Alita IMAX

Bros i really miss the oportunity to watch this movie in IMAX 4DX or whatever.

Please tell me, there was a big difference betwen standar and IMAX functions ? please tell me if there is any oportunity to watch it in IMAX, im searching about renting one function in the theatre but I dont know if that could be the solution, I need to find 45 more people who want to watch it with me in my country (PerĂº)

There are any posibility to watch it again? maybe in 20 years? 10 years? when does the cinemas going to put it again in IMAX format?, or I need to become rich and buy a theatre so I can have the oportunity to watch it

tell me please :(

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i dont think it was shot in imax resolution, that would have been amazing, i want to watch it again.

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tell me how the fuck I can have the posibility to enjoy the movie in 4DX or Prime or IMAX whatever the fuck I hear Alita really uses some high tech cinema shit and when and I lose the oportunity to enjoy it in that format

Any cinema user that knows if it is possible to steal the movies? If I go to work in my local cinema, will I have the opportunity to steal Alita's tape ?, Tell me any way to see it and I will do it

Maybe sneak in the morning to the threatre and put the movie myself

4dx is bullshit user dont get fulled by it, the real deal is imax, and imax is not a special feature, its a resolution, witch has to be filmed with a special camera because its really fucking big, good kinos film in that resolution and later crop it to other formats that result in normal viewing styel cinemas.
so if a movie wasnt shot in imax resolution there is no way it can be shown in a real imax theaters
>research dunkirk

So i didnt miss anything important rr rr rr. R r r rr rr r rright ?

there is probably some cut scenes, extended cuts, directorts cut thats going to be released with he blu rey.

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>i dont think it was shot in imax resolution
It was shot in both IMAX and in native 3D.

If you didn't see it in IMAX3D you seriously missed out, It was amazing on par with watching Avatar for the first time.

Blue ray can compete?

What i need to buy to my house to emulate imax experience

I was really sad when I notice that I miss the last oportunity of my life about watching alita in imax


>Blue ray can compete?
Not unless you have a 90ft tall screen and a $70,000 projectionist system just lying around your mansion.

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It's over dude, you missed it, you will never see Alita in IMAX3D. I'll never get to see Lawrence of Arabia in proper 70mm format. These are things we will have to live with.

Ok blu rey
A big screen
Cinema projection systen
70 k dollars

Is not so much, i can have it, everything to see alita, I dont care how many days i will not eat, I can live knowing that I miss the oportunity to watch it in imax

Nope, i just need to buy the blu rey, a big tv and a cinema proyector

Is not so difficult, I can steal de proyector, buy de blu rey and saving money for a big tv screen

imax was just about the aspect ratio right?
you'll see the same thing in the 3d bluray if you have a decent screen
the ideal would be 3D 4K HDR, but as far as i know, there's no such thing yet, and probably never will be

A better option might be to just go to your local IMAX screen, gather together maybe 50 like-minded dudes from your area and beg them to give you a date for a special screening.

Can Yea Forums Yea Forums donate pls?

Lmao why we not everybody in this board buy a theatre i would travel to usa if its necesary just tell me, I can give you some money and we can recolect dollars to buy a big imax screen or whatever we can reach 70k together pls i know we miss imax alita here we can fix it

I can get 50 bitches to see the movie with effort but the problem is that Alita is 1 month old and cinemas wont rent movies out of time out of season or whatever u know what im trying to say english is not my main language

wait for the 20Mp per eye vr hdr: you'll get the same imax experience at home
both google and facebook should be releasing it by 2022-24

I was able to get in a special screening of Avatar a few years after it came out, I wouldn't consider it s complete impossibility.

Thanks for giving me hope

VR is a partial solution, sure you'll have that filled your entire field of view with a movie feeling but focusing on a screen 3 inches from your face is fundamentally different than focusing on a fucking massive screen 100 feet from your face.

There is nothing else quite like it.

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Just watched the trailer for this because you faggots keep posting this shit. Guess what only made it half way through because its retarded trash just like 90% of what Yea Forums likes.

Pro-tip for the scientifically illiterate here. There's this thing called perspective. Something big and far away is indistinguishable from something small and close.

You can get the image equivalent of IMAX at home, you just can't do it for 200 people simultaneously.

so... i press my face real close to the screen then?

wait for the vr to improve
when it will have a good, and i mean GOOD, resolution that will be the closest thing of what you missed

Yes there was a difference. I can't remember the last time I re-watched a film in the cinema. I went to watch Alita a second time because the first time around I had no idea what it was about and only saw it in 2D. Went back to see it in IMAX 3D after being blown away by the action scenes and it was totally worth it.

I watched in 4DX 3D,DX is fun like a ride at the amusement park but I don't like 3D, I think it's useless. My brother watched in 4DX ScreenX, he said the ScreenX was useless and not impressed by the 4DX. It's really a matter of taste The tciket is twice the price but I don't care because I never go to the theater, 3 times a year at best

This, watched it in 2D and really regretted it after. watched it again in IMAX 3D and remembered why 3D was such a huge deal with Avatar. Turns out this is one of the only movies actually shot in 3D these days. I swear post-converts ruined 3D. There is nothing quite like a native 3D movie to remind you why 3D matters.

What's the deal about 3D? To me the glasses are uncomfortable, it feels like I'm wearing a VR set. But then again it wasn't IMAX

Well it literally adds another dimension to the movie I can give you two examples where full size IMAX and 3D made a huge difference. Remember that flashback scene where they're attacking the sky city and the cutter rings and sliding down the tube? In 2D you just don't get that sense of scale those rings are huge and terrrifying and when the tube breaks and you see it fall all the way down to the city below and take out a number of buildings when it gets down there you really feel it in your stomach just how far down that is. The other is at the end of the movie where the love interest falls through the clouds, in 3D the clouds have depth you see them billow in ways which normally aren't possible and it again gives you that sense of awe at just high up they are.

Other than that it just generally makes the movie more immersive and makes the action more readable. Although in this movie it isn't really a problem Rodriguez employs slowmo at just the right times and it just the right amounts that you can read the action without it going all Zack Snyder's 300 on us.