What expression is Luke trying to convey here?

What expression is Luke trying to convey here?

Attached: F69938D8-E786-4D74-8C1E-753508A0FA16.jpg (700x525, 133K)

hand hurt


"Oof ouch owie my hand"

The only thing that could be worse than getting my hand chopped off by Space Drumpf, is learning he's my father

>Heil Hi-gaaaahhhhhhh

>tfw you come after two weeks nofap

きもち せんぱい !

Attached: 7814562457245.jpg (700x525, 102K)

Attached: 90678727-4192-4A5A-A248-5155BF0618C1.jpg (1096x1096, 196K)

Look Dad. No hand.


wouldn't it be きもちいいせんぱい !


Probably, that looks right.
I was just guessing

>FUCK NI-...

Why does he look like he’s getting off from it?

Muh hand


>aaagh, my wank hand!!

boy I can't wait to get my lightsaber back after 20+ years living like a hermit on a secluded island and just chuck it behind me like it's nothing

Bloodless amputation nigga

>hand shoots out sparks

Attached: 0F78DB18-C240-44E1-AAE6-17629FA08445.png (540x871, 1.19M)

>D'Oooooh, why'd you slice off my hand!?

someone put a dick in the pic!

any photoshop wizards shoop his hand back on?

It's imperative that you understand.

>formerly right-handed