Films about creature impregnation, I'll start

Films about creature impregnation, I'll start..

Humanoids from the deep 1980
Evil dead 1981
They bite 1996
Demon seed 1977

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tetsuo: bullet man

Who gets impregnated in Evil Dead? That girl got raped by a tree but there was no pregnancy.

Get Out 2017

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Progeny 1998

oh you

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breeders 1986

Species 2

forbidden world 1982
Titan Find 1985
alien terror 1980
Galaxy of Terror 1981
Alien Contamination 1980

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Night of the demon 1980

>Galaxy of Terror (1981)
This. So much fucking this. One of my greatest shameful faps, to this day.

Remake when.

How has no one said Splice yet?

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The Fly remake


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Rosemary's Baby

All my keks. Post of the night right here

You're not wrong

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The Fly 1986
There is that scene where she gives birth to a maggot

>Humanoids from the Deep
The Wikipedia page makes it seem like it would be worth watching to jerk off. Is that the case?