Dresses like a stripper

>dresses like a stripper

This is the role model little girls had to look up to before captain marvel?

They really need to up their game with wonder woman 1984 or be a joke forever.

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Strippers show more skin

>dresses like a stripper
Go to a strip club
Or just have sex

Funny how Marvel managed to sink so low with Captain Toefungus that Yea Forums unironically started liking Wonder Jew.

>that Yea Forums unironically started liking Wonder Jew.
the classic /tv is one person

It's the same kind of thing where everybody pretends now that Predator 2 is good because Shane Black's movie was so awful that it retroactively made everything else look better.

Grass is always greener, etc.

predator 2 has always been a cult classic in the vein of robocop 2 and the texas chainsaw massacre 2, you fucking retarded zoomer

Wonder Stick was at least a movie.
Captain Marvel is just loud noises for 2 hours.

I want to fuck Gal i don't want to fuck Brie

you call that stripper already? are you from Arabia?

>white men telling women what they should and shouldn't wear
you just don't get it, do you?

Gal isn't an amazing WW but her movie is decent aside from the somewhat over the top final battle

Eat shit. Predator 2 was always great, it just had huge shoes to fill. It did it's own thing in it's own way while still being respectful of everything laid out in 1 and was excellent for it.

I always liked Wonder Woman, then I'm a DC fag who hates all things Marvel except the Spiderman movies (not the recent ones)

>This is the role model little girls had to look up to before captain marvel?

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Dont diss Wondy, she and CM are pals

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>character is daughter on an Amazonian and of Zeus
you should at least have an understanding then that she is from a Greek mythos background. There is practically only one heroine like her from the mythology and that is Atalanta, who also wore short skirts. It was the style.

OP, you are a moron

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WW and Aquaman are the closest thing Im going to get to an action packed movie about the greek gods so fuck you.
>inb4 someone reminds me they said the God's are dead
God's are immortal.

So who ends fucking her, Supes, Bats or
AquaChad? Flash is gay so I don't count him in.

Fuck you. Give me a bustier WW in a leotard.

logical answer is Superman. Both the last of their kind

Better than a murderous man hater who breaks laws and condones violence. This film gives an image for other women to embody as a men treated them awfully image. At least WW was pro life and honest to her mora compass.

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But they are superfriends

why is she so cute?

Superman hasn't been the last of his kind for the vast majority of his existence. He's just a lazy faggot who won't restore Kandor

>I'll forgive you for fapping to me but please promise me it was the last time

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Yea Forums has always liked Wonder Woman and Predator 2

Quit trying to re-write history zoomer-tumor

Bata, he is the Chaddest

Gal has sexy and cute feet

I always have.


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arent strippers generally naked? do you americans even have family friendly whores?

The Last Jedi made people like the prequels

wtf I like strippers now

I want to have sex with her
