Heh, nothin personal incel
*Sluurrrps behind you*
kill yourself tranny nigger
>left a retarded woman who doesn't understand the laws of physics and fluid dynamics
>on the right a thunderchad who knows a simple trick to control fluid action
Despite being the blandest movie ever, Captain Marvel is a lot of things to a lot of people. It's the movie Rotten Tomatoes doesn't want anyone to have an opinion on. The movie dumb, bearded white guys are protesting. The movie other dumb, bearded white guys are white-knighting. The movie Brie Larson doesn't want us to see. The movie that inspired a ton of cheap clickbait articles from terrible online journalists who have no idea how Rotten Tomatoes works. The movie easily manipulated, twitter obsessed weirdos have given a ton of free publicity to, by convincing themselves this corporate product is a feminist cause. The movie that had charities started for it in order for underprivileged little girls to be able to see, which benefits absolutely nobody but Disney. Buy these fuckin poor kids some food instead, you fuckers. It's Captain Marvel! If the movie is a hit, it's because society has become enlightened enough to celebrate a female led action movie. Finally! If the movie is a flop, it's because of toxic online trolls. Finally! No other explanations exist! Eat the multi-billion dollar corporate slop and pretend it's social justice, you weirdos! Thanks for making the world an embarrassing nightmare, everyone!
You will NEVER be a woman.
white women looks like white men with wigs on
Suck my tiny, feminine dick, you faggot piece of shit
Hey guy. Remember me..
I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.
Come at me.
>''Have sex''
>Spend your entire day ironically (“IT'S A JK GAYS SO I'M NOT RETARDED")shilling a movie and baiting anons into a fight
I don't give a shit a about Brie Larson, and don't care about these movies. I dislike however how unaware you baiting faggots are, spamming this board with over 10+ threads a day of this capeshit below average movie thinking you're better than the fags you make fun of.
with pleasure babe
>1 cent has been deposited in your transition account
Based and redpilled
>Uh... defamatory, erm, and completely fictitious like reviews and posts of Brie Larson's Captain Marvel and trying to pit Shazam! against it, you know saying they're going to support us and not them, because of things that by the way they are making up - things that they're saying, they saw some screening and this, that or the other is in the movie. This is really low blow type of stuff, to be going in lying first of all is just the bottom of the barrel to me, but then to be lying in an attempt to discredit or defame somebody is just really sad, so please don't do that.
Chad Zachary shitting all over Yea Forums incels
have sex ;-)
>so please don't do that
What if I do anyways
Brie is so cute!
A refill sir?
R-Robert why are you dressed like that?
damn you incels are thirsty as fuck