Leaving Neverland is triggering PTSD flashbacks in rape survivors and Yea Forums still defends MJ

Leaving Neverland is triggering PTSD flashbacks in rape survivors and Yea Forums still defends MJ

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Wolfcuck on suicide watch.

What the hell is an anxiety attack or a panic attack? Twitter users seem to have them all the time.

yeah, because roasties who regret getting drunk and laying like a fish in a stranger's bed has nothing to do with MJ's innocence.


How the fuck can you even have a 2 day anxiety attack? How do these people function on a daily basis?

>self-medicating with alcohol
He has only himself to blame

He would have made a hell of a Geralt. He got robbed.

#resisting drumpf on the internet gives them the courage to stop literally shaking and go on with life.

he got raped back in 1992 lmao

chances are anyone magically resurfacing traumatic "memories" because of a sensationalist tv show is just having a delusional psychotic episode

Can someone fucking explain what is going on with this finding neverland shit? Like is this new accusations? Is there any actual evidence or some shit? What the fuck is getting everyone so riled up over this shit again?

Just saying the word "rape" around those people would trigger them. Blaming MJ for their feelings is out of context.

>raped by a nigger

OK, Guts from Berserk then

>letting emotional appeals corrupt your mind

>the main witness is a self confessed perjurer
>american public listens and believes

>hardcore wrestler guy
>getting this fucking triggered by a documentary
What the fuck is going on?

so a mockumentary is making rape victims upset and this is mj's fault how?

This faggot is 6'10 but acts like a little girl

after all these years i still fucking hate kevin nash

Absolutely based.


it's insane people who don't get diagnosed as insane anymore because that is politically incorrect

Real conditions that zoomers have claimed to have had but in reality they were just uncomfortable or panicked about having their opinion challenged. It's the same as their inability to tell the difference between being sad or disappointed about something and being depressed.


I was surprised what a libtard Nash was, after spending about 10 minutes reading his twitter feed.

>big daddy bitch

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The producers and two main witnesses waited until after MJ died to produce a cringy and heavy-handed emotional appeal to all the victims. Except one of the two main witnesses says they lied during the initial trial and was never molested, and the other one lies during the actual documentary.

So no. No new evidence or claims. Just #listenandbelieve. HBO does it again!

Anyone got an explanation? I mean apparently radio stations are literally starting to stop playing any MJ songs. Which is pretty big considering how much of a music legend he is.

Devon hows your son doing?

>got raped by niggers in 1992
>massive anti-draw
>got humiliated and his "career" (lol) buried by the rock
>got beat up by his son, then watched in the corner sobbing as his son fucked his wife
>the laughing stock of Yea Forums

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>got beat up by his son, then watched in the corner sobbing as his son fucked his wife
Is this for real? So like incest shit?

The legitimacy of the claims is irrelevant now as the damage has already been done

>Letting kike written propaganda dictate decisions in your life and what you feel
Holy shit, this is what made Hitler rise to power. What scandal will turn the public against Israel?

Don't forget killing WCW with his shitty booking. Everyone likes blaming Russo, but Nash was booking for about a year before him, and I believe he was behind the finger poke of doom angle with Hogan.


Nash's son isn't related to his new step-mother and apparantly some Christmas Day when everyone was drunk he put the moves on her. Nash tried to stop it and the son kicked the shit out of him. Police had to come out to the house.
That's his mugshot from the same day.

Nash seems kind of effeminate come to think of it.
>Drinks red wine like a wine aunt
>Gets really emotional and SJW like on Twitter
>Couldn't go 5 matches without injuring himself
>Got beaten and cried

was he like this before the rape?

Vince McMahon, a fucking pensioner business man tore both his quads live on tv and didn't even flinch. No sold the whole thing. Nash tore one quad live on tv and unironically burst into tears in front of millions. This same man gives countless interviews about all the tough and based things he has done that of course have no witnesses but himself.

Okay. But if these arent new allegations why the fuck is everyone so outraged just now?

Because normies are fucking retarded and have the memory span of goldfish.

Because our culture has swung to the far left, and outrage culture has gone into overdrive.

>hope these two gentlemen and their families can find their way to recapture their lives
motherfucker its been over a fucking decade, they recaptured their lives and moved on, until they realized they can try to make more money.

Didn't one of them ask MJ for a job, when he announced his world tour?

Why do these people cry about it? Like you got to fuck one of the most famous people to ever live. Shitty thing too is you know it felt good for them too.

It was actually MJ who raped Nash.

why is drinking wine considered feminine when it's twice stronger than most beers?

Don't these people stretch before going out?

I used to get panic attacks, If you get so stressed your brain puts you in fight or flight, but you are not running away or fighting anything so everything goes weird

feels like you are going insane and dying

based him trying to act hard when he tackled that kid at the mtv event is even more hilarious in hingsight

What, did you think the Media Machine was the name of a fucking band or something? It's very much real.

wait the memes were real? Who stole Nash's hole?

Kevin Nash was raped at gunpoint in the summer of 1992

Id rather get shot then let someone rape me. Nash is a fag.

>this is the dude that was scared when Travolta grabbed him realizing that he is gay
>this is the guy that is scared to have his own opinion on jewhood

>nobody has ever lied under oath before

But the Nash rapist was black

remember Big Sexy was a part of the most kino moment in wrestling history

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by like one guy? was the guy shorter than him? was Kevin intoxicated? was he tied up or something? fuck so many questions also was his step kid black?

Summer 92

>Nash started the downfall of WCW

Why the fuck would he sabotage his career, after beating the biggest star in WCW (Goldberg). All for fucking Hogan.

That's why I said above Nash is effeminate. He is a wimp.

*tears quad*

Michael knew the truth about Hollywood, and I think he was just trying to protect the children from the worst of it.

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I'm not sure Nash was still the booker at that point.
Either way, whatever Hulk says, goes.


>two day anxiety attack
Isnt a thing. What hes experiencing is "slight discomfort". Anyone who's ever had a panic attack would roll their eyes into the back of their heads at this pathetic bullshit. It's a central nervous system malfunction and you literally feel like you're going to die.

jews want to drive the price down on buying his catalog to whore out in disney movies

This. (((They))) tried to kike him and failed, so he had to die.

He paid for his crimes imo.

He rotted from the inside out and was stuck a drug addicted haze for his remaining years. I bet he couldn't even look at his rotting disfigured face when he rolled out of bed from his tranquilizer stupor long enough to recognize a human soul in his beady eyes.

He's experienced about as much pain and mental suffering as anyone I've encountered, give or take... and he still has hell to look forward to.

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he was also abused as a kid possibly sexually

Its parents who self insert and they are freaked out. Anyone who was molested, 1 in 6 people or so, are triggered and brings it back and maybe they've never told anyone. The doco is mostly about holding onto the secret. And shows the elongated grooming MJ did. Basically if you're a parent or have been molested it hits hard

>he still has hell to look forward to

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Back to /r/ricknmorties


It was by Harlem Heat.

>never tell anyone
but they did multiple times and they were overturned

Been there. Once got too dehydrated and got super dizzy and almost fell over. Legit thought I was having a heart attack and called an ambulance to my place.

Almost had another one when I got lost late at night in Baltimore in the most ghetto ass neighborhood I've ever seen.

Look at that, a man with BPD! That's nearly as rare as a unicorn.

summer of 92 will haunt him until he dies

wasn't he Diesel in 1992?

i feel kinda sorry for him bros. the fucked up things i heard about the summer of 92...

Speaking as someone diagnosed and medicated for anxiety to the extent of dealing with the Social Security Administration who deemed it a legitimate impairment preventing substantial gainful activity, it's pretty much like the switch in your brain for a life-or-death fight-or-flight response is faulty and sometimes just gets triggered because of stress or no real reason at all. It makes you feel like the world is ending over the smallest things, and it's like you're physically incapable of just taking a step back and getting some perspective. You'll feel like the biggest idiot in a couple days after you've gotten out of your funk, but it's pretty much impossible to just talk yourself out of it the moment.

Example: my luddite boomer parents' VCR broke, which my dad used to record my mom's favorite show while she was at work. None of the others he had lying around worked either. The show wasn't in their cable plan's VODs no matter how exhaustively I looked, and they didn't have DVR which was an extra $15 or so a month and simply not worth it for one show a day which he used to do for free with his deprecated technology (that alone is a big anxiety trigger, suddenly having options and costs to weigh and none of them being particularly good). He couldn't get a replacement on time, my mom got home, her show wasn't recorded, so she just had to miss it, which she wasn't even too bothered about. I calmy apologized, excused myself, and went home, but after mulling it over in my head over and over I just started sobbing over how useless I felt, and the deprecated VCR was an excuse for my brain to focus on how my parents are old and are going to die one day. I spent the next couple of days terrified of being alone, and came up with lame excuses to be around them which they knew something was off about.

It's really dumb, but you can't really control it. It's mental illness.

What is going on that were trying to smear the reputation of a man who literally never harmed so much as a fly? Are they going to put his skeleton on trial next?

Story has a lot of conflict

i'm getting them more often. they seem to trigger themselves. sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night, and it takes an hour or so before i can get back to sleep.
never had one that i can blame on a movie or a tweet. mainly just thoughts that i might be dying, then my body just goes with it.
kind of feel like i'm out of body, then shift to shaking like i'm cold, among other things.

>Guilty until proven innocent
The man is dead and can't defend himself from this slander and libel. If there was a crime, why not actually report it when he wasn't dead?
Oh, yeah, you won't get free reign to earn money from lies otherwise.

No one is gonna read all that shit

A girl in my Public Speaking class had a panic attack a third of the way into her speech. She froze, covered her eyes, sood there for a min and said she felt dizzy. Then projectile vomited all over her shoes and the floor. Imagine that. Like being scared of the ocean and getting bit by a shark your first time in......

She hasnt been back to class in a week : (

He was Vinnie Vegas in WCW still

I had a period of a couple years where I had them every few weeks, they're not fun at all
Basically your brain tries to convince you that you're dying and your body flips the fuck out, you hyperventilate, get vertigo, feel like you're about to have a heart attack, struggle just moving, all that. The first time I got one I asked my dad to rush me to the ER because I thought I was having a stroke
If you see a soiboi or a woman on twitter saying a TV show gave them a panic attack they're most likely just the same kind of faggot who claim to have depression because they think it'll bring them attention and retweets

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It's where you go wee p
wee but and then you freak out so you go poo poo and then the smell of the poo poo makes your pee pee stiff and the sweat mixes with the wee wee and poo poo and makes you go squirt squirt so you have to go home

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