gif (500x270, 996K)

>I'd bang us

Attached: listen here sweets.jpg (863x705, 89K)

reminder: these people have literal autism

I love how she twirled her fingers after he takes her ID

Attached: 524B03F8-57D5-49A7-B221-796D154A494A.jpg (492x299, 57K)

yep, especially since that whole tranny thing picked up and teens think it's cool now to be le depressed or otherwise mentally ill I'd claim that by now, except for boards like /qa/ or /lgbt/ most are fairly normal compared to the cesspit that is tumblr. I mean at least here's a fraction of self awareness

>the webm I made of alita's lip quiver made it in

Attached: denton bomb faceapp.png (642x640, 825K)

General's dead. Everyone go home. Flopped-kun couldn't kill it. Disney shills couldn't kill it. Marketing couldn't kill it.
But this post right here?
Deathblow. I'm out!

Attached: giphy.gif (500x255, 997K)

Yeah I forgot. These replies are hopefully just an act. No one can be that oblivious.

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I'd bang them too

post it my friend. I need more Alita in my life

If he doesn't want to bang then it's a playful joke but if he does then it's an invitation. Win-win.



Attached: alita lip quiver 70.webm (1036x720, 2.58M)

I didn't even know who Rosa was when I saw this and holy shit did i want her to sit on my face. Now i just wany cuddles.

Attached: 1552293509051.png (285x314, 134K)

>alita lip quiever 70.webm
Wait. Waiiiiiiit...
Hang on just one second...

You know that meme where you see Ido sitting next to a monitor showing the thread? We need that now for this post.
Only shopped to show Ido crying.

Attached: shoepan.png (295x299, 43K)

Figure Four

Attached: received_407653776661789.jpg (948x948, 70K)

Relax. It's just playing at 70% speed compared to the original one I made. That's why it goes up to 3 seconds.

Attached: alita lip quiver.webm (1036x720, 2.63M)

What did Kishiro mean by this?

Attached: 66543456345.png (655x357, 246K)

Don't give up now!

Oh. I'm a little disappointed... I was hoping you'd actually have 70 variations of that lip quiver.

Attached: My love is real anon please believe.jpg (1280x720, 328K)

Saved, the panels should be flipped though

user, it's looking really good so far. Keep going!

>tfw no interesting enough to make it into some random zoomer's youtube video

Attached: 1485195233191.gif (633x758, 9K)

She's not even talking to him, idiot. She's making a joke about how corny these suits look and ironically says that she'd (still) bang any of them, if she was a stranger.

Imagine you're standing next to Alita and she's bummed out so to cheer her up you go and buy something sexy to wear and then you put on Agent K's facemask I mean that would be really hot but you know you should show you're feeling if you like someone amirite? haha ha

Maybe not 70 webms of that scene alone but I might get up to that number once the blu ray drops.

Attached: batman thumbs up.gif (500x420, 230K)

Well I didn't see that coming.

I'm looking forward to every single one.

Attached: 1552331883730.jpg (250x177, 32K)

>but user that sounds like self-cucking

Attached: ohhh.png (369x368, 193K)

But Alita... it's Agent K. If anyone deserves a break it's him.

Why did I just watch this again?

It arrived. Not usually a fan of Funko Pop, but I like this one.

Attached: 45cf52d2-0b5f-4ff8-a0ca-05b8f040b85e.jpg (540x720, 52K)

Your wish is my command, anons. I'll try to improve this one.

REMINDER: "There was a lot of discussion. We asked if they (Rodriguez & Cameron) wanted us to try something? And, Jim pretty much just said, (and excuse the swearing)... but Jim said, 'fuck the haters'. And he said, ‘we're going to go bigger with the eyes - that's what's going to fix it.’” Cameron was right."

That's the spirit!

Attached: cheeky.gif (405x405, 3.47M)

Looks great, if done without tracing then amazing. Maybe to finalize you need to overlap the original screencap to make sure eyes are big enough

I know that's what it is at face value but I also know women and this is how they get laid. They don't ask to bang directly because they don't want to get rejected or be seen as slutty. They'll just drop you some hints and if you catch on then it's your turn to make a move but if not they can either move on or be less subtle about it.

I know there's no point explaining this on Yea Forums but flirting doesn't always have to be super clever or make sense, it's mostly just sending signals and dropping keywords and seeing what happens.

Be honest with me. Is there going to be sequel?


Thanks for notifying about this pic, already shopped myself over Skreins face

Only if you believe

Attached: FUCK THE HATERS.jpg (700x700, 134K)

It's definitely possible. Cameron has the money, and if we continue with our vocal support of it, it could definitely happen.

Then I believe

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1547091352610.jpg (1010x897, 68K)

Yes. When you least expect it. When you start to reminisce about the time you saw Alita for the first time, wondering what she's been up to recently. When you notice Avatar sequels weren't as enticing, and know Jim can do better. That's when she will return

hope this is enough

Attached: zechz.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

Edge of Tomorrow was more expensive, it did worse and it got a sequel. And this is far more popular so not it's a question of when more than if, it may take a while

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Why is China so cool, bros?

Attached: CM.png (986x384, 45K)


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More than likely. It would actually be a little surprising if Cameron said no. Movie exceeded tons of expectations.



Attached: saint alita.jpg (1252x1252, 225K)

I'm sorry I posted it here, I had to.

No tracing, just autism. I did scan it and overlapped the original to check how it was going and the eyes turned out to be perfectly aligned, but I made some mistakes here and there. Her right hand is perfect now too but it's too late to fix some other mistakes. Plus I'm super rusty and I could do it better justice with more practice.

>you wake up, just another day
>march 27th, 2022
>you check the forums and people are losing their shit
>wtf is happening
>based Jimbo announces Alita 2, 3 and 4
>the world is healed

Attached: take it fag.jpg (960x846, 47K)

If you were close friends with both actors and knew how they interact I'd believe you but trying to deduce this from an Instagram comment is pure autism. I mean you can interpret it as you like but this incel/r9k tier theory about every woman is supposed to work doesn't really hold up.
and don't come with the
>all virgins on Yea Forums but me

They like Michael Bay and hate ugly actors, they're cool in my book.

All good. It was pretty funny.
>But do it again and you die.

Attached: fatal keks.jpg (300x264, 15K)

He had it coming, the weird faced fucker


Attached: Laugh.webm (960x402, 1.01M)

this feels as good as it would be seeing Alita sitting on Foot Fungus's face

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>giving our girl a yeast infection

Attached: wutusayin.jpg (800x450, 32K)

adding to this:
I'm not saying you're 100% wrong but there's literally no way but asking them personally to be 100% certain so these mental gymnastics about cucking yourself are unnecessary. And if you're not some disenfranchised paranoid fuck then taking it as a joke first and foremost is the obvious thing to do before you out on your tinfoil hat


>Alita lezdomming cap'n shitvel
muh dick

It's not cucking if we never had a shot in the first place.

Attached: dead on the snow.gif (540x350, 2.65M)

our girl doesn't get sick, ever

Attached: 1552188851982.gif (675x467, 152K)

Psychological yeast, then.
Because we know Brie is full of it.

Those guys look like Starcraft Marines


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

What was he thinking at that moment?

How are we still going strong?

Attached: Made for me.webm (960x402, 2.59M)

>Fuck that stupid bitch for stepping on my iGirl.

Hot & Mean: Alita & Cap

Attached: 1552282310518.jpg (190x253, 4K)



The power of love is a curious thing.

Attached: 1551122722543.webm (888x538, 2.36M)

I don't know anything for sure and it might be nothing but the whole point is that there's a chance it could be something and that's up for him to decide. It sounds like flirting to me so if I was him I'd make a move. Better to give it a shot and have some awkwardness if you read it wrong than to miss an opportunity to bang Rosa Salazar because you were too busy overanalyzing everything.


Attached: f34419d4908f11c7d7e441da34527cbd.650x370x1.jpg (650x370, 49K)

What the fuck did I unleash from posting a single comment? It's glorious.

Attached: 1550647560549.jpg (1112x1060, 77K)

>that pic
>those numbers
>the message
An angel is saying something to us...


Something stronger, engineering.

Fucking checked

Remember, sequel whenever.

Attached: qt.jpg (697x731, 59K)


>It sounds like flirting to me
Yeah that's the point I think. Just based on that I'd never make a move. There's too many variables to a social relationship between two people to judge this one line.

Even if we don't get a sequel...
If I made someone feel good for a few minutes it was worth all the sniping.

Attached: smile.jpg (309x293, 27K)

Based Bateman

Attached: Angel-Number-999-Meaning.jpg (800x580, 167K)

Fuck my life

Literally playing apex right now

Alright user, good night and stay comfy. Don't die on me.

Attached: Alita.webm (784x538, 2.99M)


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Only if you're here tomorrow.

Attached: blue if i was green.jpg (2560x1440, 801K)

It’s like poetry, it rhymes. Motorball is the key to all of this.

>life after STAR WARS
Kathleen Kennedy wants to know your location.

Attached: Battle Angel.jpg (1600x1219, 398K)

now that's a shoop


True. Another sign is if you catch her checking out your sword.

Attached: hugo cucked.jpg (448x561, 34K)

Is this movie worth sneaking in to my bro in jail?

He liked Blade Runner 2049 and Ghost in the Shell

Attached: 1548309980881.jpg (453x410, 88K)

Imagine shilling for this flop

hed like it

It's amazing. Sneak this movie in and he'll get out quicker for good behavior.

thread died, gotta work.
catch you later

Attached: gottago.jpg (467x533, 47K)

I could not think of a physically better movie to sneak to a bro in jail, let alone given the other preferences. Dooo it!!

Attached: 1547511992770.jpg (750x563, 66K)

dont mind me just posting the best song in the ost

Attached: 1549297251255.jpg (1361x768, 367K)

It's okay hugo there is always the sequel.

>you know he is dead why you gotta be mean

Attached: Pointing at you.jpg (734x593, 36K)

Wait for a good quality rip, Alita must be experienced to the fullest

Attached: 1551320456748.gif (1000x1000, 529K)

Because you're too good for him.

I'll listen to it just from those digits

Is it possible to sneak in a VR headset and a 3D blu-ray?

I got the art book, the manga and the Arizona can. What other merch can I buy to support Alita?

Attached: 299B6BAF-5DF4-41D2-95DB-EE4F6B3F0988.jpg (4032x3024, 2.87M)

4k flatscreen as well, minimum of 90 inches too of course

Attached: 1552274959033.jpg (1778x2312, 1.53M)

Replica damascus blade

I think hottoys has an expensive as fuck statue.

no dude, it has articulation, and you can even move her eyes

Attached: DSC03930.jpg (600x800, 53K)

Novel, Ido's journal and check out the Iron City Experience if you can.

just got back from seeing this. man it had no right to be so fun.

Nice trips, I'm feeling it.

She's gonna come alive once I find my darn gouache to star adding highlights

Attached: 53778001_2191900861027480_821440185014157312_n.jpg (2048x1536, 251K)

Welcome to the cult, user

Attached: 53139507_2259386000968551_776010761146204160_n.png (648x526, 354K)

It's a James Cameron movie directed by Robert Rodriguez, it has every right to be fun.

Attached: robrod.jpg (1280x720, 277K)

Why are /alita/ threads always filled with holy numbers?

You sound like someone that could probably aquire an official poster from a nearby theater hmmmmmm

My god, looks stunning. Keep it up

Attached: 15516796592771.jpg (794x794, 120K)

Stupid Jennifer Connelly. Stupid Hugo. Stupid German with japanese name. This movie sucked. [Spoiler] Alita was adorable.

Duuuuude that hair is on point, looking absolutely fantastic so far I'm so excited to see the finished product!

Attached: 1552272727475.png (454x529, 211K)

Ok, Redditor

We've been blessed by an Angel.

A Battle Angel.

Because she gave us everything she had. She gave us her heart.
thx user

Attached: 1551975829038.jpg (992x1500, 364K)

Phoneposter actually. Go ahead and seeth.

Attached: 15314748537540.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

Will we get more of based gangsta in the sequel?

Attached: 20190306_174401.jpg (3511x1831, 3.23M)

What does your heart tell you?

Only if we put him in a sufficient number of memes and those memes somehow make their way to Robert Rodriguez.

Attached: 1552014423100.png (647x1120, 748K)

Im going to bring a couple of Alita posters home from work and burn them.

It's an honor watching this take shape.

Does anyone have the complete picture with all of them again?

Yeah I still have it saved from when I took it.

Attached: 20190304_122542.jpg (3353x1794, 3.46M)

Ty brother.

Give it to me instead if you're in Vancouver

Holy fucking kek

This part was hilariously bad. The two guys in the back making silly mean faces at her the whole time sealed it.

its a gladatorial sport , a little showmanship goes a long way

this is the best cast photo easily

I just noticed mace does the power stance here.

Attached: 20190312_035814.jpg (2296x1855, 2.52M)

Attached: 20190312_040050.jpg (1903x3560, 3.28M)

Some more gangsta if anybody wants to have fun with this.

Attached: 20190312_040315.jpg (1704x2462, 2.43M)

Prime 1 statue if you really want to burn some cash. $700 for the basic version, $1000 for the deluxe. Comes out at the end of 2020.

I'm getting the deluxe.

Fuck i want it

Attached: 301lg.jpg (400x387, 150K)

>while you were holding hands with your boyfriend I was studying The Blade

Where do you find that? I want one.

I feel gangsta is the most relatable of the cyborgs. He's us.

Cybernetic negro, cyneg

Lol why they have their real names on stickers

Can't afford jerseys.

>what are you thinking of, my little gangsta?

Attached: 20190312_042637.jpg (2357x1693, 3.04M)

Yep. Modern show wrestling is a really weak emulation of true gladiator epicness.

Attached: 967599F1-25DB-4C28-BC48-28D5933A3D60.jpg (474x411, 33K)

Took me a hot minute to get this one.

Attached: 1552017430710.png (555x195, 140K)

"Go easy on me, guys". Alita goes so innocently to her first motorball match, totally unaware of the plot to kill her. In the end, she's the sole survivor.

Whats everyone's home countries viewer numbers? Mine is a little under 65k, hopefully this week will break 70000, one last ride..

That's it for today. I'm gonna go get comfy cause tomorrow I'm scouting my local theaters for posters before work. Good night, anons.

Attached: 54255640_318269899045268_7828426664102068224_n.jpg (800x600, 50K)

I want you to know that you're appreciated, drawfren

Go watch it again

Goodnight you glorious faggot

I plan on it this week. It'll be my third viewing.

I'm super keen to see it when it's finished user. Sleep well!

Attached: 1551300959013.jpg (750x792, 479K)

>thought the "have to go bigger" thing was just a meme
>it's real

Attached: image.jpg (613x553, 237K)

What is this guy's real name?

It's great, but it only works because the movie earned such a moment. Motorball works even without the context of the movie.

I'm going for my third viewing this week as soon as I have time. It'll likely be the last hurrah, I don't think it's going to be in the theater much longer.

But when the dvd/bluray comes out, I'm going to buy like 20 copies and use it as 2019 Christmas presents.

That's actually a really good plan I might do some of that too.

>the way to get your friends and family to watch a movie you like is to gift it to them

god i would do that if i had people to give them to.

Did anyone else think Alita felt like something from years ago? By the time she was waking up in her room, and coming downstairs, it felt like a movie from 10 years ago. I even said, "2009" when talking about it. It somehow made me feel like I used to feel, years ago. A really happy, peaceful feeling. (Which I didn't get the 2nd time sadly)
>right on the wikipedia
>">This also marks the first film to be produced by Lightstorm Entertainment in ten years since 2009's Avatar.''

Did... Did they somehow stay there in 2009? Pure and untainted?

Attached: 2009.png (871x479, 146K)

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Never let her be on top of you. Remember how heavy her body is.


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what a way to die though

Remember when Alita used dog blood on her face they got sliced in 6 ? Lol

Of course I remember one of the best scenes in the movie.

>tfw no battle angel to dominate me

It's an abstract kind of hell

Oh yes it is.
> Want to be dominated instead of being looked up to for warmth and encouragement
Inject more testosterone.

you are right but.... fuck off namefag

those eyes

that tremble

oh god

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Good mornin Alitafrens

Attached: 1550742432156.webm (1280x536, 2.97M)

good morning! it's bed time for me on this side of the world but i hope you have a great day


Attached: 1568757615670.jpg (1024x425, 35K)

Morning, its freezing here

Attached: EC151203-EC1A-46B8-8CFD-BF4C8CFAB890.png (634x541, 249K)

Morning. I had a a hard time getting out of bed. Too cold outside, too comfy inside.

Saw Night Owls yesterday starring our girl Rosa. It was a lot better than I expected for a romcom. It's seemingly very simple with the entire movie taking place in one house, but poignant and rich in emotions.
Both actors were really good, but Rosa had more moments to shine. Made me really sad desu, been a long time since I had unironic no gf feels and had to reflect back on my trainwreck of a life.


Attached: 79769565.png (1677x883, 1.87M)

I assure you, these people are not pretending.

Patrick Gathron - his character is listed as Antioch. But we will always know him as Gangsta.

>people are seeing a MADEA movie

>autistic mexicans

you don't want to play that game


Attached: 15785718.png (1262x525, 639K)

>based Rodrigues playing guitar in the background

Agent K healed by Alita?

Attached: tenor.gif (366x294, 2.94M)

This is great and unexpected.
What videos are waiting for us when the blue ray will be released?

>Edge of Tomorrow got a sequel


>What videos are waiting for us when the blue ray will be released?
I suspect that nicovideo.jp will be having a bit of a field day.

>go to niconico
>see nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2057168
Holy shit it's like early youtube, I love this.

So... this is the power of autism huh? Not bad.

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My fucking sides

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thanks user

What happened to Kinuba bros? Is he ok?


>the other shad
>almost 4th video about Alita
Damn he really, really liked the movie, didnt he?


all I'm seeing is:
>we could have another filming day instead of this

It's an hour distraction at most, and it helps with marketing.

a daring synthesis

yeah i'm not really complaining because this film really needed one thing: Better marketing. Also it is quite cool to play around in such a set, so nice for him, but it is kind of weird to see the regisseur staying around for an 18k video lol, not that i am unhappy.


He's gone missing. No body found. Fans are wearing 55 shirts and hoping for his return.

Holy fuck this is so cool

Excellent point my friend

Even Ido's assistant wears a Kinuba shirt at Alita's tryouts. Very neat detail.

How long is she naked?

He wasn't greater than the game.

Is this peak /alita/?

>choosing DAMAGED instead of the chick
what a faggot


Nah. More like chocolate. AmIrite?

Things that would certainly kill it:
>Cameron's death
>Rosa's death
>possibly Rodriguez death
>it being true that Alita was just a side project for the Avatar team

You're heavy enough as is.

they hired a mariachi just for the interview?
that's some dedication

That's rude, user.

Attached: alita ova.jpg (640x423, 55K)

>it being true that Alita was just a side project for the Avatar team
they better announce they are working on alita 2 if they want my money for avatar

Alita's sequel comes out
> the fourth is played by a certain actor who was not shown in the trailer
> name unknown, photo no
> movie begins
> fourth appears
> this is ryan gosling

Your reaction

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>jump late into Alita thread
>see this gem
Ok this made my day.

Figure 4 U is a fag. The goose will play Chad Kaos.



Chaos is hysterical in my opinion. It should be played by someone with the appearance of a thin-boned pale aristocrat.

so idris elba?

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