Black men are irresistible to white women
Breaking annihilation down to its simplest component
She literally used him as a tool to destroy her relationship
State of the art effects.
creepy things are cool
I really would have liked to have a good discussion about this movie but...
>this window will close in 3 seconds...
Why didn't she use a white man then? Because BBC is simply too powerful
Unironically loved this movie, save for the interracial affair. Every movie these days has to have that shit in it.
I can’t remember what they called “the shimmer” in the book but it was definitely less gay. Also wasn’t the “shimmer” invisible or something
>announcing a report
that's against the rules, faggot
So you don't care about her having an affair, just the he was black. Yea Forums logic right there.
probably because he was one of the few in her faculty she was attracted to, as age can range greatly in a university.
Watching it for the first time right now and it reminds me a bit of the short novel Roadside Picnic.
Yes. The affair was a plot point that was important for the movie, making it interracial was deliberate and I hate niggers.
>Yea Forums logic
Go back to where you came from
reddit spacing
This is my opinion as well. I would like to talk about it and recommend it to people IRL but I don’t dare recommend a movie with bestiality in it
I fucking hate this board so fucking much. It's literally the best sci-fi movie we got in like 5 years with a really original premise, and you faggots just have to ruin any conversation about it with your retarded /pol/posting. It's only one scene and it doesn't have much importance to the plot, just skip it when you're watching.
>all this misplaced anger
why cant you just accept that BBC is superior?
Name five
I wish that cunt from H8ful8 spoke louder, i wanted to slap the cock out of her mouth to stop her goddamn mumbling.
Man, how come there are no movies with zoophilia? Quite a few animals can consent.
cancer will kill you
>It's literally the best sci-fi movie we got in like 5 years
what? It was pretty cool but slow as fuck.
to call it the best sci-fi in 5 years is just retarded
>once you go black you realize you've made a big mistake and do go back, no matter the cost
Smells like hapa ITT.
What was a better one?
>captain marvel
>how to train your dragon: the hidden world
>beauty and the beast
>star wars: tlj
>spiderman: into the spiderverse
White girls who fuck niggers are low self esteem trash. That's a fact.
All of them but to specify a few good ones...
Interstellar, arrival, BR2049, ex machina, mad max fury road
I read the book, the adaptation is bad and I didn't watch it until the end.
A constant sense of dread followed the reader, but what the viewer meets is a cheap predator copy.
but what did you think of the interracial sex?
The more repulsive the better when one wants to sabotage a relationship.
You need to get help
for what?
I fixed for you:
>Breaking annihilation down to the things I personally most pay attention to and it has nothing to do with my porn addiction and repressed desires: Black men are irresistible to white women
But seriously now, from a movie like that, why the fuck would someone pay attention to that detail? I mean, I didnt even remembered there was a black guy in the movie
>why the fuck would someone pay attention to that detail?
they are mentally ill.
SEETHING whiteoids
For your mental illness
how did you come to the conclusion that i am mentally ill?
I love how the black guy in this movie wasn't anywhere near as attractive as Isaac's character,YET his wife still cheated for the big jungabudunga dick
White women don't date Black guys that much, it's just BM/WF is constantly in movies/media.
The irony of this post. You must be a tranny discord rookie
That's a cute way of saying she got off on extra marital dick
Because anyone who posts BBC shit all the time a sick, deluded whacko that should be in an institution.
Loved it as well. Didn't care about his ethnicity but was bummed she was a cheater, made me care a little less about her.
That's simply the way to get funding. Promise to certain (((organizations))) you'll include muslims, blacks and other mystery meat in your movie and have a lead have an interracial relationship - and you get your money.
but it's simply reality
>shot on horrendous flat neutral digital
Imagine what could have been if it was made by a proper filmmaker like Cosmatos.
This movie is beyond current human comprehension. We could gather the greatest philosphers, movie critics and psychologists, and they still would not be able to fully comprehend this movie.
I look forward to the day we can understand this film.
Seek help, you watch too much porn.
>A bunch of morons who can’t read subtext focus on irrelevant details like the skin color of the guy she cheated with, and not the fact that the whole movie is a metaphor for loss and death, how it changes people, how they cope, and how you don’t recognize your partner or the person in the mirror anymore.
Ignorance is clearly not bliss
proximity son. maybe if you left your basement youd have an idea
I've already delineated it perfectly. the main thesis is that BBC is so powerful it can bring destruction to the entire earth
>This movie is beyond current human comprehension. We could gather the greatest philosphers, movie critics and psychologists, and they still would not be able to fully comprehend this movie.
>I look forward to the day we can understand this film.
Did you only see like the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes of the movie? I could understand thinking this if that was all that you saw.
ex machina
mad max fury road
>make retarded comment
>get btfo and offer no response
>r-r-reddit spacing haha :b
This site is going to eat you alive m8
the shimmer itself was probably attracted to the bbc. even cosmic beings cant resist
dubs confirm BBC supremacy. based and redpilled
The fact that it was a black man made her husband go on a suicide mission. She fucked it all up. Her arc was that of self destruction, no matter the collateral damage.
>Natalie Portman
Who? The guy who did BTBR and Mandy? Mandy was shot on cancer digital and digitally graded to look like film.
I know, but BtBR was shot on Panavision 35mm and looked incredible, felt like a Kubrlick movie.
Interstellar was a great movie. What are your reasons for thinking annihilation is better?
>What are your reasons for thinking annihilation is better?
the inclusion of BBC fucking white women
not as good as blacked
Why'd you reply to me? I was replying to someone shitposting about dicks. Maybe (((you))) have an agenda here. Incidentally I liked Annihilation a lot.
manually cutting that part out didn't have any impact on the story so it was the best option for me
portman and the interstellar black guy were never in the same shot, how did you cut it?
It was a fine 7/10.
Wherever I go to take a break from the board of peace, it follows me
Some women true, but many think of fucking a black dude as they think of fucking a dog.
The dumbest most sophomoric drivel to come out in recent times. Absolutely garbage tier. Look down on people who like this shit for they are truly plebian. I feel like this movie was made for retatds with college degrees (aka brainlets) and women. I'm guessing many of you praising it are brainlets AND women.
tl;dr kys
Thank god, someone sane.
she cucked him before she lost anything brainlet.
Interstellar was a great movie to watch in the theater. It's a pretty mediocre movie with a great soundtrack outside of the theater
Its because just like women, they seek instant gratification and push away responsibilities. Like 2 kids left without parents.