Captain Marvel on the cusp of red popcorn bucket despite troll campaign
RT blocked negative user reviews of CM. Old news.
Oh well. We still btfo liberals in politics.
>block negative reviews
>still allow 10/10s
>still ain't fresh
If you vote 1 star your vote is ignored, but if you vote 10 then it's allowed.
drumpfy is losing in 2020, YANG GANG is rising up
>YANG GANG is rising up
I too enjoy enforced poverty and authoritarianism.
unbrigaded sites corroborate about 70% rating
as some one who thoroughly doesn't give a shit either way, I am glad to see Yea Forums get booty blasted every now and again by something
Reminder I was almost 100% right.
>literally shaking tier argument
Troll harder libtard. We all know about RT blocking reviews 3 stars and lower. You people will stoop so low to push your bullshit agenda
>t. discord tranny
>he unironically thinks giving neets 1k a month won't cause massive inflation
your 1k is worthless lol
economic illiterates need to be gassed
>emigrate to america to escape oppressive and poverty stricken socialist country
>america begins transitioning to socialism
take that you stupid fucking immigrants, h-heh.
>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever
Fuck I'd hate to see us win.
Stay seething incels. The movie's a runaway success and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Feminism wins! Love wins! Patriarchy loses!
>Love wins!
Brie Larson is full of hate though.
nah, I just love seeing Yea Forums rage over fucking capeshit of all things.
>he doesnt understand basic econ
>literally no argument
>just copied one of my points back at me without adding anything
Why do all economic retards do this?
Refute me or you're wrong you bootlicking retard.
Your policies will actually destroy neetdom, ironically.
I literally can't review it anymore. It deleted my original review and after the purge I haven't been able to review it. Can rate any other movie just fine but not this one.
Maybe you shouldn't have participated in an incel trolling operation. Does widdle Mr. Involuntary Celibate think his free speech is being taken away because a platform won't let him review bomb a movie again?
>review bomb
literally a made up meme
Stop crying that people don't like your shitty movie
The RLM video btfo your dumb arguments.
Are you actually proud of making a generally extremely obvious statement with a massive margin of error that was still wrong?
>literal denial
>literally a made up meme
You literally admitted to reviewing a movie that just came out.
>people don't like your shitty movie
Critics and audiences who have actually seen it love the movie.
>e-celebs said it's bad
Try making your own arguments.
>literal denial
You jealous faggot?
>You literally admitted to reviewing a movie that just came out.
Yes, after seeing it.
>Critics and audiences who have actually seen it love the movie.
>55% is loving the movie
no it's not lmao
>>e-celebs said it's bad
and they're objectively correct
have sex lmao
>actual review bombing
>n-no its just people voicing opinions
LITERAL denial
I can hear it in my head
>yang gang
>not sanders
>literal denial
>Large volumes of 1/10 reviews shouldn't count!
>Large volumes of 10/10 reviews should count!
cant wait for the poverty desu
>Yes, after seeing it.
After your fake revew was pruned.
>no it's not lmao
Rotten Tomatoes has audience score at 59% and climbing, after a massive trolling operation. Feel free to cherrypick the lowest scores from sites that haven't cleaned up troll reviews but if the worst you have is 55% that speaks volumes to how well liked the movie is.
>and they're objectively correct
Imagine taking the opinions of some guys from Milkwuakee as objective facts and trying to deflect to them when you can't make an argument. Sad!
Whatever. We all know its bullshit
Up voted!
>fake revew
Countless people saw it and didn't like this.
How exactly is this "fake"?
>Rotten Tomatoes has audience score at 59% and climbing
because they're deleting all of the negative reviews lmao
also 59% is pretty terrible
>Imagine taking the opinions of some guys from Milkwuakee as objective facts
Why are you so upset that they're making great points and over a million people will watch their video in the next few days?
I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.
Come at me.
kim jong un back on top despite troll campaign
Based and Batmanpilled.
I love you so much.
Fun twist. At several points of the weekend there was misspelled hashtags of "Capitan" and "Capitain" Marvel TRENDING on Twitter while the correct spelling was not. Mavel and Manvel were proving as a hit. Stupid females prob still the same.
>Countless people saw it and didn't like this.
>How exactly is this "fake"?
Incels are unable to process how reviewing a movie they haven't seen is wrong if they see the movie afterwards. How is it possible for them to be this mentally stunted?
because they're deleting all of the negative reviews lmao
also 59% is pretty terrible
Because people like you flooded the reviews with fake low ratings. And 59% after the aforementioned flood is actually fairly impressive.
>Why are you so upset that they're making great points and over a million people will watch their video in the next few days?
Why aren't you making an argument yourself instead of trying to shill your e-celebs? Are you incapable of taking one of their great arguments and repeating it here?
I support Chairman Sheng-drew Yang as well. Trumptards need to be put into the tanks.
Pretty easy when you delete any negative reviews.
>literal denial
Brie is the definition of pettiness and contempt though.
>reference to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
You have to FUCK OFF.
Pretty simple to decipher. They probably deleted all the reviews with correct spelling, priorities left questionable intelligence and meh
It's fun to say that all of the angry Yea Forums dudes and their review bombing and haterade posting did nothing to deter the behemoth that is the Disney Movie Marketing Machine. But when you consider RT altered the way business is done before a movie was released, disabled low audience scores after the movie was released and YT thought-policed Brie Larson research and a brigade of CM supporters sent an assault of shock and awe over Yea Forums/tv and IMDB of positive CM reviews, posts of attractive pictures of Brie Larson in various stages of undress and Brie Larson "I'm a likable human and we can relate together" interview videos. Who knows if all of the angry Yea Forums dude hateradin would have had any impact on the movies bottom line, but I definitely thin the pro-CM SHOCK AND AWE CAPMAIGN really changed the narrative on who and what the CM movie was about and I think the movie is much better off for it.
lmao incels it's too late, we already won.
Sheng-drew Yang will give you 1000 energy units a month. How can you not support that?
>copying him because you have no argument
yikes my dude
Nice margin of error Nostradamus
>60 - 74 %
Nice range Einstein
Won at.... being pro feminist man eaters? Sex bot factory dolls are sold out across the planet. One word... replacements to the blue haired devils
RIP Incels
>Chris Evans is base-
How the hell is it "well deserved"? It's a bad movie
is that a personal attack?
I gave it a 2 and just said, you don’t need to see it to understand Endgame. Marvel pretty much lied about it being connected. They deleted my review. As this continues to happen, Rotten Tomatoes will simply die out as a review site. There’s no point to a review site controlled by the makers of the film.
Mike Stoklasa called it adequate.
That's cool and all but is there a camrip?
Got a problem with that Drone? Are you in need of a good old nerve stapling?
incel putin troll
D-Don't worry!! It's just a glitch!!!
RT went full on Tibetan protester. Tar and feathers might be a fitting look for Hollywood.
all the clone reviews with perfect scores are still there and they're purging any negative ones
>giving rent and grocery money to struggling individuals is bad
>giving subsidies to corporations that dodge taxes and hide billions overseas is good
This is your brain on capitalism
Ironic in a thread full of disney shills.
>Critics and audiences love it
Textbook delusion
>massive trolling operation
37ish people on Yea Forums is a massive trolling operation lel
I mean, it’s pretty obvious what happened. With most RT reviews, you can leave 1 star with no explanation and it’ll sit there forever and count. The explanation box isn’t even a required field. After Ghostbusters, the kikes and their pets infested the parts of RT they could and paid off the areas they couldn’t. RT will be exactly like any other “popular” comment area now, with any studio willing to shill out the big bucks getting good reviews. Studios will even start to pay to have RT delete positive reviews on movies they don’t like. This will happen until the parasitic kikes suck the website dry and it dies because history repeats.
corporations are good at produce things
Are you delusional, retarded, or both?
When you pretend every bad review is a "troll" and delete it, it is easy to get a good score.
What did you win? I still don't want to see it. I won't even torrent it.
Oh my god, go take a walk through the woods you fucking robot
Imagine having such an unfulfilled life that this is a win for you
you will never be a woman
Endgame will have a critic score of somewhere between 30 and 100% and a User review of 10% to 90%
Screencap this bitches, I am so samrt
Imagine asking your kids if they want you to download Captain Marvel for them to watch and one says "No save the hard drive space" and the other says "the previews ruined it." Pretty objective for 8 and 11.
Kill yourself.
bruh.."capitan" is Spanish, "capitain" is French. I think you're going out of your way to find things to get upset about
based kilmer batman fighting the good fight
I liked Brie Larson a lot in this and thought it was a fun movie. She’s cute. It was funnier than a lot of recent marvel movies too.
>drumpfy is losing in 2020
Yeah, just like 2016.
New Villain looks pretty on point, pandering east tho...
NEET's love both. What do you expect?
Trump is going to crush in 2020 and it'll be in part because of self-righteous Leftists overreaching with the preaching in literally every form of media. Brie Larson has started a firestorm with her comments, along with all the Leftists jerking off over Captain Marvel. Regardless of how well the movie does there will be serious ramifications in 2020.
Marvel will enjoy their money while Leftists screech into the wind as they helplessly watch Trump getting sworn in. Maybe another Captain Marvel movie will help cheer them up.
So what? I made a prediction that the critic score would be 0 - 100% and audience score would be 0 - 100% and I was 100% accurate.
People have been calling Chris Evans a faggot for literal years now. This isn't some kind of shock.
>margin of 70%
>same as him
You're literally retarded
>giving rent and grocery money to struggling individuals is bad
They will spend it on weed and Jordans and everybody knows this.
>captain marvel doing well at the box office is gonna let us own the libs in the next election
how does it feel to watch a movie about a strong woman Yea Forums
captain marvel is just a pawn in the great game tv is playing, a pawn we must sacrifice
All negative reviews are ignored.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just pretend this movie never happened and move on? Is it really such a blow to the pipe to have watched it succeed?
> Better, higher faster baby!
>Refute me or you're wrong you bootlicking retard.
That's not how truth works Aristotle. Being good at "winning" skubfests on the internet doesn't make any of your conclusions true, it just means you've spent a lot of time practicing your skub-fu on korean basket-weaving forums.
These people actually base their personal identities on the successes and failures of comic book movies. There's no reason to try to have a conversation with one of them. They're desperate and pathetic beyond measure.
holy shit are you a prophet??????
>all the Leftists jerking off over Captain Marve
It's making a lot of money, but even hardcore SJW critics are giving it lukewarm reviews that amount to.
>mediocre MCU fair that we've all seen before, yawn, but at-least it's a girl this time, so that's a win I guess.
That's like Hillary getting 99.9% on Dem polls. The site is bought and paid for, they literally went into defcon and changed their entire site to help this movie. You Big ear shills couldn't get any more pathetic.
Why are you all giving it free publicity then, if you don't like the movie/disney/Brie Larsen? You're literally volunteering your free time to give this shit more publicity, that's worse than being a janny. Threads keep being bumped off the board because you insist on having at least 4 different Cpt Marvel threads at all times
Sometimes I wonder what goes through someone's mind to make yet another Captain Marvel thread. What is it about the film that it HAS to be monitored 24/7? Is it because the MC is a woman?
That's the joke, big thinker.
What a cute lil puppo
Nothing is ever good enough for SJWs nor alt-cels
Women are superhero's
Funny story...
>she cant even do it while using a cloth
kek. I feel like its cheating the rare time I had to do that on super stuck lids, wahmen amirite
The original female Captain Marvel was a black woman tho. How do you justify Disney taking a black owned role and giving it to the sixth character to have that name, a bland white woman with about as much spice as british cuisine? Not only that but they made the OG black woman a kid in this movie who idolizes said white woman. Just open the plantation again why don't cha?
>What other people think about capeshit is important to me
Jesus christ it would be entertaining to see outrage about this spread. People wouldn't know who to be triggered by. Too bad it won't happen.
Future historians are going to have a hard time trying to understand why a comic book movie like this seemed so important
I hope the future trend is putting your turds into lava lamps. I don't want to be alone anymore.
Easy to do when you're cheating
>Screencap this if you want
>Caps it himself anyway
So much to laugh at in this post, how do you place this much value in some totally obvious ballpark prediction you made?
finally, some good fucking posts..
People who decide their vote over an action movie should have their voting rights taken away from them.
This, they're all the same shit. I don't even give a shit about the MCU, it's not special at all. I've already read Infinity Quest as a kid, why would I watch a butchered version of it? Better yet, why would I watch something that's all high-budget, CGI, shallow hypefest?
I was legitimately more excited about the SwordQuest competition with Atari than I ever have been with any Marvel movie. Bar none.
People instinctively and instinctually know when something important like censorship or forced agenda is peddled into obvious reality and need to speak up. It's almost a knee jerk reaction to a real issue. Similar to forced mandatory vaccinations. There will be a surge in public discourse.
hmm is that so? yes Im sure it'll happen any day now
I'm gonna go off about this movie real quick. I saw it with some friends and granted we didn't like it but literally every one else I know can't get enough of this trash heap.
I'm glad we didn't pay for this movie or it'd be a waste. I wish daylight savings would have given me the time I spent on it back. We talked about it afterwards and we were genuinely hard pressed to figure out what we liked about it.
Brie has the emotional range of crashed space ship, the plot was all over the place and we actually had to stop to figure out what was going on. We get no info about how anything works so no real continuity gets established and we don't know what separates the movie character from the original comic. Had your powers for a handful of minutes but you could probably just punch out a ship. No big deal.
The soundtrack wasn't good which is surprising since GotG did so well. It was like they had a slot machine for songs from the 90's and just grabbed the first handful that came out. I'm just a girl was probably one of the worst picks for the big fight scene they could have picked. The Stan Lee cameo felt forced as fuck too.
I should preface that I'm not against the movie having a message but fuck man have some subtlety about it. Give the audience some credit to kinda pick up on what the movie is about. The movie had the subtlety of a stretch limo hummer made of megaphones.Everything in the movie was super predictable and even Stevie Wonder could see the "We're the baddies." twist coming. I get the movie is set in the 90's but it felt like "Hey remember blockbuster? Remember payphones? Remember the pager?"
Also fuck the CG cat and this being how fury lost his eye.
I wouldn't know. Captain Marvel isn't a strong woman.
You guys were insulted by Disney and Brie Larson for months before released and watch their movie anyway?
There's some range there...
That's a negative on that one. I personally don't watch a lot of trailers because a good chunk of the movie gets given away anymore.
I was on the fence because I had seen Brie in other things and I didn't feel she was the best choice for the movie but I went in with an open mind and middle of the road expectations. I tried to give it as fair of a shake as possible.
Wow, uh, that's great user. Fifty-nine percent is great. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Based have sexer and redpilled
What if...what if they're actually disco trannies?
Cool Story tranny
Don't care about the whole captain capeshit drama but it's pretty obvious they're going to defeat the trolls by any means necessary, even if it means lying and dicking the system.
RT had so little credibility as it was and now we've shifted down a gear
/pol/ doesn't even discuss capeshit
>jeremy is now the quintessential right wing "outrage youtuber"
Just imagine what they'll do for IX.
i really liked the film
it was well made, had its amusing moments and pretty good action
i dont like superman tier heroes because it sort of defeats the purpose of a hero but it was still a good movie
Is that Walt Disney??
>almost 100%
You know there's a mathematically more precise way to describe 90% than "almost 100%". Namely, 90%.
Someone on the chink forum said he give it a 2 star on RT and his review got deleted , he can't gives review to this movie anymore
How was that midterm, bud? Still think picking up two senate seats in one of the most advantageous GOP terrains in decades was worth losing 39 house seats and seven governors' mansions? I honestly hope you remain in denial, because 2020 is going to be glorious
They'll get someone like Warren and Trump will steamroll over her. The presidential election is a reality show and Trump is the master. We could've gotten Bernie but no it was her turn.
Do you understand how easy it is to go into MySQL Database to literally edit peoples votes? I think there's like 10 people who run that website. Created 15 years ago by some doof in LA, California. I mean come on, do you seriously trust them? I have personally edited MySQL polling in the past. You can edit literally everything. You can mass-add 10,000's of comments, fake users from -other- websites, or, just collect the pro-comment data from a different movie at their website. Comment data can even be automatically reworded. Literally everything you can think of can be engineered with extreme ease by anyone that understand how to install a php-based website using MySQL. Heck, the rule is the same regardless if using php/mysql... any server database can be edited by the root admin.
That website is fake as hell and totally political.
One time I added 5,000 users to a website and sold it. They were all fake users with thousands of fake comments and profile data. There are website that literally allow you to generate fake user profiles by the 1,000s for free in .sql, .xml format. I literally imported the file into wordpress and bam! 5,000 members with full profile data. You can scrap comment data off youtube videos and engineer them anyway you like then import the comments into your own website database. These people at rotten tomato are full of crap! The voter percentage was 35% approval at 56,000 total votes. Now, they have edited the number by making it 59% approval with 57,000 total votes. Whoever has root admin access to Rotten Tomato website database edited the number.
Jesus fucking Christ
>laughing evans, now in Brie form!
Biden, Bernie, Harris, and O'Rourke are the top 4 candidates and any one of them would utterly BTFO Trump. Again, I hope you stay in this echo chamber instead of trying to acquire information, because it's better for the entire human race if you retards get blindsided again like in 2018
>in one of the most advantageous GOP terrains in decades
What the fuck are you on about? The sitting President's party has lost seats in every election since FDR and even he only did it once.
>what is pr
the whole mcu cast was shilling the movie you fucking nigger
Not to mention some DC actors as well.
This guy is a sex machine
Apparently Bush also did it in 2002?
>keep deleting negative ratings until it looks like a positive rating
definitely inspiring me to spend money to see this
Except based Scarlet Witch
>Biden, Bernie, Harris, and O'Rourke are the top 4 candidates and any one of them would utterly BTFO Trump
>instead of trying to acquire information
You are the dumbest fucking people inside ANY society. You don't know anything about nothing you dumbass fucking bitch. All you know about is "social tier" gossip-level fuckery that community mommy's kick around back-n-forth between themselves. Any time the core fabric of a society wishes to fucking wreck you it can. All of your dumbass female gossip networks... your buzzfeeds, huffington post, hollywood insider, tmz gutter drivel. Who the fuck do you think you're dealing with? You people are children in comparison. Watching you react for two-years has been the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed. All your dumbass shit will backfire spectacular.
Do you even understand the TRUE heavy hitters responsibly for what went down in 2015-2016 haven't even been involved post-winning? No, you don't understand that because you still don't even understand what the fuck happened in 2015, you clueless dumb fuck.
Holy shit, any time, any place you can be crushed like a bug. All of your stupid fucking 1960s narratives can be easily smashed into the dirt and flipped back on you. You are fucking toast, bitch. From the US and far beyond, you are toast. Western Liberalism is DEAD.
And ScarJo, ironically enough.
Hell hath no fury.
join the CAN CLAN he's promising 3k a month
>Biden isn't running
>Bernie 'no refunds' kek
>4% approval rating Beta ocuck
>Kamala 'let's give 100 trillion to black people as reparations' Harris
The ZOG is behind trump, he will be elected again
Yeah, I hadn't noticed that. Makes sense, everyone was freaked out by 9/11.
LOL at this retard
Creepy Joe, Breadline Bernie, Pick related and a Furry....LMFAO ANOTHER LANDSLIDE
>call all negative reviews trolls and delete them
>buy up all theaters for opening weekend
>buy up huge amount of tickets to own movie
>haha you incels we win again
it's all so tiresome
You guys fucked this up. All you had to do was MATCH the amount of good reviews with negative reviews. By bombing it with thousands it really did look like a troll campaign.
i just vote for whoever has the best memes
Having to cheat by deleting, tsk. Rotten Tomatoes got even more compromised after Disney got triggered by Last Jedi user reviews.
I think Scarjo, Olsen, and Larsen all hate each other. Scarjo and Olsen never have scenes together and they both probably hate Larson because she got her own movie before they did, undeservedly.
Publicist was ordered to tweet that. Disney even have the dead shilling this nothing movie.
>good at produce things
>looks at Captain Marvel.
not really.
based unironic retard poster
watched the movie. nice flick to pass the time. There are a few "men are shit" scenes but it is to be expected these days.
D-D-DA RUSHENS!!!!1112
>disney buys half the tickets themselves
>forces review sites into submission
>media applauds their resounding success
Might as well just rename the country to little China
That alone is enough to stay away.
this movie was fucking garbage.
>and they both probably hate Larson because she got her own movie before they did, undeservedly.
I've heard that at least Olsen hates Larson for that very reason.
Goning to watch this with my gf tonight lads
Whats yang gang. I'm going to vote for trump again if you libtards act like hysterical females again this election. I say that as a libtard.
All Yang memes aside, there is no reasonable way in which giving people free money will not corrupt and rob us of the little dignity we have left.
There are two kinds of people: those who join the Yang Gang because it's funny and to prove a point to Trump who has been a complete failure thus far; and those who join the Yang Gang because actually they're retarded Leftists who actually think UBI is a good thing and the way of the future.
Umm this has been something bothering me for some time, but I got to know. Do people still fandboy dc? Is that still a thing? It's not something I encounter in the wild. The last I saw it was fat girls cosplaying harley, but that ended before 2018.
>Trump is going to crush in 2020
Trump sold out his base and now fully supports replacement migration
t. npc
i hope your ready for another 4 years you fool. screenshot this so you can view it in a year and feel retarded.
I've heard you're a pig fucking kike
thanks to the censorship of bad reviews from rotten tomatoes, nice win
dude he sold out his base to sign an ineffectual border law that fails to end chain migration, fails to secure the southern border and gives a billion dollars to israel. in exchanage the muller probe will drop
Trump is compromised, he lost the game. The swamp beat him and now he's just another RINO/neocon bitch
>start thread on cm and rt
>thread turns into big political argument about next elections
This is why Hollywood is winning and social media is rotting all your brains.
>a bunch of people who haven't seen the film downvoted it = fine
>a bunch of people who actually watched the movie and liked it = FUCKING SHILLS
Have sex
>trump supports legal immigration like all Presidents: "reeee trump is going to replace you merkel style"
>trump wants to kick out illegal aliens or limit immigration from conflict zones: "reee trump is a literal racist nazi who hates all immigration"
Maybe you will understand why nobody's listening to you when he wins in 2020: it's because you have nothing to say. Everybody knows by now that lefties will find a way to complain about and distort everything Trump does. Keep doubling down though - the normies are actually catching on now too. In fact, Trump's election was a refutation of shills and the media. You can't actually impact anybody any more, and you're lying to your employers about your effectiveness. They're gonna kill you for wasting their money, lol.
Repeat after me:
Yea Forums is always wrong.
you're literally spouting buzzwords lol. like i said, i hope you ss'd so you can view it again in a year for when he wins 2020. he has literally reversed the damage that nigger obama did to this country. you might actually be retarded but then again the world is drowned in truth. go hide into your niche where you feel comfortable again. get red pilled then we'll talk. you're a jew kike-nigger.
Rotten Tomatoes still isn't counting my review. Every time I try to rate it, it doesn't keep my rating.
Yea Forums is always wrong
Enjoy your unlimited immigration
The only remaining shred of Obama's legacy is his Obamacare, and Trump can legally stop the subsidy payments and let the thing implode at will. He has to renew them each month.
He'll do it soon.
Firstly, Chris Evans just seems like a cool, nice dude, so this isn't surprising. Also, it's just PR shit. He literally works for the same people as her for the same series of movies.
Lots of sex for me
ive been listening to you insane fucking libtards spout THIS IS TRULY THE FINAL STRAW for over 2 years now
shut the fuck up already christ
>Trump is for 'unlimited immigration'
See you can't help but just lie. It's funny. I wonder why everybody can immediately spot a shill? I wonder why nobody believes shills?
You should be on Reddit shilling Jim Webb if you don't want to see Trump win 2020.
dude even pol has dropped Trump.
the man lost
Yeah, the soundtrack was terribly executed. Everytime you thought there might be a cool scene playing with the song, the song just quiets down and it just ends unceremoniously.
What absolute trash.
How the fuck do people pay to watch this garbage?
>a hundred yang and anti-trump threads a day, bot-posted, means anything
come 2020 you'll find out you're wrong, until then I enjoy your impotent scrabblings, the stink of desperation, and your penchant for throwing every kind of shit you can lay hands on at the wall to see if any will finally stick
the next plan will finally sink drumpf!
>>giving subsidies to corporations
This has nothing to do with capitalism.
make sure to ss, npc.
>Firstly, Chris Evans just seems like a cool, nice dude, so this isn't surprising.
Chris Evans is the most spineless libtard "bluepilled" actor alive at the moment. He is a great actor, I love his movies to death, but I find the guy himself embarrassing
So you're a chatbot. Nice.
Easy target tho... lots of layup material
translation: REEEEEEEE
What's with this whole: "First female lead marvel movie." I see parroted ad nauseam everywhere? Was the electra movie really that bad everyone forgot it existed?
and it still can't break 60%
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids!
>Are you in need of a good old nerve stapling?
I'll never vote Yang, but I'll send him a few bucks just for this post
hey hey hey, we can't give rent and food money to our population, we might need that money to bail out Wall Street when the next 2008 happens
>a bunch of people who haven't seen the film upvoted it = fine
>a bunch of people who actually watched the movie and didn't like it = FUCKING TROLLS
guess what? rent just tripled
Gee, wonder why that is.
>people falling for the left-right paradigm
>people thinking everything is /pol/
>people thinking everything is reddit
>people shitposting pretending to be lefties because it nets them easy (You)s
>people infusing irrelevant burger politics into everything
>people having barely any self awareness for the reality of the situation or having the capacity to think about this deeper than what appears on the surface
what was i thinking, Yea Forums?
Based and UBIpilled
in after dumb monkeys rather bail out wallstreet
New trailer. Mostly recycled bust def some new scenes chopped in and clearly on an iMax screen
/pol/ loses again
he cute !
They literally did, you stupid sperg. Before the purge, the number of 1/10s and 10/10s were almost exactly equal.
different languages
i dont like captain marvel either but this is pathetic
80% tied for 15th in the MCU boy did that drop fast
ah bloo bloo
I love that a seething incel is saying this like it's something to be ashamed of kek
noooooo it was supposed to flop and bomb why are we always wrong REEEEEE