Did Darby deserved this fate?
Did Darby deserved this fate?
Holy shit that's horrifying. What's this from? Also please delete
File name
It's from Rule Obeying Resident.
The movie is called Legislation Complying Taxpayer
Jesus christ. That guy got it rough. Is this movie kino?
Nah, Law Abiding Citizen is a shitty movie. It's funny going into it as a shitty thriller though. It's engaging but stupid.
Sorta. Both sides are morally grey, and it's up to you to decide who is good and bad guy.
Like a Shoot Em Up or Crank kinda deal then?
I expected a serious movie during the beginning, but then it got more and more outlandish. So it's definitely a fun movie to watch though.
The ending is shit however, he should've killed all those people, that would've been great.
A genius character able to pull off spectacular crimes without anyone being able to stop him.
Shoot em Up and Crank are upbeat or at least fun compared to Law Abiding Citizen, it takes itself a little too seriously.
However, any scene where the protagonist (Jamie Foxx) learns another nugget of how absurdly capable and intelligent Gerard Butler's character is really picks up the intrigue.
>I am forgotten
i thought it was great. great as in enjoyable, yeah. I think it's more than just shit
damn i'm hyped. nobody (You)d my law abiding citizen thread a month ago
should've baited your thread with a picture of darby's decapitated head
i posted jamie foxx's black balls from django
I don’t remember this part at all.
That's the guy he promised would die horribly. He guts him and takes off his balls and Dick and then skins him. Finally cutting off his head.
This thread actually has me thinking I shouldn't be so harsh on it. There are parts that annoyed me, but I remember the movie pretty clearly, it definitely stuck with me.
My favourite scene is when Jamie Foxx and the guy from Star Trek TNG break into the storage locker and his partner says "What about the bill of rights?" And me and my friend both turned to each other, unrehearsed and said "FUCK HIS BILL OF RIGHTS!" right on queue with Jamie Foxx
When did they show his head? Was it a deleted scene?
yeah or really the whole intro sequence, jamie foxx running out of the cell as it lights on fire, idk it kinda reminds me of death note in a weird way
Whatever happened to Gerard Butler? He was in so many flicks in the late 2000s. Then he suddenly disappeared
Too many bombs.
regulation enduring inhabitant
It's cheesy as fuck and ultimately not very good. But you root for Butler's character (not sure that was the intention) and it does have some great set pieces in it. One of the bits that really sticks out in my mind is when he gets a T-bone steak and uses it as a shiv.
Answer the following question:
Do you think Jigsaw from the Saw series ever murdered anyone?
If (Y) then this movie is fun trash.
If (N) then this movie is a great incisive take on important social topics and should be taken seriously.
Reminder that by MURDERING Clyde, Nick demonstrates that he proved the madman’s point: Justice must be taken into a man’s own hands. At the end of the day, he would never have been able to take down Clyde with all his years of law experience, he had to resort to playing at the jester’s own game. He has blood in his hands. Think of all the people that Nick lost along the way, their deaths were in vain because their avenger acted in cold blood just like Clyde. based
I don't get why he inflicted so much pain on this guy. A painless execution was enough.
Think so.