The Rocketeer 1991

the best super hero movie ever made?

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It's boring as hell

best movie poster ever made

worst super hero movie ever made

>1991 was 42 years ago

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>mfw 33 years old but only 6 years old in 1991

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It's a great film. Worthless idiot kids today don't even know what great films are, which is why film is dying.

>No 35 Marvel quips a minute
>No CGI splosions

>it's great because I saw it as a kid :D

>Billy Campbell and Jennifer Connolly still look hellabetter than you

feels bad, man

You spelled boringest wrong

zoomers should be systematically eradicated

I'm 41, my man. Still boring.

Dalton's such a good actor.
Bill and Jen (as much as I want to bury my face between her thighs until I die while she wears her cream date rape dress jesus fucking christ) just aren't. The film suffers for it.

sorry you dont like it dude

Pic related is best Superhero film.

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yes and reminder that not only did this movie spend almost a decade in development hell disney botched the marketing and then cancelled the planned trilogy

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oh yeah and eisner wanted the helmet design changed to a straight-up NASA design

Just in case iou wanted to be disappointed this fine evening

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The nazi villain thing is so painfully unimaginative and the special effects look absolutely the worst today; other than that it's a good flick. If you just like art deco I'd recommend meet the robinsons instead.

Close but no

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can't even remember this shit. had a friend that made his own rocketeer mask though.

They're gonna cast some black chick with a frizzy fro to replace him aren't they. Probably that bitch from the new Star Trek show.

The effects look fine, what the fuck are you talking about? Also Dalton is great