Why did people think The Architect's dialogue was hard to understand? His diction is perfectly fine

Why did people think The Architect's dialogue was hard to understand? His diction is perfectly fine.

Attached: Iceberg right ahead.jpg (528x297, 51K)

that's not pierce brosnan though

He uses a lot of pseudo-intellectual latin expressions that make normies cringe. It's like Dan Ackroyd was brought in to write the character but they ran the dialogue through Rosetta Stone twice.

big words make brain hurt

that was the point. He was a computer program.

Ergo he talks like a faggot

this thread
vis a vie
is a faggot

Visa v

I think you’re unaware how stupid people are

this is back when murrica was truly, undeniably retarded. all the people i went with to see this in the theater were all kid rock-listening, WWE-watching fucking duncetards and most of them are either fucking dead or just irrevocable losers now. Apropos of nothing in particular, I was an intrinsic example of an adequate sequence of permutations that resulted in me being a superior mind above and beyond the banal control congregate of simpletons surrounding me; vis a vis, my dick.

>implying Americans still aren't just as retarded

I lol'd.

They're just brainlets, don't pay attention to them

>implying you're not at least fatter than we are now, wherever you're from

seriously though how did yurop get so fat in the last decade

Big words can't make shit plot exposition interesting.

When i first saw it, i thought it was the gayest conversation ever.
Now, after a going through year after year of such unoriginal boring dumbed down shit movies, the cringe conversation is now a little enduring to me.

It's like the end of the magicians' act. He has no more tricks so he disappears obscured by a cloud of smoke. Everyone knows he's there, but they can't see him. The obfuscation is just a sign that the show is over.

This. He has no soul. He never read any George Orwell either.

Nor Mark Twain. Cold computer bastard.

MTV movie awards am I right?

>how did yurop get so fat in the last decade
They're not to be outdone by the burgers or mexifats

He didn't say anything I wanted to hear.

what's MTV?

MTV movie awards in this ITT thread

Damn, I amazed you remember that. Has MTV ever made a memorable sketch since then?

>Morpheus, what can we expect from this orgy?

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>Damn, I amazed you remember that
Excellent bait