Now that the dust is witnessed, what went so right?
Mad Max Fury Road
no risks, story came off like they asked some middle school kid to write about bikers with guns in the desert
Fuck off bro, the movie was good
>no risks
You’re joking?
>Save the supermodels not the whales
The villain and his crew made the movie work. Also the props and cars they modified.
>female protagonist
>story about women in chastity belts enacting revenge on the evil white man who kept them well-fed in exchange for sex and children
Yup, that's gonna be a mighty YIKES from me
No talking from Hardy. Great actor but speech is his weakness.
Why do they always gotta ruin movies with SJW shit these days?
>What went wrong: Mel Gibson passing on the role and Tom Hardy taking over
>What went right: Everything else
If you can find the original treatment Miller did when it was still going to star Mel you'll find it's the exact same movie with one difference: Max was going to go up with the wives at the end instead of walking away as per usual. This was because it was supposed to be Max's last movie and that's why he's going crazy - he was getting old. Unfortunately with Hardy's casting that point is lost and it's kinda a different character.
It's a shame too because this could have been a great redemption movie for old mad Mel but we got what we got and I think it's really good. Other than the CG on the last car crash at the end, that really felt inexplicable other than to have one 3D effect at the end to justify an expensive ticket purchase
Lol. That whole thing where MRAs were supposed to be boycotting the film came from a single article on Return of Kings (a riddiculous PUA site which reads more like a parody of Mens Rights shit than anything else.) Really terrible article too, the guy admitted that the only Mad Max movie he'd seen was Thunderdome but that in the trailer (the movie wasn't even out yet) Max took orders from a woman and that somehow made it part of Hollywood's feminist agenda or some shit. Even though the whole plot of Thunderdome is about Max taking orders from Aunty Entity but whatever.
It also featured an image of Mel Gibson photo-shopped next to the main character of Fallout 1 for no particular reason.
Anyway shitty progressive blogs made a big deal out of nothing and made it seem like there was some big organised movement to boycott Mad Max despite it being one guy on one joke of a site. In the process generating tons of clickbait articles generating tons of clicks and generating a fair amount of traffic to Return of Kings too. The whole thing was just a wash in order to generate ad revenue, as it always is these days.
How great would with movie have been if when Immorten Joe's mask got ripped off at the end you realized it was Mel Gibson
WITNESSED blessed quads
The first hour or so, then it became stupid.
- when the war boys cross their fingers in prayer it resembles a V8 engine
- war boys spray paint their lips and tattoo engines on their chests because they aspire to be like cars
- the gas town people wear gas masks and the bullet town people wear bullets
- the bullet farmer is missing his eyes, the gas town mayor is missing his nose, and immortan joe is missing his mouth
- the editors made sure the action is always in the center of the frame so the viewer isn't forced to move their eyes all over the screen
- the night scenes were actually shot in daylight but then color graded to blue in order to preserve shadow details
Oddly enough that wasn't CG really. They actually filmed the steering wheel, the guitar and other shit flying into the camera with bungee type chords, then they spliced it with the very real crash footage. The o my thing fully digital in that shot is the actual canyon, you can see the stunt on YouTube how they flipped the actual truck but they did it on an open area, not an actual enclosed rock space
You say that like its a bad thing.
Mad Max was always secondary to the Mad Max world, and Mad Max was always kinda dumb and kinda shit.
>I have spent so much time on Reddit that I know what they like
the architect wants more work for himself
It has some impressive real stunts but the plotline, acting and action are all fucking horrible.
We know what happens when furisoa took over though everyone starves because of the population boom and it turns into another swamp like her home lands and many mothers.
The film is blatantly anti femenism
Confirmed for not having watched the movie you fucking pleb. Get off the board and back to /r9k/ with you.
The movie is about both sides not achieving anything on their own unless they start working together. But who am I kidding here. You piece of brainletshit will copy any bullshit here that fits your narrative, without ever checking the source material. To put it in your words, it's not the imaginary omnipresent trannies which ruin this board, it's sheeps like you.
This. It seemed like a great film the first time around but on rewatch these problems become very apparent. Then again I don't particularly care for any of the Mad Max films, I prefer A Boy and His Dog
You can tell all the money an time went into to the action scenes. Fury Road is a great example on how to stage action scenes, the story in it secondary. It is basically a movie every action director should watch and take notes from.
>efficient world-building
>unparalleled, era-defining effects and stunt work
>explosive set piece scenes
>extremely simple plot, but that’s also a strength. Not a lot of pesky exposition to get in the way of the momentum
No see there is literally infinite water, Joe was just keeping it all to himself cause he was evil. Just read the comics.
I don't read comics unless they are hentai or western erotica with extremely large boobies oppai lolis
if max went up there it would've ruined the ending for me, i prefer him vanishing and continuing to wander
I think everyone besides the supporting female cast was great.
Mad max series has always had a weakness when it came to story side of things
>Max wonders back x years later
>entire place has turned into a lush tropical desert
>he gets raped violently by horny women for 5 hours in real time because they drove all the men away by nagging and femenist bullshit
>eventually they succumb to his masculine ways and furisa gives birth to Babby Max lion king style
There I've saved mad max 5
Did you know the editorial supervisor was Millers wife, who had never edited an action movie before? His reasoning was, correctly, that it would bring a fresh view on action.
Watching this movie in IMAX while stoned was the best cinema experience of my life.
This scene might not seem like much, but after the absolute sensory overload of the first act, this felt like the perfect calm after the storm. It was incredibly powerful when I first saw it, however on subsequent viewings at home the movie doesnt nearly have the same effect.
>Australia had to stop riding crocodiles while shitposting for a minute to remind Murrica how action movies are made
Fucking pathetic
Have sex
I wonder whats the lore behind this badass religion
100% SOUL-free
simple but well made film
excellent in its motifs
V8s have always been a big thing in the Mad Max world. Don't blame them, V8s are nice.
feminist propaganda
which is perfect
And that's unironically a good thing.
Soderbergh on Mad Max
Rare quality post that reminds everybody of what should be obvious.
It didn't go right lmao. That's why there is no sequel!
The film has feminist themes but most retards on here miss them and instead bring up muh furiosa has a better shot than max.
Yeah, Furiosa having a better shot or talking more or whatever is not where the feminism is. The feminism is in showing all the males except Max as complete brutes and being blamed for "killing the world", when it's men who build everything in the world in the first place. It's basically portraying men as monstrous as they appear in feminist dogma.
And the three main socieites represent different elements of the patriarchy, which in the end the women overthrow and establish a utopia.
*guitar riff intensifies*
I always thought MM:FR was actually more of a subversion of feminism.
>>Men are aggressively rebuilding the human race (breeding programs, water rationing, gardens)
>>Women trashed the one good place they had (the "Green Place")
>>Women now begin to trash all the men had built (dumping out the whole water reserve at once)
Charlize Theron is hot and is great in action movies.
>middle school kids should start writing more Hollywood scripts
She was pretty dull in this though. Cringeworthy even. Like super unconvincing. Pretty bad actually.
The best action movie of at least this decade and nothing even comes close.
Just pure action without a shitton of jumpcuts with a great setting that is memorable.
This will be the movie that boomers will show their kids when they are 50 to show them "the good ol' classic action kino"
two words:
Is it any good?
Looks kinda dumb.
no it's dumb
>This thread
God what the fuck happened to this board? People used to fucking hate this piece of shit when it came out for being capeshit-tier feminist garbage.
I wish redditors would leave
You have to go back
>G-Go back t-to /pol/!
I don't even go there you faggot.
The feminism shit was not even the biggest problem with the film, the main problem was that it was dumb garbage made to appease the lowest common denominator. It was a soulless blockbuster made simply for money and only money, it is everything wrong with modern cinema.
what's feminist about this, every movie featuring a female is now called that, it's so stupid
>"He's gonna be so ugly"
>"Could be a girl"
>People used to fucking hate this piece of shit when it came out
Why are you lying?
It's not a mad max movie.
Only redditors and the saddest of RLM fans praised the movie and posted forced corporate memes like "WITNESS ME xD" and "le epic guitar guy".
Maybe because every movie with a female lead is heavily marketed as feminist
Have autism
Look into the archives, faggot
Have sex.
The comics are irrelevant we are discussing a movie. Joe made a functioning civilization in a post apocalyptic world. The future is female crowd destroyed this civilization.
The same way animism came about. They are there, and they are important
Movie was hated BEFORE release because it was allegedly feminist propaganda, but it was quite the opposite. The villains were cool, female milk factories, a pregnant woman was crushed, and women were helpless in general without the help of grunting male hero.
For me, this guy could've broke the movie if he was one jot less of a rather good actor.
>- the night scenes were actually shot in daylight but then color graded to blue in order to preserve shadow details
This didn't really look that good. Surely there were better ways to portray night beside just blueing the fuck out of the image. There were still big white shiny blots on their heads where the sun reflected of their foreheads.
Garbage nu-Yea Forums meme, unironically hang yourself
bad film desu
Hardest movie Miller ever did. He said so.
Have autism.
About a Boy 2: No Man's Island
>literally endorsing sexual slavery
/pol/ sure is amazing, don't tread on my freedoms and liberty but if you're a woman you should willingly become a baby machine in exchange for food
>i wish people would just keep shitposting about muh sjws
I'd take that over the pathetic state this board is in now, tumblr faggot.
Women are too dumb to see their own folly and Miller let the women make mistakes all over his script and film and let them be displayed to the audience without shame. It was so effective in doing this that even women who watched it saw them and felt shame, which is why no feminist today wants to regard this movie as a feminist showhorse.
>mad furiosa and a guy named max: the two hour chase scene
the movie is fucking awful and all the hype it gets around here makes no fucking sense. it's a stupid GO FROM HERE TO HERE AND BACK TO HERE plot. That's fucking it. The cunt couldn't even wait until mr badguy wasn't staring at her from his fucking tower before cranking the wheel and going off into fuckall land, but then again without that the movie wouldn't happen because it's LITERALLY just a chase scene until the credits.
Every first post on Yea Forums is a cringe post. What happened to fpbp?
Gook moot that is not the picture I chose and I would reee if it didn’t work so well.
>what went so right?
War rig is love and deserved a best supporting actor nomination.
Funny you should mention it, I just rewatched it today. Still like it quite a lot, but it's a much better experience in the theatre. Violence Jack > Mad Max.
>for no particular reason.
Its like you didnt even want to get dogmeat for free.
memes. that btfo ending
>tfw you have a v8
Feels good man.
I genuinely like Holt. He seems like a genuine bro.
I liked almost everything about it except the wives, they were kind of annoying but then again they're women so it kind of evens out
go fucking where exactly? it's flatland all around if she went rogue closer to gastown then they'd be the ones chasing her first.
shit man I don't know, I'm just a fucking dog
>go through the trouble of making (some) practical effects
>smear it in digital shit so it looks worse than Sky Captain
>no Mel Gibson playing an ancient Max battling the road gangs for the last time
Hard pass
>bikers with guns in the desert
But all the Mad Max flicks have been about that.
They got the action scenes right. That’s all they needed to do. The dialogue could have been word-for-word taken from the plane scene and the plot could have been a remake of Pink Flamigos for all I care. The action scenes had great staging, editing, choreography, cinematography, music, and style, and that’s what matters.
well done cgi and practical effects
>scene where Furiosa and Max are working together fighting and driving
>implying she's a bad physical actor
have sexual intercourse
Any soundtrack more kino than this?
It's like this movie isn't very feminist at all or something. It just has women in it and the grand message is to treat them like people. Same with the war boys.
Wow so controversial
Actual Mad Max is about a cop losing his mind and trying to find it again in a post-apocalyptic world. The setting is of course important, very much so, but without Max himself it just, well, feels soulless. Regardless of whether or not you think the substance is as good as the style, Max is the heart of the movies. Take that away, and you have a somewhat decent action movie.
The movies are about Max but he never has direct involvement in what's going on. He always just gets caught up in it
> Women trashed the one good place they had (the "Green Place")
They didn’t trash it, it was clearly an environmental disaster beyond their control.
It was fun
This was true in the first movie only. By Road Warrior Max was just a vehicle for the plot.
Not in the first one, at least. And the plot is far less important than the journey of Max. A Mad Max movie where he has no agency and just goes along for the ride is lifeless. He gets caught up in what happens, but he is an active, not passive, character. In Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome, even though the events were not -about- him, he still ends up being the one to affect change and actually move it along. He gets caught up in what happens, but he's also always the one to get things actually moving, a sort of agent of chaos if you will. His presence is the catalyst for the reactions that get set off.
You're insane. Road Warrior was more about Max than any of the other movies. If you can't see that the movies are about his character arc you are completely blind.
>literally taking moral highgrounds on literal fantasy
The state of this board
Max Max > Beyond Thunderdome > Road Warrior > Fury Road
Why not give me any examples that support your claim?
You make a great point. So let me ask you how would you have had Fury Road play out instead? Max just driving thru the wastes and decide to heroically involve himself in the grand car chase to valiantly save the girls? That's even worse. I would argue that outside of his entrance into the situation Max had more agency in FR than you give it credit.
>So let me ask you how would you have had Fury Road play out instead?
Honestly? Scrap most of the plot and do something completely different. Get rid of Furiosa. Make the women a very minor plotpoint that just serve to flesh out the War Boys dynamic. I can't tell you what the story would be, save that rescuing the women is merely a tertiary element that makes it's appearance at the end.
shiny and chromepilled
>uses words like evil in his post
>accuses others of bringing morality into it
What the fuck are you talking about?
Everyone here loved this movie when it came out.
Lots of cool cars.
>the creator/director's statements are meaningless.
>Now, getting back to my fan theory...