What is the BEST kino for alcoholism? My favorite film is TWBB. mostly because of Plainview’s character...

What is the BEST kino for alcoholism? My favorite film is TWBB. mostly because of Plainview’s character, but also because of the steady documentation of his drinking habits. I love how he denies the drink that Eli poured for him in the bowling scene and then chugs a nice jug of straight liquor.

A close runner up is Flight. this scene is to true to home:

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Most Tarantino kino. Because his shots always have harsh halo lighting the beer/alcohol is always crisp and tasty looking

never understood alcoholism desu
if I drink a significant amount I feel so shitty that i couldn't possibly touch the stuff for a long time afterwards
I probably haven't gotten drunk in 2 years. It's been months since I've even drank enough to get a buzz

Some people aren’t built for alcohol. I don’t get hangovers.

The answer is always Flight

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considering how little of it takes to kill you, nobody is built for alcohol

I do that with 2 liter coke bottles in my stinky neet nest
they should make a movie about me

I just woke up and poured a whiskey high ball right after turning the washing machine on. I'll have a few then go to the supermarket to get the kids dinner and buy a bottle and a few cans.

I'll drink till about 12pm then fall asleep, never get to the point of falling over

I used to drink heavily. I think it's just the desire to stay numb and devil may care over rides how you will feel later. You may get remorse and feel like shit but then you remedy it with more alcohol or bullshit remedies that kinda work but don't really.

Flight was such a good movie, no idea why no one ever talks about it. Really underrated. Denzel was fucking great in it, I'm almost certain hes an real life alcoholic after I watched it


After I started drinking I lost alot of "intuition" that I used to have and I noticed my thought process in general became alot more short sighted and impulsive
Anyone else with similar reactions?

Haven't touched it in 2 years now and I won't come back

Yes, I should be studying japanese but I know I'm gonna finish work (online job) then drink whiskey while watching Can't pay, we'll take it away and nogibingo.

It's already Tuesday so my mind will tell me it's almost the weekend, may as well drink till Sunday then start fresh on Monday

It’s a nice deep hole. :)

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I always feel fine drinking copious amounts, maybe a little buzzed, then jump to the point of not remembering anything. I always get shit the morning after for doing obnoxious stupid shit, get depressed, wait 2-3 days, and repeat.

Based time rationalizer

I love a nice cig right after that perfect swish of whiskey

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I've been sober for 3 months and scared... I don't want to go back either

my god that is a pretty girl

>BEST kino for alcoholism
Leaving las vegas, what even fucking question is tjis

it’s been pointed out before but proper alkies, not the attention seekers like Jim norton who get wrapped up in the recovery industry for the attention, proper alkies stick to one kind of liquor not a veritable sampler selection like Denzel has in that dumb fucking movie

God I miss cigarettes

Are you referring to Flight? That movie was a profound depiction of alcoholism, one of my favorite movies and I've only seen it once

I smoke exactly 1 after a particularly hard day of work and occasionally at social gatherings to calm my nerves. Less than a pack a month. never could do more it just gives me a headache and a sore throat

What is it with this reddit trend of pretending you're some kind of grizzled troubled addict. Like, get a job you lazy retard fucks

I think its about whatever is cheap for a lot of them unless they can afford better.

user, do you know what penultimate means?

This is the ultimate alcoholic movie. Also David Letterman's favorite film because it is the ultimate alcoholic movie. Letterman was a terrible alcoholic, if you didnt know.

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We have jobs fucko. And liquor is fucking amazing who’s complaining?

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The Yellow Scarf if you're into foreign kino but that movie is depressing and a little too relateable.

I have a job, a wife a mortgage and 3 kids. Real men can drink all day and still support their family

I stopped drinking because I would binge drink, hop on my motorcycle and go pick up blow, then drink and do blow until I passed out. Then I would piss the bed.

imagine being proud of an addiction to psychoactive sugar-water

Sounds pretty wicked

Try using “fermented” next time, it sounds tastier.

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outta my way you absolute fucking plebs

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He obviously does this on purpose the hamburger the beer the heroin the weed Rodriguez does this also the chocolate the oranges, etc...it’s a dumb phenomenological trick to make you think you experienced something tasty.

Ya got wet brain boy google it

You’re fucked should’ve been taking B vitamins

He wasn't jugging liquor, he was jugging water. Like drunks do when they wake up in the morning.

Eli was an uninvited guest and Daniel had already been drinking after his last conversation with H.W. Eli was a worm to Daniel, he drank that big gulp of vodka or whatever to enjoy what he was going to do to that poor sack of afterbirth like (you).

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*swigs back a cool one*

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alcohol is so sloppy, weed is the answer.

The Lost Weekend

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Leaving Las Vegas. Main character is a disconsolate and dying drunk. Nick Cage was born to play him.