This is truly the best episode they've done in months...

This is truly the best episode they've done in months. The extravagant manner in which they indulge in their most appreciative treatment ever of their city, following a proper excoriation of the extraordinarily idiotic politics that surrounded this film, (possibly the worst since Ghostbusters).

The actual review is ho-hum, but it really doesn't deserve better, and it's a pretty uninteresting movie, but there's actually plenty of witty banter from Mike and Jay over the context of the movie.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Couldn't wait for the last thread to die, huh?

Why is reddit so obsessed with their opinions?
I mean err.. Yea Forums, why is Yea Forums so obsessed

I didn't see the thread. Fuck off.

Actually, never mind, and I actually want to look for it.

I'm just glad they seemingly started to put efforts in their videos again. The recent HITB had been nostalgia critic tier in that it was a big ball of nothing just sitting there and retelling the plot with quips here and there.


my favorite youtubers i like watching and copying their opinions

Cringe Letter Media

I'm not reddit, but I want to have an opinion on current movies that I will never see, as they would probably strongly reflect my own, (well, at least if they would shit on the movie).

If there were such a thing as Half in the Bag that wasn't so absurdly long as some video monographs, (really more appropriate than essay), or video essays that weren't delivered in such a simplistically negative fashion, and were for current movies, I would be interested in them.

Actually, if there were any written reviews that were articulate or entertaining, I would be interested in those. The New Yorker is not good enough for the latter, and I do not watch any other YouTube reviews.
Meh. I understand how stale they are here, but they really are the best content producers for recent films.

they're not even funny anymore and I got important things to do

Oh shit, I was late to the meeting guys, does Yea Forums hate RLM now? I hate those guys, so cringy. Who watched this shit before, god so bad.

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Well, the opening monologue shitting on their down was funny.

made a comment on reddit about these guys got a lot of upvotes lol

Why they hate Milwaukee

have sex

Why the 4th rate sitcom schtick at the beginning? I stopped watching before they got to the review.

because they're white. they never mention all the blacks that live there.

Yeah, that sucked. Keep watching though.

>No Alita HITB

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Alita is a literally who? to anyone who's not a weeaboo incel. It barely broke even, if it even actually did, so say goodbye to your sequel

Yeah once you understand Milwaukee's racial demographics them constantly bitching about awful theater audiences makes sense.Literally none of my local theaters are as routinely bad as the shit they complain about.


Attached: get rid of that white dude.jpg (396x434, 36K)

Pretty ok recent action movie no one saw/heard of because it's based off a comic only 40 year old weebs have read

How the hell did negroes even make their way up to Milwaukee anyway? Seems like it'd be a nice place without them.

I thought the entire review was going to be about Milwaukee

right around the time civil rights happened and the south got extra autistic over race relations negroes moved to the prosperous cities all along the rust belt.
Northern whites then fled those cities in droves for California and have bitched about "racist southerners" like they didn't just literally up and move away from the blacks for the next 50 years.

this movie was pretty bad but the fact that it totally BTFO all of Yea Forums and /pol/ make it so good

Milwaukee is as auwful as Chicago?

I didn't realize Milwaukee was as black as it is. That actually surprises me

if I wanted to read bait this weak I'd be on reddit

Well, if Yea Forums and /pol/ are retarded and so contrarian to hate a movie that's actually shitty, imagine how retarded you are for being so contrarian, you think this movie is "good."

Think about it.

niggers will always try to invade white spaces and parasite off whites. that's just what they do

you thought that sound very smart in your head didnt you?

to be fair he doesn’t realize he’s trying to reason to a Disney shill/troll so clearly he’s not very smart in the first place

How many times do they bring up Marvel vs DC while then claim they don't care about the fanboy rivalry?

>disney shill for telling the truth

I don't think they mentioned it once. Pretty sure most meta discussion was Mike still believing this movie was necessary to understand Captain Marvel being in Endgame.
Most of it was bitching about everyone acting like any of this mattered. Mike as the resident shill could only muster a "ehhh it's ok" recommendation and Jay said it was boring.

>I’m not reddit
Are you blogspot?

hello fellow redditors

It'll be in their year end review.

I didn't expect them to spend 20 minutes on the 'controversy'.

While still kinda entertaining I wonder if it would've been better to just separate that portion into an 'extras' like they've done in the past and have the review stand alone.

Geeks + Gamers BTFO

Is it hip&trendy now to hate on RLM?

>blahbidy bloo
did you laugh? did you actually laugh involuntarily, not out of social pressure to make Jay's sycophanctic braying not awkward?

>I'd be on reddit
Yeah, but that's not actually bait, so you wouldn't be reading bait, but people who were actually that retarded, which is much, much worse.
You clearly didn't think about it. Try again.
Yes, a Disney shill that says Captain Marvel is "pretty bad." He really fooled me, you fucking idiot.

No, that would not have been a better ideas, as it would have made the rest of the review less substantial.
Is that a joke? I've stopped coming here like four times in the last two years, and it's always, always been "hip" to shit on RLM.


actual worthwhile review coming through

>Angry Review
I don't have a bias against e-celeb, as much as pandering idiots, like Frustrated Felipe, who's opinions don't mean shit, even if he happens to be more right because AAA games are becoming garbage these days.

whats up reddit

I can tell you're new here because rlm has been on Yea Forums for about a decade.

This fucking shill faggot what a worthless sack of cum.

>Jay tries to save face by saying how great diversity is and how much he loved the strong black womyn
>Mike stops himself from saying "trannies"

What a bunch of fags

Is Jay a lefty?

Any time an american complains about shit you need to understand just how much niggers there are in there. As a white european i cant relate at all...

thank you.

Its a sick country that needs to be purged, i pray for them everyday

Yeah it would have been interesting to see them dunk on alita and cm back to back.

Missed opportunity really.

just skip the beginning. I have been doing that for years now

Back in the days of double feature reviews.

Feels like they really slowed down.

based Mike. He liked it and shat all over you fat incels at the begining of the review.


>It fucking sucked!
>Really? I thought it was adequate. It was everything I hoped it would be.
>Wellll, it wasn't *terrible*
Every time.

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only it didn't because jay was adamant that it was shit and mike begrudgingly said to watch it if you want to know who she is before endgame

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This is probably the most wishy-washy I've seen Mike be in a while.

Just testing the boundaries of that Disney pay check.

Based, but not redpilled.

Very cool.

The controversy is the only interesting thing about this movie tho


That's because he fundamentally doesn't care about the MCU. He's way harsher on bad schlock in shows and settings he cares about

I dunno man, ive never liked them myself and have never watched a single video of theirs.

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>He's way harsher on bad schlock in Star Trek


>we live in a world where we have to get into a 20 minute rant about feminism just to criticize a movie with a female lead

Captain Marvel is Refugees Welcome: The Movie third-wheeling on Marvel's past 10 years.

So basically edge of tomorrow?

>a 20 minute rant about feminism
more like a 20 minute damage control for diversity and how Brie Larson misrepresented it.

So they liked it or what? I need to form my opinion.


Attached: Sandberg and RLM.jpg (636x819, 234K)


What's up Geeks and Gamers. Jeremy coming here with a anotha videoooooo...

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no, he writes and masturbates with his right hand

Yikes... maybe he will be a bit more respectful when he makes his criticism from now on.

he's all right

They commented in it on I think HitB Annabelle 2 before taking a giant shit on it and said how awkward social interactions don't mean they won't give their own honest opinions of movies

does anyone know the source of the video they reference at around 6:30? The one with the guy saying "now I haven't seen it..."

>I've never liked them
>have never watched a single video of theirs

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it's cool he brought the guy on the show once then they talked shit about his contest and now they really like a24 over Blumhouse weird

The fuck are you talking about? Everyone would be laughing at it without Disney intervention throwing money.

imagine how many upvotes you would get posting each episode on reddit

Jay thought it was bad, Mike recommended it for Marvel fans.

Yeah, I guess that's why Yea Forums doesn't like them, they probably share some of the more mainstream ideas but aren't interested in the virtue signaling/shoving it down your throat kind of approach.

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This will be the end of RLM if it happens.

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Will they like Shazam tho?

why are chapo trannies obsessed with rlm?

Jay explicitly thought it was a bad movie, even when compared to other Marvel joints. Mike said it was okay when compared to other Marvel flicks but it suffered from a bad narrative and bad characters.

>even ironically wanting something like the DNC 500 miles of them.

>Jay just keeps making excuses for Brie being a complete retard

>they keep stopping to worship every black actor they come across, without fail.

I know they're liberal pussys, and I have certain tolerance for such people, but jesus christ they need to throttle it back.

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wow it seems like Mike really hates Brie Larson

Must be real hard to be this brainwashed and see anyone that isn't showing their pure hatred towards non-white males as 'liberal pussys'.

Don't forget to delete all your livestreams Jeremy to get that all of that algorithm, I mean, who cares if the million people who subscribe to you are braindead fuckwits, they don't matter anyways, just their clicks and views. Same with all his dipshit "friends" like EVS

I still would have kept watching regardless.

Extreme case of fence sitting.

Ha theyshit on that geeks and gamers fag in the intro shitting on all the fat white sexist incels talking shit about Captain Marvel. based mike

Did this actually happen? Like a restaurant or a caterer actually served this? I need to know.

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did you not watch the movie or at least read the spoilers for it?

>implying this fatso can review anything beyond vidya

Attached: srslypepe.jpg (499x481, 28K)

>I'm not reddit.
>Reddit spaces his post.

if you werent a dumb fuck and paid attention to their videos you would see he holds his beer with his right

don't lie user. There was a fringe thread here and there before the_Donald became a thing on this site

reminds me of what i ate as a child, looks like a typical british 'i cant be bothered to actually cook for the kids tonight' meal

>I'm not reddit
>I want to be told exactly what my opinion should be about this movie

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>reddit letter media
They are getting torn up.

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Oh no! Well I'm sure this'll spell the end of RLM as we know it!


They are right. Right-wing outrage channels on youtube are people literally profiting financially off of hate. Most reasonable people are happy to have diverse characters.

I love how Mike recommends the film despite shitting on it the whole time, reminds me of Enraged Enrique. And his reason for recommending is to prepare for the next Avengers movie. God what a pleb

He acknowledges it's part of a bigger franchise. That if he were to strictly judge it on it's on as a complete disconnected solo movie, it's pretty meh. He appreciates it as a prequel movie and what it does with Nick Fury. It is a connected movie and he likes it for what it did there.

we were shitting on those farts even harder - even dug up how jay and mike hated each other, with shitstorm on some movie forums, even though the leaker guy was even bigger faggot than the two hacks.
that's just how Yea Forums expresses their love and passion, i guess

a fucking cat

People who use the words "ho-hum" are always complete fucking faggots

And that's why he's a pleb, thinking movies being connected is somehow a good thing. Movies should stand on their own, period.

Does the loss of his eye need an epic backstory? I fucking hated how Xavier lost his hair in Apocalypse

>reee centrists
lmao trannies seething Jay and Mike forever based

>Skit goes on and on for 6 minutes
Also didn't help that it wasn't funny at all.

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Hey now, he used to care about star wars back in the day

The all time biggest whiplash between movies has to be Pacific Rim 1 and 2 though

classic gilchrist

It's not reasonable to enforce the diversity of races/sexes in the western world that already doesn't put any blockers for minorities and women.
Remember that US Navy literally got F14 buried under the sea and get one overconfident women killed because they wanted to be FIRST at diversity, so they gave zero shit at said woman incompetence and have closed their eyes on failed pilot tests just to get better public image.
Same thing happens now in HR. Instead of competence HR looks at race/sex quotas, but do we know how well does competence goes with such quotas? We blow egos for most of the people who are actually average but different color/sex, and then they fail to meet expectations.
Diversity rate should be raised by enforcing progressive and superior western culture on those fucking troglodytes, which cultures never went through the banging drums (in case of nigs), stoning thieves (in case of sandnigs) or waiting for lucky marriage (in case of women), then give them good education.

>Pozzed Letter Media


I don't understand why anyone takes this balding commie seriously. The only thing he was ever right about was Fallout 3, and even then his video essay was an overlong, chery-picked, rambling mess that failed to properly articulate why NV is actually better than 3 and just helped to make NV fans look as retarded as he is.

The movie was alright; certainly no worse than any of the other generic capeshit movies. I snuck into the theatre though, I probably wouldn't recommend anyone actually spending money on this. Go see Cold War or something.

he really did like just mention the story and them only having a year and half to make a complete game its not hard to show why it was "better"

Yes but he has a soft voice.

Watching anyone else other than MauLer is a waste of 10 minutes.
Watching MauLer is well-spent 3 hours.

>differing perspectives can be insightful is a Jew conspiracy
I’m literally a Nazi and I’m getting sick of you incels.

They said that first trailer looked interesting. And plus, Jay has to atone for being an ass to David F. Sandberg on Twitter. So they will probably like it, although I'm not sure they will do a HitB on it.

Is this dude white or what? He looks like a redneck at times but some flavor of mulatto as well.

>>Jay just keeps making excuses for Brie being a complete retard
i feel like you guys don't even watch the reviews, Jay outright said she came off as a snarky and unlikable crazy person.

>the movie was trash but I recommend it
Holy shilling batman!

He didn't say that, he said it was bland. Being bland, it's also an important piece of plot to tie-in with Endgame, so if you care about that, you are expected to slog through this. On it's own, it doesn't stand. It's on its knees, just like Brie during her casting if you catch my cold.

>Most reasonable people are happy to have diverse characters.

Literally only NPC's factor-in "diversity" when appraising something, retard.
Stop pretending everyone else is as brainwashed as you are.

based and truthpilled

>I don't understand why anyone takes this balding commie seriously.

Because they are most likely ALSO a balding commie.

Are you that Muslim Brie fag posting from North Africa again?

>This movie isn't great but DIVERSITY AND REPRESENTATION ARE VERY, VERY SUPER IMPORTANT AND YOU ARE BAD IF YOU DISAGREE. This movie is only bad for reflecting poorly on my progressivist agenda.

Holy fucking shit, drone-strike these people already.

What else are you supposed to do with Superhero Origin Movie #908

>Uses the term 'based' liberally and at every opportunity.
Ok Cletus

>Hbomberguy did a

Attached: 1484391866124.jpg (354x423, 25K)

>be me at theater
>watch movie
>have a notepad and pen
>count how many people of each race there were
>don't pay attention to the plot or drama or action or visuals or score or sound design
>compare my stats to US population distribution
>rate movie out of 10 based on accuracy

Who else does that?

Attached: hackfraud.jpg (571x433, 29K)

stay mad leftist subhuman

The skit was the good part you brainlet

>describing how bad some shithole in America is

Thank you based hackfrauds I cared very much, please proceed with the review

>this shit movie has some bad brown actors as well as bad white ones, and that's a good thing!
I don't get it.

Pilled and redbased.

Literally cry more. Your world is changing right in front of you.

Attached: FB_IMG_1534939477170.jpg (685x565, 52K)

If this is decent, I might forgive them for the Rogue One review and SW shilling.

>US population distribution
Uhm, racist much?
Decades of all-white movies means we should be making up for it with 85+% actors of color in every film.

Is this image real?

>SW shilling
>shits on prequels for 3 episodes
>shits on prequels some more in TFA review
>then shits on TFA
>sprays thick black tar Montezuma's revenge on TLJ
>says will not review episode 9
>mr plinkett cancelled entirely because of sw
>sw shilling

Are you retarded or super retarded?

>Your world is changing right in front of you.

Attached: 1514402550041.jpg (439x594, 36K)

What YOU should be doing is tying a rope around your neck before I do that for you, nigger.

Don't forget that Mike is explicitly said to boycott IX. But that's just a reverse psychology!

If you unironically use some variant of "people of color" you should be shot.
Prove me wrong.

"Virtue signalling" is two words, and it's not meaningless. It means using currently accepted rhetoric to score good person points in the public eye, even when you're not actually doing anything or even when your rhetoric is backwards or actively harmful. Brie Larson, an extremely famous and affluent white female, scored brownie points by virtue signalling that white dudes should get out of movie reviewing. That doesn't actually help anyone and just turns the "conversation" into an even bigger cesspool. She's getting applause even though she's setting everything back. It is the dictionary definition of virtue signalling.

>haste’s RO
>SW shilling

>mentions the rogue one review and SW shilling in one post

how can they be shilling for SW when they did nothing but shit on Rogue One?

>boycott a finishing movie in a trilogy by Disney

Yeah that's gonna work.

Like, say what you will about batshit Angelina Jolie, but she's done tours as a UN goodwill ambassador, hosted countless fundraisers for childrens charities and personally adopted a dozen third world orphans. I would say she's committed and not just virtue signalling.

>tfw no young Jolie gf

Attached: hacker_gf.jpg (288x360, 27K)

They shit on literally anything star wars that isn't ANH or based empire

Has he ever not recommended a Marvel movie?

Attached: 1527626982550.png (2208x1242, 2.62M)

Thor 2

Iron Man 3 maybe? I don't remember.

They shit on the first Captain America pretty hard.

They both really like Iron Man 3 if i remember right.

How is that possible?

literally because it subverted their expectations.

They said on Patreon none of them have any interest in seeing it.

Were they reviewing Brie Larson or Captain Marvel? Pretty ridiculous that they dedicated most of the video to complaining about something she said in an interview several months ago all while acting like they're above the retards who have spent the last few weeks doing what they just did

Ant-man & The Wasp because they literally didn't even watch it

>dunk on alita

Lol no they're gonna love it.

Didn't they just say they liked him more in the sequel? Or maybe they were referring to Civil War though I don't remember him even being a character in that, he just shows up in the green screen airport and quips a couple of times.

Doctor Strange

Maybe Jay's seen it now, but back in 2018 they said they didn't see it

They liked Shane Black until The Predator

lmao, Yea Forums literally can't stop losing

They have bad taste, something that should be obvious

Did they get a new camera setup, was less noise in the picture.

It's your world too, you masochist.

Iron Man 3's a good movie.

It's an ok movie.

They were shilling a shit SW movie while bashing the only decent new SW movie. They are idiots.


They're right though, she was trying to say "diversity good" but because Brie is such a self absorbed, virtual signalling cunt whose never felt real oppression in her life she ended up saying "white dudes bad"

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They have even worse taste than RLM. Joe thinks Star Trek: Discovery is a great series

>Jay stating he loved a movie about black trannies
lol the memes are true, after all

He's a black tranny?


Out of focus beers in the foreground. Also consistent focus depth which seems they never bother with.

>implying he can review vidya

Nice reddit spacing

Really shows what a bunch of plebs they truly are.

They know whatever opinion they could give for it would not be good enough for Yea Forums who would then hound them forever for it, probably doxxing them all in the process. Angry Yea Forums weebs are not to be messed with.

I couldn't give a fuck about diverse characters, but I absolutely hate it when people "look how diverse we are!".

Are you forgetting that they shut all over Annabelle Creation AFTER Jay shit on his previous movie on Twitter?

>Brie didn't really come off as hateful as they say
If she said the same thing about "black people", people would crucifying her on Twitter.


But she didn't. Shit is much different because white people are the majority and enjoy a level of privilege not shared by other ethnicities.

>two retards on redding jacking each other off
who cares

In mostly white countries that's only reasonable
I don't see anyone talking about white oppression in south africa or anything
Not to even mention the fact that these people support foreign cultures even when those are inherently racist like ie India's caste system, and they even support it

Maybe that's because your on a forum do discussing film and not south Africa.

And we support foreign cultures because the alternative is oppression. You can't just change people overnight they have to assimilate into society naturally.


You're right, white boi. You're the one who has to assimilate

A) I'm on an imageboard* and bullshit like privilege was already being discussed before I jumped in
B) I am against oppression, naturally, but that is all that should exist. If people want to be racist (black or white), as long as they don't act violently, let them
Just let anyone do anything as long as it doesn't physically harm others or their property, basically. I doubt you can wrap your heard around that idea though

fuck off leftist retard

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>she came off as
Jay knows she IS an unlikable crazy person and keeps making excuses for her

Did it have to be in a pointless way that he lies (or at least exaggerates) about later? It's not even all that well executed as a joke.

he's amidextrous

yeah you still have korean towns and china town. they dont assimilate.

How is it important? We knew about the Kree Empire already. The Skrulls are irrelevant unless they somehow play a role in Endgame(they won't), and CM could have been summed up in two or three lines of dialogue.

This is an irrelevant, pointless, uninspired cashgrab that pokes more holes than it fills.

no backstory > "epic" backstory > shitty backstory
the best option is the easiest to pull off while the worst option is also the hardest to pull off and have it done right
no surprise people don't like the cat explanation

>it's also an important piece of plot to tie-in with Endgame
it's really not
if Captain Marvel appeared in Endgame and had one scene saying "I was a pilot then an engine powered by the tesseract exploded near me and gave me all these powers, and the kree took me and brainwashed me to become their soldier, but I broke free from them and went around in space helping people until Fury contacted me again" it would give you the exact same information this movie provided
And I'm not sure there WON'T be a scene like this in Endgame

And all while white-washing the first female Captain Marvel. Textbook hypocrisy.

>click video
>close tab
lol so funny


>he still thinks Disney pays RLM

Am I saying I hate white dudes? *rolls eyes*

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I refuse to believe she's still in her twenties. I know forty-year-olds who are aging more gracefully.

How often do you post that picture?

Everyone is laughing at you right now.

No, I'm not laughing. If you weren't a corporate stooge, paid or otherwise, you wouldn't be laughing either.

I would not blame only niggers for shit theater experiences. Teenagers in general are annoying and ruin a lot movie theaters.


she's supposed to be in her twenties

fucking wat

I'm right handed an almost always keep my beer in my left hand. If you can't handle drinking a beer in your off hand then you shouldnt even be trusted with masturbating

Absolute based rant coming out from Jay

that was the first time actually. after seeing your reaction i'll be sure to post it more often

based Jay-man

He got a shout out from RLM

Because they live there

>that entire 1st half
One of the best HITB episodes of all time.

Normal people DONT GIVE A SHIT about diverse casting. Retarded SJW's care that they would be in every medium while retarded /POL/ fags want absolute lack of black or women in major roles

Does he actually say this

Best Wyatt Man is when he makes jokes.

watch the fucking vid

>first time
Kek, I'm so sure that a politically charged faggot like you only ever posts once. Also, here's a secret: I'm not whoever you were talking to before.

Mike & Jay are boomers who don't get it yet. Peaceful racial cohabitation is impossible because common sense is out of style and common ground has been destroyed.
Ideological absolutes from either the left or the right are the only way forward and when GenZ has reached adulthood we're going to have a big nice war about it resulting in the Balkanization of America. Until then, when all scores are settled, you can't have a sensible argument about race and gender, because the media has already started fighting.

i don't care who you are retard

Just like nobody cares about your /pol/ reaction pics.

you get triggered whenever they're posted. that's all that matters

Attached: 1549544853863.jpg (577x608, 55K)

>/POL/ fags want absolute lack of black or women in major roles
Not really, we just don't want black Lancelot, black Gwenhwyfar, or black Achilles.
Especially when they try and justify it with retarded historical revisionism like pic related.

>SJW's care that they would be in every medium
Right, and that's the norm right now.
When something like Dunkirk comes along, it feels refreshing because it's actually somewhat accurate.

Attached: doctor-who-thin-ice-gif-3of3.gif (500x200, 2.74M)

>based "muh Civil War 2" retard poster

Get through your script then, I guess. Am I a discord tranny too?

>Lancelot, Gwenhwyfar, Achilles
>"historical" revisionism
I know you /pol/niggers have the lowest IQ next to /x/fags but wew...

Attached: 1550864433995.png (650x499, 19K)

Ethnic tension and dehumanization of entire groups within a society is a great breeding ground for civil war.

Your pic related is a fantasy show about a time traveling magic man, you fucking retard.

based centrists. if you are a centrist but you dont piss off liberals then youre center left, if you are a centrist and dont piss off alt righters then you are center right. true centrists are hard to find but they are very based

I'm not gonna watch this cause RLM stopped being funny years ago, so let me guess the entire contents of the video:
>5 minutes spent on pointless unfunny skit
>another 10 minutes spent on being snarky and condescending about 'the internet' losing its shit (bonus: ironically calling themselves Marvel shills)
>rest of the review are vague non-criticisms and calling the movie 'ok'

Any day now! Amirite?

Isn't she the one who posted the "Thinking of Stan Lee" image with her taking up 99% of the space or something?

I said when Gen Z is adult so not for at least another couple of decades.
Look at how much shit has accellerated since the turn of the century. That's not even 2 decades yet, and this thing shows no signs of stopping.

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God damn it gookmoot

>this is your brain on neomarxism
Let me guess, you think racism is prejudice+power therefore blacks can't be racist because they have no power?

Fucking nailed it. For me, it's not even so much a racial thing as a cultural thing. It's cultural appropriation, and claiming it's anything else is just laughably hypocritical.

Want to see what I'm talking about? Then try this one on for size:

Imagine a period piece where various nomadic tribes live in more or less a balance with each other as well as the land until shiploads of "colonials" arrive and start eradicating these noble savages through a combination of disease and warfare. Now imagine the savages all portrayed by Europeans and the colonials all portrayed by Africans.

Nobody ever wants to be the bad guys. They just want to appropriate the elements they see as positive, regardless of whether their culture had anything to do with them or not.

Ita full of naggers

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>black Achilles.
>Ancient Greeks/Turks were white

Not an argument. Mythical or semi-mythical figures have clear historical settings.
An ancient Welsh king would not have a black wife.

That episode is in Victorian London, not fantasy London.

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if the left keeps pushing, wait and see what happens

>look at all this doomsday screeching that hasn't happened yet
It's the same shit, different decade, you underage zoomer. Only threat that I take seriously is climate change. Everything else is just part and parcel of global politics with the Middle East still sucking, America still intervening, and the same retards crying about politics over and over when they don't get their way. It isn't new, it isn't special.

*fantasy Victorian London visited by a time-travelling magical being

That's an interesting boogeyman you got there, kiddo.

>t. marxist

a better world will arise? ewww amirite

Now that all the marvel netflix series are cancelled, It's a shame that we'll never get to see the best threesome ever. Let muh boy Luke fuck all the netflix girls please.

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I know you're a fucking moron, so I'll try to use small words for you.

A culture's myths and folklore are a *part* of their history as well as their cultural identity. If it's not OK to white-wash African folktales, it's not OK to black-wash European ones either.

a world with fewer leftist subhumans, at least

They always cry over over cultural appropriation.

How about technological appropriation? Isn't that a bigger crime?

>not an argument, it's mythical but has a "historical setting"
You're absolutely fucking retarded with this "baby's first /pol/post" copy-paste argument I've heard a thousand times. These characters aren't based on real people in history. Lancelot is from a legend, he wasn't a person. Achilles was invented by Homer to represent aspects of hubris and the corruption of hubris and passion. Achilles isn't a fucking real person. I don't get bootyblasted when fictional characters are race bent.

I'm not easily triggered like you are.

>Only threat that I take seriously is climate change.
Oh boy. No wonder this exchange is pointless. You're already lining up on one side of the firing line.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a Marxist
I'm not, but I don't even think you know what the term means.

Let's see you defend the non-existence of neomarxism.

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>I'm not easily triggered
Lmao sure you aren't, princess.

So you think we have to indefinitely respect every culture's mythology and strictly adhere to rscial quotas when dealing with, what is essentially....adaptations of fantasy?

You think this is a normal response?

Interracial sex is cultural appropriation

if you defend marxists you probably are one, or a fellow traveler

I'm all for whitewashing and blackwashing

>t. literally complaining about "blackwashing" fictional characters

Stop being offended on my behalf, nigger.

>it's legend, not historical fact
WHITE historical fact, get that through your skull. And since culture lies downstream from race it's logical they all be white.
Wait and see Hollywood make another character from Asian folklore being played by a white chick and watch the left's outrage. Why is there outrage? Because they know, despite denying the existence of race, that culture and race are tied together.

I'm not defending them you illiterate faggot.

that you think this a normal response says everything anyone needs to know about you and your loyalties

no, they're outraged because, just like you, they're powerless little worms begging for their life to have meaning, so they desperately look for things to be offended about even if it makes zero sense.




>/pol/faggot enraged at literally everything, again
Part of living in a free market son is that I can make a fantasy movie however the hell I want to. If I want to make King Arthur full of stereotypical black cartoons just to piss you off, I can. I can interpret any fantasy material I fucking please.

Get sex

This argument makes no real coherent sense. It always seems to go back to essentially that you want race quotas in film and television.

it's okay to make king Arthur a nigger just like it's okay to make Anansi the Spider white.

>he's a climate change denier
Oh, boy.

Denying their existence when they're out there walking around with guns and red flags amounts to a dishonest defense.

Just because you don't understand the philosophical, biological and historical implications of race doesn't mean it makes no sense, it just means you aren't reading enough.

Why are Americans this autistic?
It's a comic book movie, it's quite literally entertainment for children. Why would you care about its political message (which is just a means to an end to make more money)?


because Americans are children.

we got one right there

>why care about a the political messages Hollywood is aiming at our children?
Gee I wonder.

Cool so M'gumbo M'tembongo or whatever can be played by a porcelain-skinned Norwegian.

Fucking Christ you're unhinged. Nobody is talking about actual race, we're talking about "representation" of moobie characters. Imagine being this bootyblasted that somewhere along the line, a company made a fictional character black once, with their own money and time...that you are not forced to see or pay for...

It's pathetic, you're a pathetic faggot.

>implying you have children
>implying that if you ever had children, they would be actual people that you care about, and not just fuel for your victim complex.

King Arthur was real to some degree.

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Yes. I don't care either way. Free market, retard.

Of course he can.


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Go the fuck ahead and make a movie about that. Only SJW's would complain. It's a great way of filtering people to take seriously

No, he wasn't. There literally is no historical basis for him.

Based. T free market can put blacks in history books where they don't belong too amirite.

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Can someone explain this?

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>call lefties out on the shit they say and do and preach
>"oh you're just crazy"
You're like the Scientologists who get orders to label any outsiders asking about the Xenu shit as "crazy" despite still believing it themselves.
You're living in a cult. You need to wake up before you destroy yourself and everyone close to you. History has proven there can be no bloodless victory for a Communist (but that won't stop you from trying again). The pain you're bringing into the world won't be a pretty sight but it'll be a necessary lesson when you inevitably get shot in the back by your fellow commissars, too bad you'll have to drag the rest of the world down with you.
Anyway, I've got work. Ciao.

Notice how /pol/tards use "muh children" just like SJWs use "muh minorities": as a post-hoc excuse to be needy, whiny bitches.

Your examples were literally fantasy characters. So what is the argument? Are we allowed to make whatever movies we want, or are you going to punish me for historical wrongthink if I cast outside the State-regulated race quota? You absolute tard.

>This is truly the best episode they've done in months. The extravagant manner in which they indulge in their most appreciative treatment ever of their city, following a proper excoriation of the extraordinarily idiotic politics that surrounded this film, (possibly the worst since Ghostbusters).
>The actual review is ho-hum, but it really doesn't deserve better, and it's a pretty uninteresting movie, but there's actually plenty of witty banter from Mike and Jay over the context of the movie.
So you're gay?

Yet his mythology is real and it's a white myth.
Removed from its white, European context, King Arthur has no meaning.

Nobody even mentioned communism or defended Marxism itt...

I didn't know fiction-based entertainment was the same thing as history books

Thanks for teaching me about it

What are you even trying to say?

Actually it might, read up on some XIXth century ethnology, you'll see roots of the Arthurian mythos down to Egypt.

>King Arthur only is meaningful if he's white
I'm sorry you have such a surface level understanding of mythology then.

yeah, we all know how you feel about children, comrade

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So, no argument?

I don't want to indoctrinate kids I want to murder them systematically like the vermin they are. They grow up to be commies and /pol/tards, they're living garbage.

Do you draw the line at "educational material" or not?
How far does your free market stretch? Another government-funded education channel can just make a more correct video right?

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>leftist doesn't understand the importance of myth
imagine my shock

King Arthur is only meaningful if he's Welsh.
There were no black welshmen during the saxon conquests you semen-slurping mongoloid.

Yet, you're still doing it...

I draw the line at what the definition of a history book is

>i want to murder children
yep, it's a leftist

Murdering children is a moral duty, it is above and beyond politics.

i don't argue with antiwhite subhumans. it's a waste of time. i'm just waiting for an opportunity to crush you or kill you

>Define 'draw' and 'line', so I don't have to answer the question.
Radical and centristpilled.

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as much as i hate retroactively diversifying history, ancient rome actually was racially mixed. there were no known barriers, socially or professionally, for any race, and slaves were not chosen by ethnicity, but because their nation was militarily defeated by rome.

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no you aren't, you're bitching online like a bitch, bitch.

their actual subreddit is in chaos after mike called out the white feminists,
they have been fighting and reporting each other over the feminism stuff

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So despite the fact that Rome was a multiethnic empire that during Pax Romana especially, allowed for easier social mobility for conquered peoples and therefore had blacks, now your argument is about educational material? I know you /pol/niggers love this singular BBC example but if you can produce more than just this video, I'd be more inclined to believe you have a real issue and aren't just crying.

Alright now find me a sub-saharan Roman military leader or fuck off.

Of course I don't have to answer the question. Who the fuck do you think you are, my friend?

See Not even going to read your pathetic post.

That isn't what I said. I know you really want to continuously goalshift this argument of yours, but it's not working.

because the state protects garbage like you and keeps me from facing you in the real world. be thankful

You are a coward.


i never said it was common, or that there were examples of blacks in every occupation.

also, i'm not this user

>I'm not even going to produce a real argument
We know.

I truly am thankful that you're too lazy and cowardly to actually unsheathe your katana at me, hero boy.

It wasn't just uncommon, it was unheard of.
You might have some fucking moroccan shipped up to Hadrian's wall but that BBC video is completely and purposefully lying.

So you can't. Thanks for playing.

>the only meaningful part of his story is his skin color
The fucking irony.

That makes two of us. What's your point, pants-shitter?

His race you fucking retard. He was a native briton defending against invading saxons.

I know this might scare your addled mind, but a component of race is skin color.

your "argument" is that mythology isn't "real" therefore there's no issue in twisting it to suit subversive and degenerate political agendas. it's leftist nonsense

Do you literally have any concrete examples of racial revisionism in history books or educational material that isn't "a black in the background in a BBC cartoon for babies"?

>muh degeneracy!
I was barely taking you seriously before but now I'm just going to ignore your autistic screeching.

>in the background
Purposefully lying. Not an argument.

He wasn't anything, because he wasn't fucking real. Just admit that you're obsessed with your own version of SJW bullshit.
>muh race race race race
It's obnoxious. The Arthurian legend has thematic meaning to it and the only thing your mongoloid brain cares about is his race.

>I truly am thankful that the state will imprison you if you try to hurt me, providing me with a convenient deterrent that i don't have to worry about

It's not thematic. It's about native britons defending against saxon invaders. A thing that actually happened.
Your pathetic non-arguments aren't holding up.

Yeah, mostly these are background characters and a single black roman legionaire. Not very difficult to believe.

Again, do you have any other examples in history books, in historical documents or educational programs?

that's because you're a degenerate, and you like seeing good things degenerated and defiled. it's classic leftism

Do you care if the people were real?

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Facing imprisonment, death or torture shouldn't discourage a truly righteous individual from doing what he deems fair and just.

You cannot deny this.

Go full terrorist or you're a coward like everyone else.

Sure thing, kid. Nice script you got there. You're basically a shill at this point, I hope you realize.

>background characters
user I watched the video. You are stretching so hard I can't help but feel sorry for you.

We aren't talking about the thing that actually happened though

we're talking about a story that arbitrarily chose to tell a story that arbitrarily incorporates historical elements but might as well not.

>can't find any educational material or historical books that blackwash
>so he gets angry at live theatre, which has for hundreds of years, race/gender bent all the way back to Ancient Greece

F-free market.

>put yourself in prison for me, coward
no thanks leftist subhuman

>but might as well not
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's like saying the hebrew myth of Moses and the israelites might as well not have been about Israelites.

Why won't you actually answer my question? Why can't you show me examples of this being both wrong and happening a lot?

you're a degenerate and enemy of the west at this point. i hope you realise

Well, technically....they weren't. Israel didn't exist back then.

That's not what I said.

If you were really motivated (and not a bitch) you would plan this shit out and figure out ways to escape the unrighteous cops.

Plenty of people can do it. And they have less moral incentive than you.

the truth of the matter is that fear is stronger in you than duty. Making you a coward, literally speaking. Which is normal, ordinary, trivial, banal.

So just to recap: I'm an "enemy of the West" because I don't sperg out about the races of fictional characters? This is your hill of moral outrage?



You could totally tell the same story again about space aliens.

It's not like the original story ceases to exist just because a new version is made; sure it can be annoying but that's not the same thing as erasure.

It's not my fault you think the Israelites existed 3 thousand years ago.



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